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Important Information on The Kill-Grid From Renate







Joe Imbriano

Dear friends,- IMPORTANT

I dug up an older video from Joe Imbriano on YouTube. 14 Minutes. It shows that 5G at 60 Gigahertz hinders the body to bind the iron in the blood to merge with the Oxygen, so the oxygen cannot be transported into the blood

This is what happened to John Kaminski.  I did not know that he had a cell tower in front of his living space. Only after he died of oxygen deprivation, his friends talked about it, and I found out. His oxygen did not get higher than 90, no matter how much oxygen got from the tank.

I urge you all to find Imbriano’s new videos, if there are any, since I cannot find them on YouTube anymore. There is also a video where he talks about conductive clothing and metal ski poles, and a tower at the ski lift, where a 19 year old teenage beauty queen, healthy, suddenly dropped dead, because the metal ski poles in the wet snow, her conductive ski clothing and the radiation from the cell tower formed a circuit and she got electrocuted.

Important Link Below 14min




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7 Responses to “Important Information on The Kill-Grid From Renate”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    A good vid if you don’t already know this

    Ian Crane was on this big style before he passed, God rest his soul. The local 5G activists were nailed by covid, stopped in their tracks. I was a very minor activist at the time after I saw Ian in Leeds in 2019. But our local group, which was generated by Ian’s presentation, was effectively stopped in it’s tracks by covid lockdowns

    I became far more concerned to understand just wtf covid was than worry about 5G at that time. By the time I had worked that out properly then, the group was dead

    Covid coincided with Musk’s Starlink launch too didn’t it. Having read Arthur Firstenbergs book “Invisible Rainbow” then, I suspected that Starlink was a primary cause of “covid”. Firstenberg demonstrates conclusively that every time a new broadcast technology is created there has been a “flu” pandemic

    The only good thing about that is that humans seem to be able adapt over time. So the “flu” disappears quite quickly

    Google: “The word influenza comes from the Latin word influentia, which means “to flow into” or “influence”. The word originated in medieval times when people believed that intangible fluids from stars could affect humans”

    From stars, those medieval folk weren’t as dumb is is made out now

    Finally if you check the telecoms network coverage on their websites then you can see exactly where 5G is. I’m rural with no 5G, so far. Densely populated suburbs are the worst places, they are saturated

    • newensign says:

      Yes Pete, as you say, it is far more important how they are upping our exposure to EMFs and causing more illness. For good health we need exposure to natural frequencies from the sun which they are doing their very best to block in the name of climate change! I and many of my friends have had breathing problems, again this is messing with oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules. I have also learnt that your body needs CO2, otherwise it can’t absorb oxygen. I understood that the word Flu came from the Italian “Influenza del Starry” (not sure if I remembered the Italian right) meaning the influence of the stars. They noticed that the disease occurred at times of high sunspot activity and was not contagious as the disease happened in distant cities at the same time. In other words its frequency – Google is trying to hide that!

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        Yoga breathing demonstrates that CO2 is important. If you slow your exhale compared to your inhale, count of 4 in, count of 8 out, then you receive benefit from holding the CO2 for longer. It’s calming

        Btw newensign, the South Coast is saturated with 5G:


        • newensign says:

          Yes Pete, that is why Zero Carbon is a code word for Zero us! Thanks also for the 5G link. Yes they are dense in the south, probably because whites are a higher percentage of the population here!

  2. ian says:

    Yes, As Arthur Firstenberg said, cancer was practically unknown before our houses were electrified. How much worse are they now. I’d forgotten about Joe Imbriano, and sad to hear that John Kaminski has died. Very interesting.

    • newensign says:

      Yes Ian it was sad about the death of Kaminski. My friend in the USA called the local police when she couldn’t get a reply and was found dead in bed. He wasn’t very aware of 5G dangers.

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