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Prepping for birdflu

Former CDC Director comes out against mRNA “Vaccines”

by Miles Mathis
First published July 18, 2024

This very important news is being buried by the mainstream, and getting only passing coverage from
the alternative press. In fact, the mainstream is spinning it pretty much 180, leading all reports of
Redfield’s testimony before Congress with “Former CDC Chief: Bird Flu Pandemic Would Be
‘Much More Catastrophic Than Covid’”. But that’s not what he said. It is published at senate.gov
and it isn’t long or hard to read, so you should read it yourself. He is warning against gain-of-function
research and calling for a moratorium on it, saying that IF scientists are allowed to morph bird flu into something that can infect humans via gain-of-function, it could be catastrophic. But the dishonest mainstream media, owned by places like Pfizer, wants to prep you for the next pandemic they are creating, so that they can sell you, through the government again, another round of expensive and useless or toxic new “vaccines”. This is the opposite of what Redfield wants, as he states clearly and directly.

Colonel Robert Redfield, CDC Director under Trump until January 2021, was prior to that a doctor
specializing in virology for 45 years. He has worked at Walter Reed and University of Maryland in
prominent positions, so it should be pretty hard for these “follow the science” people to dismiss him as
an outsider or wingnut. Which is why his testimony is so important. This recent CDC director—who
led the vaccine rollout and was there for Operation Warpspeed—is now admitting that not only were
the mandates a mistake, the mRNA vaccines are “toxic” and dangerous. Yes, he uses the word toxic, in
Congressional testimony. Along with the recent firing of Peter Daszak, Fauci’s righthand man, by
Congress, this is a huge blow to Pfizer and the other vaccine makers. Daszak, head of
EcoHealthAlliance, was permanently defunded for fraud by Congress last month in disgrace, banned
from ever working for the government again.


And now CDC director Redfield is admitting that he personally refuses to give mRNA vaccines to patients, or to recommend them to anyone. I’m not aware of any advanced therapeutic or vaccine that has come to pass because of gainof-function research. I do think there has to be a very aggressive debate of whether there’s any beneft from that research. Based on my initial analysis, I believed then, and I still believe today, that the COVID-19infections were the direct result of a biomedical research experiment and subsequent lab leak.

Could he be any clearer? His testimony is all anti-vax and anti-research, but the mainstream media is
being paid by Pfizer to flip that, mangling his testimony to make you think he is calling for more
vaccine research, in order to address the dangers of bird flu. But Redfield makes it clear he thinks the
danger of bird flu is that it will be morphed by evil scientists into a disease that can kill millions. No
honest person could read his testimony and come to any other conclusion.

It is my opinion that we should call for a moratorium on all gain-of-function research until we
can have a broader debate and come to a consensus as a community about the value of gain-offunction research. This debate should not be limited to the scientifc community and it is critical that the National Security implications carry signifcant weight in making any future funding decision.

The Defender noted in a July 12 piece about the former CDC head’s testimony: “Redfield’s statements
stand in stark contrast to the CDC’s official stance during his tenure, which strongly promoted mRNA
vaccine uptake as safe and effective. The late admission of vaccine injuries underscores the failure of
public health agencies and the medical establishment to provide informed consent to the billions of
vaccine recipients worldwide.”

In the same testimony, Redfield called on the FDA to release all safety data it has on the Covid
vaccines, admitting that the health agencies had suppressed data, saying that there was “no appropriate
transparency from the beginning about the potential side effects of these vaccines.”

Again, this testimony couldn’t be more monumental, since it confirms again what anti-vaxxers have
been saying all along. The CDC director who was there has now basically come over to our side,
effectively destroying the pro-vax, pro-mandate, pro-lockdown argument of his colleagues. It would be like Richard Feynman admitting QED was a big conjob on his deathbed—which, wait, he pretty much did. Plus, it is more prominent indication these people are abandoning a sinking ship. After Redfield saw Daszak go down in flames, and heard Trump say he might prosecute Fauci, Redfield has rushed to unburden himself, trying to make us think he was on the right side all along. He wasn’t, but it is nonetheless gratifying to see him come clean now, and in my opinion we should  welcome him to our side, encouraging him to open up even further. For instance, he is still hedging by saying Covid was released from a lab “accidentally”. The larger arc of history indicates it was released on purpose, and I believe Redfield knows that. He also knows more about the fake vaccines than he has so far divulged, and I await further admissions and revelations as these people like Redfield continue to jump in the water and try to swim to shore.

That said, we can expect the mainstream to continue to ignore and slander Redfield, since they have
been doing it since June of 2020, when he failed to get fully onboard the Pfizer/Fauci train from the
first months. I don’t know how these people failed to be in control of their own man in this vaudeville,
since they obviously hired an army virologist for this CDC position back in 2018 knowing his
background would lend weight to the whole charade they had planned. We can only suppose that they
may not have fully briefed him on the longterm script, and that when it came right down to it he found he had some scruples. This remains a danger in the Modern world, since the Phoenicians have not found a way to surgically remove the soul from everyone, not even those they raise from the cradle.


Source: https://mileswmathis.com/redfield2.pdf

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