“The Subversion Process” by Former KGB Staff Member In Charge of Psychological Warfare and Propaganda
Tue 5:24 pm +01:00, 13 Aug 2024 1 THE SUBVERSION PROCESS Yuri Bezmenov (KGB Staff) Model What to look for before the 2020 Elections
We have been discussing that this war is one of mind control. Literally, in the sense of self assembly nanotechnology in the COVID19 injections changing humans and uploading them to the cloud to create their digital AI controlled twin. But also in all aspects of reality is mind control going on. We are being told there is no difference between a man and a woman. One would think only an idiot would proclaim that, but it is as the famous Asch conformity mind experiment showed, it is easy to manipulate weak people and make them repeat a blatant lie, because the rest of the group insists that lie is a reality. Many unconscious humans are very weak, and are easily controllable through peer pressure. This is not a function of education, as we have seen many highly educated individuals are incapable of thinking for themselves as the threat of ostracism is overwhelming to their identity.
This is why those people who were able to resist the tremendous pressure of the “safe and effective” COVID bioweapon propaganda have shown such unique strength and resiliency. There most certainly exists extraordinary power in the ability to say “NO”. The point of social engineering is to change perception of group think, the greatest disease of human consciousness to date. People would rather take a COVID bioweapon shot than be ostracized, they believe in “safe and effective” because paid CIA actors on television tell them to. They believe that child mutilation for sex change surgery is equality in the name of tolerance. This mind poison is classical communist methodology to convert a democratic society into a socialist dictatorial slavery. They are just following the textbook, read the manual. Since this is a military war against the civilian population it is important to note that the book “The Art of War” from the military strategist and leader Sun-Tzu who lived in the 5th century BCE is required reading at any Army College. The basis of winning any war is deception. Well, looks like the authors of our dystopian plot read that book too, since we are experiencing an unprecedented scale of deception – to the degree of total satanic inversion of all of society and moral values. Every aspect of the subversion principles have been applied, the ridicule of all moral values, the corruption of justice. The ridiculous abuse of legal power against political figures – consider the world leaders that were assassinated after speaking out against the COVID narrative – all aspects of the strategy can be found in our recent history. We have seen a lot of this too, bad actors, infiltrators and more. Our future generation has been corrupted by the WOKE social engineering program and many of them mentally crippled for life. The national dept has been worsened by every administration in the long term plan to subvert and destroy the United States. We have seen the undermining of police force and the support for vandalism, illegal immigration, homelessness and more. The entire diversity program is meant to attack our nation. Our reality is completely satanically inverted, just as described: We know about the cancel culture, that in many countries is getting worse, since this is a global ideological attack on behalf of the One World Order. Education in the US has been ruined. The only way not to have indoctrinated kids is to home school. Ask AI to show you a picture of the founding fathers and you will be lied to. The judicial system is hopelessly corrupted in the US as we have seen over the last 4 years and more Our country is being systematically destroyed according to a socialist ideological textbook that a Russian defector explained quite to the point. The most important weapon is the MANIPULATION OF PERCEPTION. That is psychological warfare, that can also be enforced via the remote world mind control grid. Every aspect of socal structure can be attacked, since our electrical brain signals are easily manipulated by TV monitors, smart phone, trojan horse mind viruses spread via social media. People have not yet understood that digital viruses can attack a biological system and brain and entrain the brain via programming. It cannot be overstated that the military battlespace of the future that is here is the mind. This is why the CIA and all arms of the military since the 1940’s have focused on subverting the mind of populations. “If both the past and the external world exists only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable – what then?” – George Orwell in 1984 The 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion have been described here: Stage 1: Demoralization
Stage 2: Destabilization
Stage 3: Crisis
Stage 4: Normalization
Brian Gerrish has been describing the Four stages of Ideological Subversion in relation to the late Christopher Story on UKColumn in the past week. Worth listening to Brian….