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A different take on the Trump Rally Chaos

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It sure was fortuitous that the mainstream media, including a heroically talented Pulitzer Prize winner photographer showed up to cow town, Pennsylvania for a Trump Rally.

This is article 17 of the Culture Wars, and it does not escape me that Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. The numerologists would get tingley to find out that I was born on…7/Q/77. I was hoping to publish on 7/Q. (Please don’t take that too seriously. I’m just winding up the imaginatives in the audience. We’re going to need them.) Go ahead and brace yourself for the ride.

Yes, I have a Trump graph that is as incomplete as all the several hundred other graphs I keep track of data on. Most of the information I’ve collected on the shooting is at the bottom for those interested.

Let’s begin with the official story, which I template from Matt Walsh (with credit), and my own touches:

A twenty-year-old incel who failed to make a high school rifle team, acting completely alone, took a semi-automatic rifle and a ladder to the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, with the goal of assassinating a former POTUS and current candidate. The young man meandered around with a ladder and a gun until he lucked upon the sloped roof deemed untraversable by the Secret Service due to a 7-degree slope. Many people observed his behavior, and signaled to various security personnel starting prior to the event, and then again for several minutes prior to the shooting. None of the security behaved as if there were an emergency while Trump kept speaking while the man set up just 150 yards from the podium. The young man, a loner whose parents are behavioral therapists including an author of numerous psychology texts, left no online footprint of political interest, much less radicalization, that might demonstrate the evolution of his frustrations. Though noticed by many people at the rally, he was able to position his ladder to climb on the roof of a building that was occupied by law enforcement who were otherwise providing security on the interior of the building. This involved choosing both a route and position by chance that, while seemingly obvious, are being claimed as blindspots to the federal security planning team whose job it is to identify and secure obvious and non-obvious points of attack. The planning team also failed to note the availability of a water tower that would have provided a great position to view the roof on which the sniper took position. The counter-snipers waited to kill the shooter until after he sent a bullet at Trump that grazed his ear, and shot additional spectators. The Director of the Secret Service blames a sloped roof, with an incline of less than ten degrees. This resulted in one of the most crisp and dramatic photo opportunities in history.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Quizzes Learn why people trust wikiHow wikiHow YOU AND YOUR PARENTS > SNEAKING AROUND (YOUTH) How To Sneak onto a Building Full of Police Snipers Co-authored by wikiHow Staff Last Updated: July 2, 2024 1 Method 1 of 4: Using a Ladder namroknamrok'

If you suggest that the shooter had help, you are a conspiracy theorist. If you venture to even discuss MKULTRA and other mind control programs (like the hashhashem), you are schizo. If the topic even concerns you, you have no life, you misogynistic racist homophobe. If you joke that you have better security from your team at a paintball range, you probably actually play paintball. Didn’t you learn that adherence to Hanlon’s razor is the primary difference between you and your betters, citizen?

Obligatory brag: I made most of my money trading in the markets off conspiracy theory. I’m considering going back to that. We’re going to talk about the financial signals (in Part 2).

Now that we’re here…

I’m Here to Challenge You

There are those who would want me to explain my take on the titled event up front—who think that my conclusions or beliefs are something a reader needs to know up front before proceeding. Such are either magicians who prefer that people be trained only to consume prepackaged headlines about important content, or dull people who fail to understand when there are topics where the process is the point. The only red pill worth taking is the one you work for. You don’t escape the Matrix that easily, citizen.

I’m certainly not the only person talking conspiracy theories (some with a reasonable attempt at approaching this moment rationally) at this time. And one of my chief worries is that such a reaction is intended. Consider the systems thinking heuristic from Cyberneticist Stafford Beer,

The purpose of a system is what it does.

Reverse psychology takes a form of emotional manipulation to the next level. You should be aware of the possibility that there is such a thing as a psyop in which observers are meant to recognize a high likelihood of a psyop, but then behave in an intended way as planned by the manipulator(s). The designed effects may not even be the same within different groups, according to models of a group’s agreed upon description of reality. This may be exactly why the so-called “schizos” have so much fodder provided to them from sources such as Hollywood (and even more “serious” media), where there seems to be a never-ending array of creepy symbolism, and instances of what may be described as predictive programming.

