Restoring balance
Thu 4:18 pm +01:00, 12 Oct 2023
Linked by Thomas Sheridan today
“But in this process we are still learning. This is not going away so we need to try to find a balance. Saturday was my wake up call for some much needed inner reflection. To make an attempt to focus on art and creativity. Getting out into nature also helps to pull us back into our own reality, blocking out the noise of whatever is the next existential crisis we are to be fed, to capture us, locking us into a state of fear and anxiety. Ultimately robbing us of our own power by getting us to focus externally at the endless injustices created by them, the predator class – instead of looking within for the solutions.
Perhaps the answer to fighting against this wave is not to swim straight in and attempt to wrestle a force much more powerful. The answer may lie somewhere between being active or passive. As the enormous swell comes in, both options may see the wave swallow you whole. The way to survive could lie in fashioning a makeshift surf board to master those forces rather than trying to fight them.
Sometimes in order to remain human in this modern world we may need to avert our eyes and look away”
Full text:
“I attempted three articles this week, on each occasion I hit a brick wall. I couldn’t find the motivation or enthusiasm to finish any of them. There is so much happening in the world around us right now that things can become overwhelming, even muddied and blurred. You can find yourself scrambling around in a sea of information, trying to make sense of it all. Burnout and fatigue are an inevitable eventuality at certain points in time, for those of us who have invested so much energy towards simply fighting to preserve our basic human rights, civil liberties, bodily integrity and autonomy.
Each time that your head emerges to the surface to take a breath, the current pulls you back under and you find yourself in a state of panic, gasping for air, powerless to the ferocity of the riptide. Just when you are coming to terms with one thing, another arrives just in time to pull you back in. Sometimes the sensible thing to do in such a situation, is to surrender to the powerful energy forces pulling you to and fro and just stop fighting. Try to float in the hope that by some miracle the seas become calmer, or better still try to get out of the water altogether, onto dry land.
We have a tendency to project our worst fears out into the world, because let’s be honest there have been times during these past few years where things have gotten pretty terrifying. People who view the world with a certain degree of clarity and who recognise the existence of a pathological, psychopathic element to the system that constructs the reality around us, have been put through the ringer since 2020 in particular (but some of us longer, it just intensified and became more real rather than theoretical). It has been a psychological, emotional and spiritual rollercoaster. A real test of character, grit, courage, determination but above all humanity.
The events in Israel over the weekend really gave me pause, to take stock and evaluate. I attempted one article on the subject but after some deep introspection, I decided not to finish it. I got the sense that this event was hugely significant in the overall picture facing our world. In terms of potential fallout, the implications and possibilities are almost infinite. I personally believe, amid all the painfully predictable, digital flag waving on social media, that behind all of this was a spiritual test. And a test of our humanity.
The children buried beneath the rubble will find no solace in the decision of random strangers in the west changing their profile pictures to the national flag of either persuasion. We are constantly being encouraged to pick a side by these monsters who use violence and war as an energy harvesting tool for the dazed and punch drunk masses. If I was to give my allegiance to anyone, it would be the innocent children who find themselves both literally and metaphorically, trapped beneath the mass concrete smashed to pieces. Their innocent lives destroyed.
The initial attack will most certainly (already has) lead to a brutal retaliation, which we are being encouraged by some to believe is justified, just like the ‘Free Palestine’ crowd are condoning and supporting the savagery on Saturday. All this cheerleading, sabre rattling and side picking will only result in the destruction of countless more little lives, who would be much happier, kicking a ball or making a makeshift swing, than wrapping themselves in the blood soaked flag of their motherland, or have a western stranger declare through a device thousands of miles away that they stand with them. Scant consolation I’d imagine.
Are we as a species, at risk of being pulled into the transhumanist matrix whether we like it or not? Is that what is really happening to us gradually? Dehumanising real, genuine people suffering in far flung parts of the world by using them as props, mere objects to score points in a political debate, are we ourselves becoming less human? Are we becoming desensitised to a point where these people with real lives and stories are only figures on a screen?
Without the technology of the modern age we would never be able to witness these events in foreign lands first hand or in real time, so the speed of reaction would be so much more measured, perhaps resulting in different outcomes, with potentially cooler consequences due to the slower flow of information. Instead the entire planet is chiming in creating an explosion of anger, hate, division and the louder banging of the war drum with each passing minute.
The disconnect became so apparent for me on Saturday that I had to stop myself from being pulled into its toxic vacuum, when I realised that I was once more being played by the monsters who run this world whatever flag or banner they pretend to stand under in order to maim and murder their people.
