Brain Death Fraud – Organ Donors Beware! Critical Information We All Need to Know! Videos
Tue 9:57 am +01:00, 1 Oct 2024 1
One-time or recurring donations can be made through Ko-Fi: As an organ donor in a hospital setting, your organs are only taken if you actually die … right? Wrong. Organ donors beware! The “brain dead” diagnosis has shaped the way medical professionals think about what it means to be alive, and some argue that it has normalized practices that should be deemed unconscionable — posing a direct threat to you and your loved ones. Take Terrance Howard, for example. After a car accident, he was given this pronunciation. His family, however, disagreed and requested for his transfer… Every donor is killed in the process… Revoking your organ donation status from your drivers license is not enough, you must also complete a document of refusal. |
I remember reading about this several years ago and have heard stories of people waking up when they’re supposedly dead, in the middle of an operation to remove organs.
If you think about it, it doesn’t make sense to take organs from someone who is really dead, because once the heart has stopped beating, they degenerate immediately, but nobody tells you that.