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Can’t the deep state afford a sniper?

I guess we are supposed to believe the
Deep State can’t afford to hire a real sniper. They can buy off the entire Secret Service, DHS, FBI, and
CIA, but they can’t hire one professional sniper? Would someone please ask Alex Jones and Mike
Adams to explain that?

Jones is now claiming that high level Pentagon sources have confirmed there was a Deep State attempt
to assassinate Trump. Really, and you believe that? They are going to lie to Congress but call up Alex
Jones and admit it? OF COURSE the Pentagon is going to play their part in this vaudeville, since they
are complicit in all this staging. They want you to believe Trump was nearly assassinated, because that
is the script right now. It isn’t Trump’s script, since he is just an actor. THIS IS THE DEEP STATE
SCRIPT. Get that through you head. The script currently is to build support for Trump and tank the
Democratic Party.

I have been telling you for years they are doing that to move the country right, but
they may have other things up their sleeves as well. I have admitted I can’t get into the diseased heads
of these people, so I don’t claim to be able to predict the future or know what they are up to fully. In
my opinion, they seem to have some sort of death wish, since I don’t see how this is good for anyone,
even them. I guess they have some computer model that is telling them the Phoenix rises out of this
stronger than ever, but in my own model—which has turned out to be smarter than all their computers
combined—this turns out worst for them. Destroying all trust in government cannot benefit the
governors, can it?

They had a pretty good model back in the 1950s, which was to sing everyone to sleep with picket-fence
fairy tales of the Mayberry variety, but the success of that was too boring for them. They needed more
excitement. They needed more of a test of their abilities. Plus, the Intel agencies running these
projects were headed and staffed by children of the Families, and these Families had fallen into the
Wasteland sometime before WWI. They had looked into the abyss and been seduced by the dark side.

Actually, the Phoenicians had been deep down that well from the beginning, but the depth had
fluctuated over the centuries and millennia. Someone had the crazy idea during the Enlightenment they
might all be happier if they shared the wealth a bit and made some friends, but that all went out the
window after WWII, when some of the ickiest lines of these Families rose back up. By about 1960
they had taken over the Intel apparatus in the US and were busy installing Project Chaos, by which they
hoped to create ultimate order out of a staged chaos. They had been seduced by their own Hitler
fiction, that is, and were curious how far that fiction could be turned into reality. The jackboot turned
out to be very appealing to these people, who were nostalgic for the times of their Roman and Egyptian
ancestors. The late 19th century had rubbed them the wrong way, with its progress and rising middle
classes. Letting up on the reins and whip had been very distasteful to them, because without all their
ancient trappings of faked nobility, they began to see through their own myths. They saw who they
really were and always had been, and it wasn’t pretty. That, and not the first World War, was the
impetus for the Wasteland.

The same thing happened again in the 1950s, as the middle class burgeoned, threatening the hegemony
of these self-styled nobles. They had never been real nobles, just billionaire merchants and bankers
pretending to be, but the pretense had held for a while, at least in their own minds. Living in places
like Versailles, they could pretend the taste and artistic ability exhibited was their own. But that came
crashing down in the 1870s and again in the 1950s, as they saw through their own veils. The fake war
in the 1940s had been so vile as extended vaudeville, they choked on it themselves, throwing the
Wasteland of the 1910s into an even higher gear in the 1960s. As they collapsed once again into selfloathing, they swore they would take the whole culture down with them, and they have.
So that is where we now find ourselves. The world is run by these loathsome old families who hate
themselves more than you hate them. You don’t know enough to hate them properly, but in that at least
they are way ahead of you. In these final stages of corruption, they are torn between self-hatred and
hatred of you—for not bowing down before them regardless. So in these crazy events, we see them
acting out and acting in about equally, in an orgy of destruction.

How will it turn out? As I keep
saying, that is up to you. You are taking the same tests they are. Your courage, honesty, and all other
virtues are up for assessment at all times, so remember that. The events of history, real or imagined,
don’t really matter. What matters is what you do in response. Life is just a construction, but your acts
will follow you beyond the grave. To say it another way, at birth your memory of former lives is
wiped, but your actions are not wiped. They determine your next life, and the tests you will find there.

crooks.pdf (mileswmathis.com)

TAP.  Trump’s been selected to lead WW3, which will destroy America.

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One Response to “Can’t the deep state afford a sniper?”

  1. ian says:

    Great post Henry, I agree.

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