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Never Forget. Never Again.

The ‘Hands. Face. Space’ public information campaign urges the public to continue to wash their hands, cover their face and make space to control infection rates and avoid a second peak.






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4 Responses to “Never Forget. Never Again.”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Never forget, never forgive

    That video by the lady who lost her daughter is so sad. It should be a lesson to everybody

    Some of us saw through all this from the very start. We ignored the government totally and carried on. We did not consent. We did not comply

    We took refuge in Natural Law which trumps Statute Law every time. Their rules and regulations did not even have the backing of Statute Law mostly. They were a pure bluff. Nobody HAD to comply, it was a personal CHOICE. Sadly most chose unwisely

    At one time far more people knew that governments ALWAYS lie to you. That they are NEVER to be trusted

    What happened to make so many forget that

    Govern – ment
    Control minds

    • NPP says:

      Indeed, all we had to do was choose NOT to comply. I remain perplexed that my community largely did ‘just follow orders’.

      The lady’s tragic testimony says it all. The BBC she is calling into are also complicit.

      We must vote fresh faces in.
      Who? TAP platforms TED.
      There is Reclaim and Heritage. Any others?
      Sadly, we may have to stomach Labour and Starmer to inflict even worse governance until more of the public stop voting for the same old same old.

      That lady’s testimony should be shared & shared & shared.

  2. ian says:

    The lady’s story is awful. I met an old friend yesterday, and her mother died in a nursing home without them being able to see her. The same lady’s husband died of a heart attack two days after his third stab. All while these vermin were filling their pockets and partying. As Pete says, Never forget, never forgive.

  3. Belyi says:

    I agree with everything that has been said. Of course I don’t believe for a minute that these Boris parties were not mirrors of what the entitled were also doing.

    Whoever had been in government would have done the same. Even Neil Ferguson, who conveniently set off the hare with his scare tactics, found time for a leg over with his girlfriend.

    This lady’s story is shocking, although probably not the only one of its kind and I hope it’s heard by millions of people.

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