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What on Earth Happened Part 9

Thanks John for pointing out this site.

I’ve watched the first 8 vids and will definitely continue to the end

The above vid is a useful reminder of just how controlled the media is…

And just who owns the media too…

At about halfway the vid moves on to an examination of how the media reacts to a specific unofficial “conspiracy theory” that is diametrically opposed to their standard model. It’s quite instructive…

When there is massive obstruction and blocking, and also massive ad hominem disparagement, but no factual response then, you have to wonder…

There is now a clear and obvious attack on all free thinking and all free thinkers by the owners…

Why would that be?

Decide for yourself

Source: https://rumble.com/v4fthb5-what-on-earth-happened-part-9.html

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13 Responses to “What on Earth Happened Part 9”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    I posted the wrong vid, should have been part 9, doh

    Here is the one I meant to post


    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Thanks for fixing John, that’s the vid that I meant to post

  2. John says:

    Thanks Pete. I’ve watched a lot of Awear’s work and I’ve come to the conclusion he or they are telling almost the full story. I think we have to employ the Byzantine Fault Tolerance and treat it that 80% is true. The 20% may be steering us in a controlled “discovery of the truth”. Whoever ultimately controls this realm is way ahead of us and has protocols for all eventualities IMO.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Makes sense John

      The presentations are lucid and clear, which I like. If I’d spotted anything glaring then he would have lost me. But I haven’t so far, so I’m watching with an open mind as best I can

      You are likely correct about the controllers too. Although the born optimist in me says that there is always a way forward

  3. ian says:

    A mixture of truth and bollocks. EG the camera on the rocket was attached to a stage of the rocket which was jettisoned. I also am 100% sure too that the flat earth carry on is bollocks, but is heavily pushed. The narrator isn’t the best choice as he sounds like a lad on a night out. A difficult watch for me, due to me being me, but no doubt enjoyable to most, and interesting for that reason too.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      No surprise there Ian 🙂

      I’m never 100% about anything, at least I try not to be. I make an exception for the EFC Blues of course

      Not sure why you say FE is heavily pushed though, where is it pushed? I’ve not seen anything about it for ages

      In vid 9, the one I meant to post, he asks a very good question: if FE is so easy to debunk then why do mainstream pundits get so worked up about it, why so many ad hominems, rather than calm reasoned refutations?

      Maybe it’s because he’s over the target?

      • ian says:

        Hi Pete, possibly it’s just coincidence mate, but I’ve seen it mentioned three times today. Re video 9, is he or are insinuating that it’s real? I mean why does the water spin the other way down the plughole in Aus’. and they’re getting frost just now. and the sun come up in the morning where you live. it doesn’t appear faint in the distance getting brighter as it nears. I think that the flat earthers are more likely to get heated up and only tend to argue with video links, ie, well what about this video then. (disprove it), then how about this then.

        I suspect it’s a water muddying psyop, feel free however to engage it if you feel that way.

        • pete fairhurst 2 says:

          You might be right Ian, but I’m going to watch the final 4 vids anyway. I’ve been intrigued by the first 9, and so I will carry on

          In the back of my mind is the fact that the mainstream lies about everything now, absolutely everything. So why not globe Earth too?

          The ancients all put the Earth at the centre of things meaning that humans are special for the creator. But the materialists say it is 13 billion years old and totally insignificant. It’s one of trillions

          Well they would wouldn’t they. That’s what they want us all to think isn’t it 🙂

          I’ve no axe to grind either, I don’t really mind either way what the truth is. But these vids made me pay attention to FE for the first time in ages

          • ian says:

            No problem Pete. Put some vids up and we can discuss them. Take care Pal

            • pete fairhurst 2 says:

              I will do Ian, if any of them chime for me
              You too mate

  4. John says:

    In a world full of challenges and darkness let’s enjoy beauty when we hear it. I’m blown away listening to these guys right now.

  5. ian says:

    Yes excellent John

  6. ian says:

    Curvature, is another one the flat earthers push. you can’t see any curve. The circumference of the earth is approx 25,000 miles. the circumference of a standard football is 27″. ok rough comparison, but an inch on a football is roughly equivalent to a thousand miles. How far can you see from a good vantage point, 50, 70 miles, less than a tenth of an inch on a football, not much curve.

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