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Who was Sgt Pepper of Beatles fame?


Post WW2 Head of MI6 in the US, that’s who

The album cover outed a load of British spooks, but nobody realised at the time

See page 30 here: https://mileswmathis.com/lennon.pdf

His links haven’t copied across so you will need to go to the original to see them

Since we are talking about the Home Office, you may also wish to revisit the cover of Sgt. Peppers
again. You may start by asking why Robert Peel’s picture is included. He is the key to unlocking the
entire cover. Peel was British Home Secretary from 1822 to 1830. The Home Secretary is of course in
charge of the Home Office. Although the Home Office was formed in 1782, it wasn’t until the arrival
of Peel in the 1820’s that the police services (and especially the secret police) were brought into it.
This was Peel’s specialty. He is sort of the father of the British Secret Service. He didn’t invent it, he
just coordinated it and expanded it. Just above Peel on the cover of Sgt. Pepper’s, you find Aleister
Crowley, who was recruited by the Home Office from Cambridge in the 1890’s. Just as the Beatles
promoted yogis and Cheiro, they also promoted Aleister Crowley. Why would they do that? The
common interpretation is that the Beatles found him fascinating as a tarot-reading mystic, in the same
vein as their yogis. Or that they dabbled in Satanism like many other 60’s bands, mainly for the
purpose of looking cool or avant garde. But that isn’t the right answer. The right answer is just below.
Also above Peel on the cover is Sri Yukteswar Giri, whose ideas were imported from India into the US
with others like Vivekananda and Krishnamurti in the 1890’s and afterwards. I have shown in a recent
paper that this importation of mixed Eastern ideas at that time was a longterm operation by Western
Secret Services, initiated in the 1870’s by the Theosophical Society. After reading that paper, you can
uncloak Sri Mahavatar Babaji, Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, Sri Lahiri Mahasaya, Terry Southern, and
William Burroughs; and from reading subsequent papers in that series, you can unveil Wallace
Berman, Larry Bell, Richard Lindner, H. C. Westermann, and Karlheinz Stockhausen. In this way,
you will finally understand the link between all the people pictured on that cover. You will also be
able to pull in Peter Blake and Robert Fraser, who designed and directed the cover of Sgt. Peppers,
respectively. The album cover is linking them all to various secret services, in the US, England,
and English controlled India.

For more indication of that, all we have to do is look at the name of the album: Sgt. Pepper’s. Who is
Sgt. Pepper? Well, just listen to the first line of the lyrics of the first song: It was twenty years ago
today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. The album came out in 1967, so twenty years ago it was
1947. First year of the CIA, which leads us in. Of course, the Beatles weren’t American, they were
British, so we should look at what the British Secret Service was up to in 1947. The research isn’t
difficult, which makes it all the more surprising no one has done it. Google on “Pepper MI6” and you
find a Major John Pepper who was head of BSC in 1947. What is BSC? According to Wikipedia and
Google Books, BSC is “the SIS cover organization in the United States.”² SIS is just another name for
MI6, the British equivalent of CIA. Pepper succeeded William Stephenson as chair of BSC. The BSC
is the British Security Coordination, which even Wikipedia now admits was a covert organization set
up in New York City in 1940 upon the authorization of Winston Churchill “to mobilize pro-British
opinion in the US.” This “massive propaganda campaign” was mobilized from Rockefeller Center. It
was supported by the OSS, the precursor of the CIA. The front for the BSC was the British Passport
Control Office. Notable employees of BSC include Roald Dahl—who wrote Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory (Willie Wonka), Ian Fleming (James Bond), the screenwriter Eric Maschwitz (later BBC and ITV head and creator of Doctor Who), Dorothy Maclean (Findhorn Foundation), and David Ogilvy (the father of advertising). As you can see from this list, the propaganda campaign extended into the arts, including literature and—as we now see—popular music. The Beatles themselves are telling you that the BSC “taught the band to play.” Which means EMI and George Martin were involved. Although I found no confirmation of it online, we must assume Martin was another employee of BSC, “mobilizing pro-British opinion in the US.” What other group mobilized pro-British opinion in the US more than the Beatles?

