How Europe is visualised by Russia as Russians are banned from visiting the EU, and EU citizens are forbidden to wash this winter
Sat 8:51 pm +01:00, 20 Aug 2022 1Some EU countries, including the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Poland and the Netherlands, have limited the issuance of Schengen visas to Russian citizens. The idea of banning all Russian citizens from entering EU countries is a manifestation of Nazi policy, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said. At the same time, he noted that the fundamental principles of the world order, legal and political assessments of the Nuremberg Tribunal are increasingly being ignored and reviewed by individual countries, particularly the Baltic states.
Sonja Van Den Ende
Ministers in Germany advise not to wash yourself so much anymore, no more lights outside and just one shower a week. So Germany but also the Netherlands are going to be back in the middle ages, all for the green new deal of course, the great reset and a new sort of totalitarian technocratic state. The dangerous Idiot Yval Hariri said that 4 billion people are not used (=required) anymore in the future. This is beyond sick. When do people in the West rise up against their criminal governments?
Sonja Van Den Ende
Alex Christoforou sees that Germany especially still has time to undo the damage in its relations with Russia. Gazprom can carry on finding technical malfunctions in the gas pipelines, he is quite certain. Ukraine is laughing at Germans calling them ‘drug addicts’.
“Yval Hariri said that 4 billion people are not used (=required) anymore.” Then in my book he should be the first to be sacked (fired).