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Boris Johnson pranked


Prank with Boris Johnson –

He gives away quite a lot of ‘insider’ information.  He believes that NATO is the real enemy of Russia but it’s best for NATO to hide away from the battlefield.

Boris is gung-ho about Ukraine defeating Russia, and clearly has a big appetite to defeat Russia.

His admiration for Henry Kissinger is clear.

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7 Responses to “Boris Johnson pranked”

  1. Belyi says:

    I’d love to listen to this, but unfortunately I don’t know how to translate from rutube.

  2. Tapestry says:

    It’s in English when I clicked it. Maybe someone’s moved in to sabotage? Wow! That didn’t last long!
    This works https://rutube.ru/video/9ca7906fafd9fcf8f39f1f9a69b419b4/

    • Belyi says:

      Thank you so much, Tap. This was wonderful. What an absolute tosser.

  3. Tapestry says:

    Can someone downlaod it and upload to various channels please. This is gold dust.

  4. Chris x says:

    Boris Johnson is a banker puppet, who reads off the script and plays the bumbling buffoon character for the cameras. There was a quote from somebody who said that before he went in front of the cameras, he would ruffle his hair to make it look messy.

    He, along with Blair, have talent for giving a good performance for the media unlike the robot bureaucrat Keir Starmer.

    Politics is pantomime for ugly people.

    • Tapestry says:

      Ugly people who all happen to be related to each other……actors but bloodline connected actors.