At the end of the day, most people get caught up forming often-permanent or at least hard-to-unwind positions fairly quickly. To the extent that these positions are unhelpful mind viruses, we should assume that such a result is the purpose of the system (event).

We have a lot way to go, but we’re going to start by tearing down a false foundation. From there, we can rebuild. But first, a warning.

The Mystics Keep You Hypnotized While They Steal The Whole World

It’s a bold claim, and not one that I would have entertained a short time ago. It sounds fantastical and silly, and that is part of the illusion cast by the social engineers who have been active in organizing the United Nations since before it was the United Nations. Theosophists were involved in the Russian Revolution, the sculpting of the Asian subcontinent, the Nazi Empire, the current state of Ukraine, Falun Gong, the Entertainment industry, the Newspaper industry, NATO, and much more.

To examine potential involvement with the present moment, let’s begin with some weird facts—any of which may be misinterpreted if you do not read the whole article.

First, multiple psychics made predictions about the events of July 13 with varying degrees of specificity. We can, of course, dismiss a tarot reader pulling a death card. There are enough fortune tellers pulling enough cards, and enough sleight-of-hand specialists who might enjoy creating a ruckus, that few people are going to take this seriously. I’m putting a pin in it for a different reason that we will come back to.

Then there is this:

Assassination by a shot to the head or neck is a bit specific. Some astrologers, like Michael Zizis just think Algol bodes poorly for Trump’s re-election chances.

The more interesting and specific prediction came from an Oklahoma man named Brandon Biggs:

News of psychics promotes bypassing most rational processes, moving straight to the metaphysical. Perhaps that makes it easier to promote Saturday’s events in spiritual terms?

There are many organized chat rooms on apps like Signal and Telegram that formed, often or usually in highly controlled ways. Various of my contacts report to me that some are managed by Neo-Theosophists, or at least people who promote Remote Viewing, who are likely Neo-Theosophists, drawing vulnerable dissidents into cults. They seem to have handlers around most or all of the presidential candidates. As a result, many people who have stepped away from supporting the Leviathan State are being socially pressured into accepting claims of the paranormal, and the assassination attempt oddly feeds into model presented by Neo-Theosophists and their ilk.

Allow me to offer a competing model that is backed by a great deal of historical evidence. There have been a number of documented cases of claimed psychic predictions in which intelligence was reported as having been obtained by ordinary intelligence gathering methods. I documented one of them when I profiled Uri Geller (who refused to discuss matters with me). When military generals shut down the Remote Viewing (RV) program, they cited the overlap between information obtained by RV and information obtained by other means in a way that was at least suggestive of the notion that RV claims were vaporintelligence.

Then again, having the ability to claim traditional intelligence as psychic intelligence may be one of the reasons why military intelligence tolerated the program to begin with. If you can confuse the enemy into fearing the magical forces that you can summon against them, you have to spend less resources controlling them. They’re also less likely to identify spies. Were it not COVID, you could tell African leaders that their neighboring leaders were succumbing to your curse, for example. Or, if you formulated a vaccine to cause rubbery clots (or staged them by other methods), you could seed that information with a remote viewer who would astound viewers with their prediction, then maybe charge them for a monthly subscription to hear cryptocurrency market predictions.

I really should be charging more, shouldn’t I? Or are there just more people out there willing to pay for fantasy than analysis?

Don’t answer that.

One hallmark of quality occult/intelligence operations—and this includes much of the “charity” industry—is that they’re great at talking the average tabloid reader into paying for the operation.

As an aside, I plan more articles breaking down so-called “examples” of psychic successes as “traditional intelligence plus sleight-of-hand.” For now, what I want you to consider is the possibility that predictions of the outcome of the Trump assassination event represents substantial evidence (in the Bayesian sense) that the entire event in Butler was staged.

Psychic predictions of the outcomes of the failed Trump assassination event indicate an increased likelihood of foreknowledge of the event within the intelligence community.

On that note, remember that just because something is staged does not mean that everyone involved had to be in on it. Compartmentalization is the hallmark of a well-planned operation.

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3 Responses to “A different take on the Trump Rally Chaos”

  1. PKinPanama says:

    Is this a Crowder piece or Tapestry’s ?

  2. PKinPanama says:

    Americans that vote will be choosing between the anti-Christ, the false prophet and the Dragon. Prep and pray.

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