Solar Cycles
Thu 5:28 pm +01:00, 12 Sep 2024They’re at it Again
by Miles Mathis
First published September 11, 2024
As if there isn’t enough manufactured instability in the world right now, Michael Snyder and
Zerohedge are again using the Solar Cycle to create fear. Don’t believe me? At the end of the article,
we discover Snyder’s new book is called Chaos. That’s a bit on the nose, since he is obviously an agent
of Operation Chaos. His blog is called The Economic Collapse. The title of this article is
The Sun is Doing Something that it is not Supposed to do, and that could Mean Big Trouble in
the Months Ahead.
The usual fear porn, I assure you. I know more about Solar Cycles than anyone that has ever lived,
being the first person in history to successfully predict a Solar Cycle. This Solar Cycle. So I can tell
you Snyder is lying to your face. He says sunspots are exponentially increasing. But that is false. Not
only are they not exponentially increasing, they aren’t increasing at all. Yes, the reported monthly
average for August was slightly above July*, but it wasn’t an exponential increase. And if you look at
daily numbers, you find they have been falling for the past month. Just look at the first graph there at
that mainstream site, studying the red and purple lines, which are both falling since August 8. They are
likely to continue falling for the rest of the year. Yes, they will go back up after that, but there is also
nothing strange about that. We are in between the two peaks of a Solar Maximum, so this is all
completely normal. It happens every eleven years on average. This maximum is indeed higher than
they predicted (though it is hitting my predictions almost exactly so far), but that is also nothing to get
alarmed about. That is because they predicted a weak Solar Cycle like the previous one, but this one
isn’t weak. That is good, because a few years ago they were spreading fear that the Sun was too weak.
We were in a minimum from 2017-2020, and it was a deep minimum, so they used that to create a
panic that the Sun was burning out and all crops would fail. In other articles they are still pushing that
malarkey. They were still pushing that a year ago at NaturalNews, as I have shown. But now that we
are at maximum, they are flipping the fear from too weak to too strong, just as I warned they would. I
warned that when the next cycle rolls around, which will start in about 2032, they use the even stronger
Cycle 26 to ramp up the Global Warming scare even further. But as we are seeing, they couldn’t wait
until then. Why wait when they can do it now?
They try to scare you by telling you sunspot numbers are at a 23-year high, not being this elevated
since March 2001. But remember back to March 2001: did the Earth burn up? Did all the crops fail?
No, that Y2K thing didn’t even materialize did it? There were some Solar storms, there always are at
maximum, but unless you were following reports from NASA, you didn’t even notice. History went on
as usual.
Snyder then says if things don’t level off, we could see a catastrophe on the level of May 2024. Yes,
you remember how horrible that was, right, when that tractor veered left and ran over some cotton
plants! The horror.
Snyder tells you that is why it was so hot this summer. No, it was so hot this summer because it was. . .
summer. Besides, where I live, it wasn’t so hot this summer. California was remarkably cool this
August, with far fewer fires than 2022. And there were far fewer fires in 2023 and 2024 because we
got so much rain both winters. Nothing much to do with Solar activity, since although we were on a
rise in 2022, we weren’t yet at Solar Maximum. In 2022 they were still trying to scare us with a Grand
Solar Minimum. And it wasn’t just California. Several places across the nation set record summer
This is all so Snyder can build up to this:
It is not normal for a crack in the Earth that is 3 kilometers long to appear out of nowhere.
When will people fnally start to wake up?
Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and this should deeply alarm all of us.
Meanwhile, the skies above our heads are becoming increasingly active as well.
For example, a giant space rock that is “approximately the size of two football felds” will come fying by
our planet on September 15th…
They want you deeply alarmed about something all the time. But none of that is true. It IS normal for
cracks to appear in the Earth, occasionally swallowing cows or even people. This happens and it has
always happened. There is no evidence our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. All the evidence
is that our media reportage is what is increasingly unstable, and that it is unstable on purpose, to create
fear, division, dread, and compliance. OPERATION CHAOS.
He ends with this:
Unfortunately, it is just a matter of time before major events start to happen that none of us will be able
to ignore.
So said Chicken Little, right before he asked for a donation so that he could help you weather the
coming storm.
*According to the daily numbers posted on that same mainstream site, the August number should be 201.76, not
the reported 215.5, which means someone doesn’t know how to add or average in Belgium. Since the average
for July was reported as 196.5, that gives us only a 5-point rise, which is hardly “exponential”.