What most people forget is that the Beatles were in the toilet in 1966. Their US tour had been a flop,
playing to half-empty venues. The masters of propaganda behind them had made a big mistake with
the “we’re more popular than Jesus now” quote. That line had been no accident. Lennon didn’t just
say it as a joke, off-the-cuff. It was an important part of the storyline, since part of the propaganda was
the destruction of Christianity. Intelligence had been trying to destroy Christianity since at least 1875,
when Theosophy was created to help do just that. But they played their hand too far and encountered
serious backlash in the US in 1966. Rather than quit, Intelligence decided to re-invent the Beatles,
creating a brand new PR push and a total repackaging. To counter Christianity, they used the slightly
more subtle approach of pushing Buddhism—as with Theosophy. The Beatles suddenly became
Buddhists and Eastern mystics and all that. At the same time, Intelligence imported the manufactured
drug culture into the Beatles’ regimen, including pushing LSD and other drugs. The Beatles denied that
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was written to push LSD, but that denial falls flat. Do you really think
it is just an accident the song title includes the initials LSD? No. Many of the 60’s bands were turned
into drug pushers on purpose. These drugs were one of the top weapons of Intelligence against the
hippies and the anti-war movement.

I’m not saying these bands, including the Beatles, weren’t talented. Lyndon Larouche has dismissed
those bands as posers. They weren’t. Many great songs were written, though it is often hard to say
who wrote them. A large number of people either in the bands or behind them were very talented at
creating catchy tunes, preparing instrumentals, and producing a nice finished product. And even if the
people in the bands weren’t writing the songs, some of them could play their instruments quite well and
many were accomplished singers and performers. If you wish to critique pop music, you have to do so
rationally. No one who has grown up on the music can deny its beauty and power. That said, we
cannot refuse to follow evidence when we find it, and there is plenty of evidence popular music has
been controlled from the beginning.

This Intelligence reading of Sgt. Pepper’s also explains Brian Wilson’s reaction to the release of the
album in 1967. As we are told, Wilson went into a funk. Why? Because British Intelligence had just
beaten American Intelligence at the propaganda game. Pet Sounds was the US entry in the competition
for greatest album manufactured by Intelligence, and it was pretty successful. But compared to Sgt.
Pepper’s, it was seen as a dud. Wilson realized he couldn’t compete with the combined forces of
George Martin, the BSC, and MI6. Sgt. Pepper’s had a whole team of invisible songwriters, musicians,
photographers, set designers, and promoters, and at the time the US team simply couldn’t match them.
Yes, both the Beatles and The Beach Boys were on the EMI label, but the US EMI team simply
couldn’t match the British EMI team.

Although John Pepper was head of the entire British spy organization in the US from the late 1940’s,
his presence has been pretty well scrubbed from the literature. While the first head of BSC, William
Stephenson, has a long page at Wikipedia, Pepper has nothing. They can now admit Stephenson was a master spy, the inspiration for James Bond, but Pepper is still in the shadows. Why? Because his name was used by the Beatles for an album. They foolishly used his real name and told you to look twenty years before. The album actually lacks any subtlety, and as you have seen, they give you a list of agents on the cover, providing you with their pictures in case you don’t know their names. Sgt.
Pepper’s blows the cover of almost 100 agents, so its success as propaganda relies on the assumption of an incredible ignorance and laziness by the audience—which assumption turned out to be true. An intelligent audience would have taken the hint and marked all these people as “compromised”, never believing them again; but the audience did just the opposite. Without exception, everyone who appeared on the cover of Sgt. Pepper’s added greatly to his or her fame, and the album was voted the
greatest album of all time by Rolling Stone in 2003. Which means we can add Rolling Stone to the
“compromised” list. It is yet another creation of Intelligence.

See page 30 here: https://mileswmathis.com/lennon.pdf

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