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2 Responses to “If these guys got away with it, can Keir too? “Elite Gender Inversion has been hidden in plain sight for decades…..””

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Pass the sickbag! ;-))

    Yes, this is definitely possible, we’ve seen this sort of stuff here before. But I’ve seen nothing in respect of Keir baby. Are you saying that he is, or might be, a tranny Cathy?

    ps Elite sexual inversion would be the correct phrase wouldn’t it? Gender is a purely grammatical term I think, not physical at all. At least it used to be, but it has had it’s meaning changed by the cultural manipulators

  2. Belyi says:

    I have heard that many people we consider to be one sex are in fact another. It is possible, apparently, to change the sex of a foetus in the womb so the baby isn’t even born with its true biological sex.

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