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RAF moves jets to Yorkshire.

TAP – the notion that Russia might target RAF Menwith Hills in Yorkshire, the eaves-dropping centre that spies on the world, or RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire that is responsible for target acquisition for missile and bombing strikes, would not not be a total surprise.  Britain’s e-Merlin system of seven giant radars that claim to be radio telescopes observing space would much more likely to be a linked missile defence array.  These are located around the south of Manchester, the most famous being Jodrell Bank, one near mid-Wales and one near Cambridge, and one near Gloucester.  If Russia targets the radars that defend Britain, and radio-intercept centres, Yorkshire would probably be a better place to hit missiles as they slow down below Mach 1 as they approach their targets.  The Russian Khinsal missile flies at up to Mach 7 and would be hard to intercept at that speed.  Fylingdales (pictured) is another potential target in that area.  Typhoons could only shoot down incoming missiles if the missiles were detected early and their targets correctly guessed, so they could be shot down in the closing seconds of their flights.Some will inevitably get through, especially if fired from submarines adjacent to the British coast giving little time for planes to be scrambled.  RAF Welford blew up on April 14th – the munitions centre for the RAF and USAF in the UK.  In the media they called it a fireworks business blowing up…It is possible another missile was shot down in Shropshire/Powys area on April 14th – locals saw the sky light up, heard an explosion and a sonic boom.  The next day the local press/media was talking of a  meteor strike…..The target might have been the mid-Wales radio telescope near Oswestry, or possibly a munitions depot in Telford.The Typhoon can fly up to Mach 2.ARTICLERAF orders Typhoon fighter jets to Yorkshire to ‘rapidly defend UK airspace’ from threats

THE RAF has moved two fighter jets to Yorkshire as part of a new exercise designed to make assets “ready to defend airspace” at a moment’s notice.

With tension building over the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the application of Finland and Sweden joining NATO, fears are mounting that the conflict could spill over into mainland Europe. Normally based in RAF Lossiemouth, two Typhoon jets have now been moved to RAF Leeming in North Yorkshire.

Writing of the move, the RAF’s website hinted the move was to be more prepared on a national scale.

It said the aim was to “ensure the fighter jets are always ready to respond at a moment’s notice”.

The exercise saw the squadron given a short notice order to “relocate and be prepared to rapidly commence operations” from RAF Leeming.

The move is thought to be on a temporary basis.


RAF Typhoon

The RAF has moved two Typhoon’s to Yorkshire (Image: RAF)


The aircraft are based at RAF Leeming (Image: RAF)

Group Captain Prendergast, Station Commander at RAF Leeming, said: “The Royal Air Force stands ready to defend UK airspace at a moment’s notice – it’s what we do.

“Working closely with our Lossiemouth counterparts, I was incredibly impressed by the professionalism and efficiency with which our personnel ensured that RAF Leeming was ready to accommodate this vital capability rapidly and successfully.”

The move was backed up by another senior officer.

Wing Commander McAuley, Officer Commanding Operations Wing, added: “RAF Lossiemouth personnel from a range of professions, in partnership with RAF Leeming, have worked tirelessly to ensure the QRA capability continues to maintain the security of the UK Airspace.

“This temporary relocation of Quick Reaction Alert to RAF Leeming showcases the RAF’s agility in delivering our capabilities.

“Being able to respond quickly and professionally in an exercise or operational scenario is at the centre of what we do as a force.”

KC135 sends 7700 ‘squawk code’ before heading back to RAF Mildenhall



The Typhoon is a 4th Generation multi-role aircraft (Image: RAF)

Typhoon RAF

The Typhoon is loaded with a powerful array of weapons (Image: RAF)

According to the RAF, the Typhoon is a fourth-generation multi-role aircraft able to take on a range of tasks.

Initially deployed in the air-to-air role as the F.Mk2, the aircraft now has a potent, precision role capability as the FGR4.

The pilot is able to perform many functions through the aircraft’s hands-on throttle and stick known as HOTAS, which combined with an advanced cockpit and the Helmet Equipment Assembly, (HEA) renders the Typhoon equipped for all forms of aerial operations.

The Typhoon is loaded with a powerful array of weapons.

In an air-to-air role, it carries infrared-guided Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missiles (ASRAAM) and ramjet-powered, radar-guided, beyond visual range Meteor and medium-range missiles.

After the burning of the Moscva, Russia issued an ultimatum warning of ‘unintended consequences’ to Britain’s arming Ukraine and fighting inside Ukraine on April 13th.  The ultimatum was rejected by Britain’s Defence Ministry.  The meteor strikes and the fireworks explosions started the next day.  Since then Russian missiles have not attacked Britain’s military infrastructure, but unexplained fires were reported in Manchester and Redditch where a series of explosions were heard (reports covered by Tap News – https://tapnewswire.com/2022/05/putin-pops-another-one-over/), maybe  munitions stored on civilian sites before being trucked to Ukraine.  These were maybe hit by missiles.
If Russia were to fire a number of missiles, it would seem unlikely the Tornadoes could do much about it.
NATO might have been responsible for starting many fires across Russia in the week after Welford blew up.  This could have been a space direct energy weapon.  Fires are raging in forestry across Russia.
Russia may have deployed a flight/radar jamming operation over Britain and elsewhere as part of the countermeasures against NATO.
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