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In their Elderhood, Boomers are the “Prophets” of society. Older and wiser and braver than the rest of you

“Editors Note: The following prescient essay on “The Fourth Turning” was published 14 years ago and much has transpired which has borne out that “the final turning of the screw” is now taking place.  Therefore, it behooves everyone, young and old, rich and poor, smart and foolish to take heed of what is upon US.  That “US” is these once United States of America.

There’s an old adage: “Whenever America catches a cold, the rest of the world comes down with pneumonia.”  Which means that when The Fourth Turning hits the USA hard, as it will with the climax of the 2024 election cycle, the entire planetary civilization will also get busted upside the head with a four-by-four.  And why shouldn’t it in light of the utter depravity to which Western civilization has sunk. See: Shocking French Depravity On Full Decadent Display During Degenerate Olympics

What’s the critical point?


If you don’t know about, and believe in, and understand “The Fourth Turning” by now, you had better, because otherwise you will soon feel like you have been hit like a ton of bricks before you have been run over by a freight train.  And, for many folks, even that is a gross understatement. See: HUGE Changes Coming To Planet Earth

Perhaps the single greatest driver of the rapidly accelerating downward spiral, which the wealthiest and most powerful nations on Earth are now experiencing, is the inexorable push toward technological singularity.  More specifically, it’s the Transhumanism Agenda and the quest for Autonomous Superintelligence that is driving the entire world into the abyss.  For the attainment of human immortality is nothing but a satanic desire to usurp the divine. See: AUTONOMOUS SUPER-INTELLIGENCE & TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY: The Real Driver Of The Free-Fall Civilizational Collapse

What’s really crucial to correctly comprehend during the upcoming tumultuous, turbulent and tempestuous times is that there is ONLY one way to navigate them successfully.  For only living life, going forward, on a firm spiritual foundation will get US through this eye of the needle.  That’s for real!!!

Those who are completely broke, busted and disgusted need to know that a strong connection with the divine is the ONLY solution.  For when The Great Leveler cometh, those who are disconnected from the Supreme Being will have nothing to support them, and nothing to hang on to.  Hence, the acquisition of right knowledge can be very helpful toward that end.  And knowing one’s place during this most defining moment in human history can be very empowering and edifying. See: THE NEW ATLANTIS: Master Plan Of The Ages

So, no matter how old you are or what your station in life currently is, get a grip at least on the mundane forces that are gathering around all of US as well explained below.  For the more prepared each of US is, the more we can mutually support each other and see this thing through to a positive outcome.  After all, this is the time we have all been waiting for … … … and why each of US was born during this “GREATEST SHOW EVER ON EARTH”.

One last pivotal point, and it’s as urgent as it gets. You will soon read about the central role that the Baby Boomers play in this final battle in this last war between the forces of light and the powers of darkness.  In their current stage of Elderhood, the Boomers are the “Prophets” of society.  They are older and wiser and braver than the rest of you.  Therefore, it behooves all the younger generations to listen carefully to them and not mock them as they have for decades.  After all, it was the Baby Boom Generation, working very closely with the Beat Generation, who shut down the Vietnam War—the first war ever terminated by a popular movement in world history.”

Above is just the intro

Full very long text here: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2024/07/30/the-fourth-turning-what-every-boomer-patriot-prophet-needs-to-understand-post-haste/#more-344482

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