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19 Responses to “Manchester Airport boot in the face.”

  1. ian says:

    It appeared to me to be unjustified, as often is the case with police. The guys may have been naughty, but that’s up to the courts to deal with, not some jumped up cop while the the guy is laying down.

      • ian says:

        Yes I saw it Pete. He didn’t have his gun when he kicked him and the =guy was lying face down. I stand by what I said.

    • Steve Kettle says:

      “Naughty”???? Ian, ffs. Violently punching an armed officer and assaulting the 2 female officers, breaking ones nose isn’t classed as being naughty. the male copper appeared not to know the guy had been tasered and might have overreacted in the heat of the moment, if you’ve ever been in a serious punchup Ian, no matter how much your trained sometimes the emotions take over.
      I’m certainly no lover of the police but tbh I think both of them can be thankful they weren’t shot, they would have been in many countries especially Pakistan I think if they’d attack armed police like that at an airport.
      I’d like to know what prompted the police to approach them in the first place, there must have been some trigger to it.

      • ian says:

        Ok Steve, That’s your opinion. Yes they’re armed. Cop’s in Britain generally aren’t because the population isn’t. The Airport police are armed, in case of hijack events or similar. Even US police don’t tend, or are least aren’t supposed to shoot unless the suspect is armed. Re the female officers, Have they got broken noses Steve, or was it on the TV news. TBH some of them have watched too much woke TV shit. A woman will generally come second fighting men. The retard perps were tasered and lying down, kneeling on them and cuffing them was the correct action. Appeared not to know FFS Stevie, why are you so pro FKN copper. I stand by my opinion, and you pal have gone down in the same.

        • ian says:

          I’d also suggest, that this type of police behaviour will be the way they’re going. We’re all fair game for a booting, regardless of age or sex, as seen in Aus’ and elsewhere during the last 4 years.

          • pete fairhurst 2 says:

            That entirely depends on where you live Ian. I find it hard to imagine around here because the police have nothing much to do. We are a law abiding, 95+% British, community, we hardly ever see police here, no need for them

            • ian says:

              We never see them here either Pete, even if they’re needed, unless you happen to be speeding, that is. I was perhaps generalising too much, but was thinking of the riots in France, the Covid protests in Aus’ and Germany. Perhaps it’s deliberately done to deter those watching on TV. I don’t however share your optimism Pete as you know. I feel a 5G powered Chicken flu a brewing. There was a “lot” of activity carried out enabling 5G locally. I see a smirking smarmy Bill Gates saying that you’ll notice the next one. Now I could kick him.

              • pete fairhurst 2 says:

                France and Germany are notorious for tough cops aren’t they? Particularly France where they are far far tougher than here. Doesn’t seem to make any difference there though does it, the French still kick off at the drop of a hat

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        I agree in principle Steve, anyone who kicks off in a modern airport deserves all that they get for being so stupid

        Although I haven’t watched the footage and don’t intend to either

        I find it hard to believe that the scuffers wanted to provoke a reaction, what would be the point?

        • Steve Kettle says:

          You should watch it Pete, if only so you can make an informed judgement. It’s not that bad really, I’ve seen a lot worse on a Sat night in Nottm back in the day.
          My point is, it wouldn’t have gotten to that situation if not for the 2 muslims actions prior, and l still think they were lucky not to have been shot.
          As for Ian’s laughable comment about me sticking up for the “coppers’, you couldn’t get anybody more anti police than me, and l challenge their “authority” at every opportunity, especially on attempted evictions. Most are morons but there are still some decent ones who we need to get on our side. I like to think I’m fair and on this occasion l thought the guy had been unfairly judged based on a small segment of what happened, I also think there’s more to come out of what went off previous.

          • ian says:

            Different subject guys. What’s the crack with Tommy Robinson, is he ok or controlled. There’s a vid on TLB, if he’s worth listening to. opinions please?

