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The Tribe

Interesting stuff from Rogue Male with plenty of source links in the link at the foot


“Could it be that the apocalypse (the unveiling) which is occurring right now will inevitably result in a rise in consciousness of our tribal heritage? Well, let’s put it this way: it’s already started. Indeed, were it not so, then we would be looking at the complete obliteration of all that we hold dear. As far as yours truly is concerned, that will never happen – the tribes are on the rise and there is nothing the ‘overlords’ can do about it.

It’s game on.”

Full text

“What does it mean to find your tribe? It is an expression that is gaining traction across the West as nations rise to declare an end to rampant immigration and to defend their borders, or, indeed, their homes from fraudulent mortgage possession claims.

On the ground (as opposed to the insulated unreality of the political class) and throughout the western nations, people are drawing a line in the sand and refusing to comply with the tyranny that has been so prevalent over the last four years, in particular.

I am of the view that this is inevitable, given the DNA heritage of those people. Equally inevitable is the re-establishment of the ancient tribes to which their ancestors belonged.

In stark contrast to which, we have a political class that is far removed from the reality of this renaissance of native European and American traditions.

The latest incumbents to take on the WEF-scripted pantomime commonly known as Parliament are a collection of traitors and grifters who dwell in the ivory towers of their own cosseted ignorance. An ignorance that is seemingly bottomless: from their failure to grasp just how pissed off native Britons are with the endless migration of illegal ‘boat’ people (a human trafficking op funded by the Soros Foundation, in support of the Kalerghi Plan to breed out of existence the native peoples) , to their complete incomprehension of the financial system and how the very ‘UK Government’, which they foolishly believe they preside within, is a captured operation and, as some may posit, has been since the 19th Century when the oath was changed to allow the Jewish agent, Lord Rothschild to sit on its benches,

“Jews, like other religious minorities, received equal rights over a century ago, beginning with formal Jewish Emancipation in 1858, at which point Lionel de Rothschild was allowed to sit in the House of Commons after the law restricting the oath of office to Christians was changed, the ministry said.”

Source: British Foreign Ministry, 2006 on the question of whether there was a need to revoke the Edict of Expulsion of the Jews, 1290.

Indeed, due to the confessed infiltration of the ‘UK Gov’ by WEF agents, Starmer and Sunak, the general (s)election of 04th July, 2024, is a nullity at law. The inevitable conclusion of which is that the ‘UK Gov’ is a captured operation, run for the benefit of the WEF, a Rothschild-bankster-front and to the detriment of the native peoples of the British isles. Starmer, like his predecessor, is an agent for foreign powers – a traitor, pure and simple.  It can be guaranteed that not one of Starmer’s ‘cabinet’ has any notion of any of this and, were it to come within their purview, it would be instantly filtered out.

Native Lands

‘My bedroom, the house, number 10, Briarlyn Avenue, Birchencliffe, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England, Britain, Europe, the World, the Universe’ was how I used to write my address when I was but a boy. That is the place of my nativity. Thus,  I am a native, meaning, indigenous to these lands, to which, for better or worse, I know myself to be deeply connected. Whilst we have our immortal personalities, we also develop a series of personas that we use as we play hide and seek with the construct and those agencies whose sole purpose is bend reality and distract us from our individual soul’s purpose.

Of course, to declare oneself a native of a particular land is only partly true when we are, in fact, sojourners passing through a perceived reality, a construct for the edification of the soul.

When I state I am native to the millstone grit, to the wide desolate wind swept moorland and to a land where the rains of winter drove horizontally into my bare school-boy legs, it is not to discount the reality of who I am truly. Rather, it is to be held in consort with my soul’s imprint whilst I am in this realm. We are, to considerable extent,  shaped by our childhoods, which includes all those we have met, the architecture around us and the dialects, customs and those traditional philosophical attitudes and influences inherent in the people around us.

All the World’s a Stage

Thus, we are playing roles as we move from one scene to the next. Bending reality is not a one-way street – the overseers go to such extremes to provide us with their scripts as to fund entire propaganda institutions against us (the media, schools – each playing a key role in distracting us from the truth).

This issue of finding one’s tribe is of particular import to those of us whose biological avatars are of the lost Tribes of Israel. Those tribes were destined to forget who they were whilst simultaneously spreading throughout Europe and into North American to found those nations. This is a complex subject which I am scarcely qualified to expound on. However, one man who is abundantly qualified to do is Jason Breshears of Archaix:

“I’m not talking about the Jews. I’m not talking about Judea. I’m talking about ancient Israel was located right there in northern Palestine. These people were all deported in 745 to 721 BC and they disappeared…. They became many, many, many peoples. and the migration routes, who they became is a subject matter for another video. but this is the lost 10 tribes of Israel. and even jewish scholars today have written, and I’ve quoted them in my materials, jewish scholars today have even quoted that the 10 tribes of Israel are here. they are living among us today….