The state as an entity, whatever flag it drapes around its shoulders, can more often than not, be a callous, indiscriminate murder machine. The human cost of what is to follow in the coming months will be incalculable. Families lives ripped apart, children with would-be full lives in front of them snuffed out and for what? Would a tricolour on the social media profile of an Israeli or Palestinian by of any reassurance to an Irish family torn apart, should such an atrocity of such magnitude ever take place here? Not only is it beyond useless. It’s disrespectful. Those children didn’t die for either flag. They died simply because they had the misfortune of being born into a land disputed over, for almost a century now, whatever the rights or wrongs. They never chose this.
Sunday and Monday, I had to give my mind peace from it all. I didn’t even bother to look at any of the deeply disturbing footage circulating. With the green screen technology available and advances in AI in the current age, can we even trust our eyes any more and trust what we see in any event? The timing of this and the horrifying nature of some of the footage has me convinced the true goal in all this is precisely what the beast is now being fed with. Our reaction. And the resulting division.
The events in the Middle East are something we will have absolutely no control over, but we can make it far worse, by pouring our psychic and emotional energy into it, validating and feeding the demon. The fallout from this provides the psychopaths controlling this world with options. Options to progress agendas like the removal of yet more Muslims from the Middle East into Europe. No doubt the Irish left will demand we take our fair share, should Israeli forces do what everyone expects and turns Gaza into dust. I’d imagine the entire NGO apparatus will take to the streets by weeks end if they haven’t already.
The long term benefits to Israel as a consequence of all this cannot be ignored. The exile of Arabs from the Holy Land permanently, being the most likely outcome. When taking into consideration the intelligence gathering abilities of Mossad and the allegedy impenetrable Iron Dome air defence system, breached on this occasion by paragliders. Along with World Economic Forum operative, Benjamin Netanyahu – a man whose name I have heard all my life he’s been around so long – serving once more as Israeli prime minister, strategically positioned to do the globalists bidding, it’s extremely difficult for me to accept there is not more to the story. Especially too when you take into account that intelligence officials in neighbouring Egypt have accused Israel of not heeding a warning from them just days before the attack. All very suspect.
The fact the media are now programming the general population with the mantra ‘Israel’s 9/11’ doesn’t sound ominous at all, does it? It may too be a subtle hint. Who knows, but often analysis of potential outcomes is a good way to establish motive, particularly when so often with these things, the official story gets pulled apart for plot holes often within days. A time period which is ever decreasing. Something tells me though, that this is the big one.
An inner voice is screaming at me not to engage with the minutiae of this recent narrative – which is probably one of the most significant things to happen thus far in this new geopolitical post-Covid landscape. This is only my gut speaking here. The sight of pictures getting posted around, of dead Palestinian babies has jogged my memory back to the Syrian baby washed up on the Mediterranean beach a few years back. The emotional charge of these images are so reminiscent of then, when our heart strings were tugged to take that previous wave of refugees into Europe. Just like then I get the feeling, we were meant to see this.
They want us pulled into their narrative, glued to our phones, consuming the endless flow of news stories emerging from this, like doom junkies. I’m well aware of the paradox of this statement whilst typing this into my notes on my iPhone to write this article, however that is part of the modern struggle of how to tame that which is designed to enslave us. It’s a work in progress. We need the double edged sword of technology in order to stay in the game and not go the other way and become luddites and sitting ducks. My ‘Road to Damascus’ moment came the other day as I watched aghast at the online feeding frenzy, that seems to be still continuing without signs of it slowing down too soon. Harnessing these tools, learning how to use them to our advantage and becoming techno-rebels, in my view represents our best chance and the key to surviving the ultimate extreme of transhumanism.
But in this process we are still learning. This is not going away so we need to try to find a balance. Saturday was my wake up call for some much needed inner reflection. To make an attempt to focus on art and creativity. Getting out into nature also helps to pull us back into our own reality, blocking out the noise of whatever is the next existential crisis we are to be fed, to capture us, locking us into a state of fear and anxiety. Ultimately robbing us of our own power by getting us to focus externally at the endless injustices created by them, the predator class – instead of looking within for the solutions.
Perhaps the answer to fighting against this wave is not to swim straight in and attempt to wrestle a force much more powerful. The answer may lie somewhere between being active or passive. As the enormous swell comes in, both options may see the wave swallow you whole. The way to survive could lie in fashioning a makeshift surf board to master those forces rather than trying to fight them.
Sometimes in order to remain human in this modern world we may need to avert our eyes and look away.”