Logic or Fear? Which one controls you?


So where’s the logic in this?

Your kid has a cough, maybe a fever.

What do you do?

Go and get tested, of course.

So it’s positive – as in 93% of PCR tests.

Now what?

Go home and isolate for fourteen days (depending on your school’s protocol).

What next?

Two days later, the kid’s better.

Now he’s stuck at home for twelve more days and so are you.

So are all his classmates.

Well done, you dumb ass.

Why not do the normal thing?

Why not think of the likely consequences of your actions?

Keep your kid at home if he’s sick.

Wait til he’s better.

Then get back to school.

No kid goes to school sick.

If they get funny in the middle of the day, the school always calls to have them picked up.

What on earth is the point of the test?

Can anyone explain the logic of this?

Or is it simply that people are dumb?

(Fear freezes the brain making the logical part of the brain inaccessible which is how propaganda works.  To release the fear once you’re in it, you need to get angry or laugh at the source.  Get angry at me if it helps.)

I hope the self inflicted testers enjoy their confinement.

The schools have no choice but the parents do.

The test is your choice.  You are the ones damaging your own kids’ happiness, and probably health.

Stay free.  Stay alive.  Stay intelligent.

And remember – DGTT.  Don’t Get The Test.

Logic must overcome propaganda induced fear.

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