[…] They had been enslaved by the Assyrians. The Ten Lost Tribes were now in the Near East because Assyria feared the Cimmeri, the Cimmerians. Not Sumerians, the Cimmerians. This is the race that you have heard in the fictionalised account of Conan the Barbarian…”

Source: Archaix Channel

Those who doubt this narrative are pointed to the actual name of Wales – Cymru. The lands of Cymru are of ancient antiquity and were settled by those same people,

“These were the Cimmerians. these were c-i-m-m-e-r-a. these were also an Israelite branch people. they were on, they were descended of the Hurrians. and i don’t want to get into all this, on my channel i explain how these families branched out after the blood and how they came back together. and this is what, when the ten tribes were taken from Canaan and Syria and arum and the Lebanon area, they were taken to the northern provinces of Assyria. which is really interesting. it’s almost like god put them right back with their brothers… “ Source: Archaix Channel.

If you are reading this and it resonates within you, then it may well be that you are – or rather, your avatar is – of Cymric heritage and, therefore, you will implicitly understand the ancient Druidic expression,

“The Truth against the World”.

In his seminal work of chronology, which draws together the calendars of the world and a vast weatlh of documented evidence,, Chronicon (I’ve attached the pdf below, courtesy of Archaix), Jason Breshears states,

“1776 – There are two fundamental characteristics about the people who founded the United States: they were Anglo-Saxons, or more properly described, they were Anglo-Celtic. These were a people of Germanic, Celtic and Gaelic (Gaulic) stock, and they were a people unified in their faith.

Europe was peopled by waves of migrations from the Baltic and Mediterranean that are shown clearly in Chronicon 1, to have all come from Samaria, the capitol of ancient Israel in Lower Syria, which was also the origin of Christianity, in Galilee.

In the 7th and 6th centuries BC these Israelite migrants were known to the other nations of the Near East and Aegean by their city of origin, Samaria, for they were universally known as Cimmerians. The culture that founded the United States was a spiritual people, the Bible being found in nearly every cottage and house in the 13 colonies.

Throughout the colonies Benjamin Franklin’s “13 Virtues” were widely popularised and aspired to by the youth of the new nation.

It was the dream of Thomas Jefferson and other founders of the nation to establish an Anglo-Saxon Renaissance. It was these men who discovered that the long history of Anglo-Saxon common law was remarkably similar to those of the ancient Israelites. The original seal of the US was to depict on one side the Israelites following God’s pillar of fire out of Egypt and on the obverse were to be depicted the Anglo-Saxon leaders Hengist and Horsa. These men were Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. The American Revolution was in all respects also a Christian revolution.”

The timing of the start of the United States links it with ancient Israel’s start of migration. Israel was predicted to depart from the land and travel across the earth. In the Old Testament we find that Israel would be “A nation and a company of nations (Gen. 35:11), that Abraham’s seed shall be numerous as the sands of the sea and shall “spread across to the west, and to the east, to the north, and to the south…” (Gen. 28:14-15)

Could it be that the apocalypse (the unveiling) which is occurring right now will inevitably result in a rise in consciousness of our tribal heritage? Well, let’s put it this way: it’s already started. Indeed, were it not so, then we would be looking at the complete obliteration of all that we hold dear. As far as yours truly is concerned, that will never happen – the tribes are on the rise and there is nothing the ‘overlords’ can do about it.

It’s game on.”


Source: https://roguemale.org/2024/07/14/the-tribe/

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4 Responses to “The Tribe”

  1. newensign says:

    A good find an excellent article Pete, as one great man said, “92% of winning a battle is knowing who the real enemy is and who you are!! Although slow we are starting to see resistance!

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Thanks newensign, this guy is genuine from what I’ve seen over the years. He links to some good info at the link too

      • newensign says:

        I will put it in the NE and source it to Tap, shall I put your name as well? I have been busy with the NE and out on some day trips, so haven’t been very active here, hence the delay.

        • pete fairhurst 2 says:

          Up to you newensign, as you see fit. I was only the conduit for Michael O’Deira, I think that’s his name anyway

          Real world is always best isn’t it! Raining here again today, so yet more indoors stuff for me

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