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Patrick O’Carroll – Ukraine Has Left the West Defenceless

“By now, the Marxist Biden Regime (which is 95 percent Zionist or Bolshevik-Zionist) has wholly succeeded in depleting the USA’s stock of arms and ammunitions, by using the ploy of the Ukraine War and by collapsing the supply chains (notably from China) so that the USA will soon have great difficulty in replenishing its stocks of arms and ammunition.”
“In the plan of the satanic CHABAD, the age of the Antichrist is intended to coincide with the genocide of most Christians.”
by Patrick O’Carroll
In 1968, Gen. Jan Sejna tipped off Czech leader Alexander Dubcek that Russia was about to invade Czechoslovakia; then Sejna promptly defected to the USA (via the US Consulate in Trieste-Italy) to become one of the most prominent Eastern Bloc functionaries to ever defect during the entirety of the staged “cold” war. Sejna later became a counterintelligence analyst for the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley VA.


In his 1982 book “We Will Bury You”, Jan Sejna warned that communism was soon about to “fake its own death” by collapsing the Warsaw Pact but also by ultimately disarming the USA and NATO. In a way, Sejna was proven right, but with some reservations.
 He was RIGHT about communism “faking its own death but not going away”: He was also RIGHT about communism “disarming the USA”:
By now, the Marxist Biden Regime (which is over 95 percent Zionist or Bolshevik-Zionist) has wholly succeeded in depleting the USA’s stock of arms and ammunitions, by using the ploy of the Ukraine War and by collapsing the supply chains (notably from China) so that the USA will soon have great difficulty in replenishing its stocks of arms and ammunitions. Recently, analyst Steve Quayle highlighted this alarming fact.
But he was WRONG about true communism: Britain’s Marxist Fabian Society in London has been a key organization directing the spread of communism throughout the world since 1884.
George Orwell was a committed Fabian and a top-degree Freemason. In his novel “1984”, he used the name “IngSoc” to denote the Marxist Fabian Society. His term “Outer Party” signified what is today the Zionist combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR (Harold Pratt House NYC). His term “Inner Party” signified even more powerful world-tyranny bodies such as the Committee of 300, Council of 13, Bilderberg, Skull & Bones and other groups (many nameless) centered on All Souls College Oxford. 


Finally, the name “1984” (for his entire book) reflected the Marxist Fabian BOAST that they would only need 100 years to completely enslave Britain (and the world too, given that Britain has always served as “the embryo of world tyranny”). Because Orwell’s title was really celebrating the date 4 Jan 1884, on which Britain’s Marxist Fabian Society was originally founded. In the event, Orwell’s “100-year boast” has not panned out YET but its gradualism or incremental method simply means that Marxist Fabianism is still biding its time before Marxism shall completely strangulate the whole world. Today’s students at major US universities are regularly given courses from, or at, the London School of “Economics” in order to ensure that all future US leaders and captains of industry will embrace the Marxist ideology. 
Indeed, in paraphrased form, Larry Fink stated that democracy is “no longer suited to modern capitalism because people have disparate opinions that are NOT MINE, so hence TOTALITARIANISM is infinitely more suitable nowadays”.
 Overall, Jan Sejna was right that communism was not going away, but for the wrong reason. The real reason communism was not going away is because it is, and always has been, backed by all four of the main entities of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (the English monarchy, the City of London, the “Monopoly Capitalists” of Wall Street (often called the “Illuminati” bloodlines), and the Zionist House of Rothschild). Many “sheeple”-slaves are shocked to learn that, for 200 years, the top oligarchs have always been STRICT Marxists.
Communism was never a grassroots affair to “save”, “serve”, or “protect” the slave class but always a top-down-driven tyranny to MANAGE the slave class for the oligarchs, and to transfer the wealth of the middle class up to the oligarchs. The main aim of Marxist Fabianism, or communism, has only ever been to create a TWO-TIER society, where the top tier in Russia was called “Nomenklatura” but all other folks were referred to as “Proletariat”.
 And today, the same Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal is behind the new and revamped version of communism that was given the newer “cool and trendy” label of Technocracy. By 2050, the middle class is to be completely fleeced and enslaved, while all mid-sized enterprises are to disappear.


 Separately, communism and Technocracy are also supported by the satanic CHABAD. In a ceremony in 1990, the satanic CHABAD effectively declared Benjamin Netanyahu to be the “Moshiach ben Joseph” for this age. That is the satanic equivalent of John the Baptist since Netanyahu’s role (as “Moshiach ben Joseph”) is to prepare the way for the Antichrist (whom the satanic CHABAD calls “Moshiach ben David”). In the following solemn ceremony, Benjamin Netanyahu behaves like a pandering bootlicker to the CHABAD despot Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who keeps reminding him incessantly of his DUTY to usher in the Antichrist:
Many speculated that Schneerson himself was the Antichrist (“Moshiach ben David”) but he denied that because, he explained, the Christians had “unfortunately” NOT YET been genocided during his lifetime (1902-94) and one TOP condition for the Antichrist is that most Christians get “wiped from the face of the Earth” under his rule. In the plan of the satanic CHABAD, the age of the Antichrist is intended to coincide with the genocide of most Christians.
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