            • Steve Kettle says:

              I would go controlled op Ian. Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon I think, not a name to inspire….) says the right things but doesn’t really offer any real solutions, very pro Israell and the IDF, even wears the teeshirt, I’m pretty sure he’s funded by Zionists and see him as a safety valve for all the patriots to expend their energy on his marches, rally’s etc.Has anyone asked him who’s funding/enabling all the immigrants that are coming in. I’d like to se his answer.

              • pete fairhurst 2 says:

                Sounds correct to me Steve. He’s a state asset, I’ve not much doubt about that

          • pete fairhurst 2 says:

            We definitely need some on our side Steve and we will get some too I think. I’ve had a lifelong acquaintance with coppers in my wider family. And I know some current ones too, through my son.

            All decent lads from good families that he grew up with, that I know very well. These lads virtually lived in my house when they were all teenagers. We had a reputation for a relaxed attitude and were consequently a home that they all wanted to spent a fair bit of time in 🙂

            All of them, wider family and locals, were/are decent guys with a good, if hard nosed, attitude. Who I expect will do the right thing if push comes to shove. Certainly the old timers did, great characters, and fun to be with socially. Most of them liked a good tipple

            We sometimes need police surely, police who don’t do unnecessary harm, and know their proper role

            • ian says:

              Don’t get me wrong Pete, it was the cop in the video who annoyed me. I know coppers too, and they are ok. Yes you get arsehole cops, but I agree there are many decent ones.

  2. ian says:

    Thanks both, I was unsure, though suspicious. I actually posted the video without seeing it first as it was over an hour long, and the start seemed promising. I decided to remove it however as it contained incitement to racial hatred. Given Scotlands stupid laws, it wasn’t worth the risk. Let me rephrase that. It contained material which could have caused offence on racial grounds, and given that under the new laws, your intention is irrelevant, it is how it is perceived by the offended party which constitutes the crime.

    Bear in mind Scotland is often the testing ground for shitey laws which might/will be unpopular.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Hate speech is an utterly ridiculous concept Ian. As you point out it relies on the concept of “perceived” hate by the so called “victim”

      I first identified this in 2016, in respect of “transphobia”, and I wrote this at that time:

      “Oxford dictionary definition of “perceive”:
      1 Become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand:
      2. Interpret or regard (someone or something) in a particular way

      So, if the “victim” becomes aware that transphobia has occurred, or if a victim interprets someone else’s words as transphobic, then a transphobic hate crime has been committed.

      Voila! I believe it is a crime – so it is a crime

      Let’s think about all that for a minute. On this definition then, simply taking the piss out of a trans person could be defined by them as a hate crime! Surely taking the piss is a longstanding British tradition? We have always been free to take the piss out of whoever the fuck we want to. Taking the piss is a sign of a healthy society. We all need the piss taking out of us occasionally, even me. And particularly the me, me, me, me generation; they are crying out to have the piss taken out of them; it is almost a public service.”

      So it’s Kafkaesque in the extreme Ian. A good example of the current madness that surrounds us all. Free speech? What’s that?

      • ian says:

        I agree with all of that Pete. It, to me is all utterly ridiculous, and, that those in power, would allow such a tenuous thing as perception create the crime, shows beyond doubt that they do not represent anything British. This is the destruction of what was Britain, and the creation of a Chinese style police state. BTW I love much of Kafka’s work. One morning a few years back, when I got to work, a artic’ lorry was parked up blocking the drive. I noticed that it had CZ on the plate as I walked round it. The driver saw me and started getting out of the cab. I said good morning, Czechoslovakia, Franz Kafka. Now I know it’s an odd thing to say, but remember it was me. He dived into the cab and appeared with a Kafka book he was reading, “The Mole”, I think it was but it was in Czech’. He was delighted and shook my hand while laughing. However, As I know not one word of Czech, and ditto his English, we parted friends who were unable to communicate sort of like me and the wife. Joking of course, in case she sees this. Kidding love, I was just kidding.

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