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Killing with words

It’s important to remember that the group hunting us have already changed key word definitions, in order to fully control the fabricated narrative, in any direction they wish. An unvaccinated person, according to our psychopathic social engineers, is anyone injected…..who’s within 2 weeks of their injection date. Anyone injected, who dies or is injured in the first 2 weeks after their shot, is considered unvaccinated for reporting/propaganda/mind control purposes.

According to the data in Naomi Wolf’s new book “The Pfizer Papers“, the vast majority of deaths for people who took the shots, were within 2 weeks of their injection……..which means they were reported as being dead and unvaccinated. Yes, it’s all about inversion, confusion and then maximizing the cull inside that propagandized inversion/confusion storm.

Let’s do a quick review. As a psychopath you add two to three times more poison into this round of specifically manufactured injections. This new round of injections starts killing and injuring two to three times more people than the COVID injections. As the people injected with the new replicon vaccine are dying and filling the hospitals, you explain through your media channels that it’s the unvaccinated that are dying and filling the hospitals….when really the only sick and dead people are the ones who took this new shot. At that point, it’s like putting a fire out with gasoline, as people run in demanding that they and their kids be poisoned right into the graveyard. So basically, the same script as last time, but with a little twist.

Replicon Vaccine – Japan Becomes The New Wuhan Wet Market For 2024

Sep 30, 2024

I’m not sure if you’ve heard but there’s a different kind of “vaccine” rolling out for “this vaccine season” in Japan……and nowhere else at the moment. This new type of vaccine is called a “replicon self-amplifying mRNA vaccine“. This vaccine is advertised to have the ability to spread person to person, which means when one person is vaccinated and leaves the medical clinic…….they can vaccinate/infect other people in and around the town. Here’s what I think is really happening but let’s first establish some key background information.

1. The evil group lying to us, lie to us all the time. There are very rare exceptions to that rule. Deceit is how they maintain power. This group never tells the truth, and this time is no different in my humble opinion. Click here to investigate this covert and dark group, hiding behind all our governments. Whether we know it or not, we’ve all been controlled by this evil group for our entire lives. If it’s on TV or if it’s an announcement from government, the chances what’s being declared is true (in any way, shape or form) is minuscule.

2. No vaccine in history has been proven, in real world populations, to increase immunity or resistance to disease. Click here for 60 documentaries and over 100 books that prove this fact.

3. Everything about COVID was fake and fabricated. All of it. Click here to watch over 100 documentaries proving this fact. Click here to listen to a podcast I did 2 years ago on this very subject, titled……..”It’s All Fake“. Nothing told to us about COVID was real, ever, never, zero, nada, period, end of story, no exceptions. If you believed in a natural virus, a lab leaked virus, that any threat existed, that a vaccine would save you, that a valid test was available for a threat that never existed, that the government was looking out for your best interest, that the news was there to keep you up to date, that new variants can emerge from something that never existed in the first place, that injecting poison under your skin would make you and your children healthier or safer etc etc…….mind control is most likely at play. All people can be placed under mind control, both good and bad. I’m also under various forms of mind control, we all are. The key is knowing how to see it, even if it’s inside of ourselves. Most people’s false beliefs about COVID were impregnated into them decades ago, without their knowledge. When you have a battle between a mind control expert and an uninformed victim, the mind control expert will win every time. The solution is to graduate from uninformed to informed. We all have to do this very quickly, starting RIGHT NOW.

4. This ancient and dark group uses mind control to make the public euthanize and enslave themselves, because they don’t have the power to do it by force. If you want to know how media and government mind control really works, to make most people destroy themselves (and destroy their own kids as wellclick here for part 1 and here for part 2……of a presentation I completed only a couple months ago.

As for the replicon self-spreading/self-amplifying mRNA vaccine (rolling out in Japan Oct 2nd 2024)……they’re lying again, in my humble researched opinion. If we’re playing the odds here, they’re lying.

In order to start understanding anything that’s happening in our world today, you need to set up two pathways of operation in your own mind.  #1…..you need to think like a psychopath. #2…as a psychopath, you must organize the propaganda avenues at your disposal to achieve the highest kill rates possible, in conjunction with ticking as many New World Order boxes as you can simultaneously. That’s where you have to start. You literally have to say to yourself, “how do I kill the most people possible and install the New World Order (The UN’s Agenda 2030) as fast as I can, all at the same time?”. If you can’t make this mental shift, to look at the world with this new set of eyes, you won’t be able to accurately predict what’s coming your way, on a day-to-day basis. If you think the government and media are utilizing weaponized behavioral psychology, to trick people into injecting themselves (and their kids) with poison……..because the government cares about the people, please stop reading now.

As these two criteria are met, only then do you want to start looking at the agenda behind these new supposed replicon self-amplifying injections. What would I do if I was a clinical psychopath? First, I would increase the kill rates of the shots, at least 2-3-fold, above today’s COVID kill and injury injection averages. (which have already achieved satanic levels) According to Dr. James Thorpe, the last round of COVID injections (over the last 3.5 years) have killed or injured 580 million people worldwide. A psychopath understands that because mass death and injury have already been normalized in the sleepwalker society, you could even double or triple that already insane death and injury rate……without electro-shocking too many people out of their perpetual comfort comas. Within this new round of “fake vaccine/fake disease/fake crisis hysteria“, starting Oct 2nd in Japan, 1 billion injured and killed could easily be added……on top of the 580 million already thrown into the NWO sacrificial volcano.

Once these new increasingly toxic injections do what increasingly toxic injections do (killing at an accelerated rate, well beyond the record rates of the fake COVID vaccines), you then use the deep state-controlled lamestream media to explain to all the mouth breathing TV watchers…..that all the deaths and injuries are in the “unvaccinated“. Confused? Don’t be.

Replicon Vaccine – Japan Becomes The New Wuhan Wet Market For 2024 (jchristoff.com)

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One Response to “Killing with words”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Excellent article

    “If it’s on TV or if it’s an announcement from government, the chances what’s being declared is true (in any way, shape or form) is minuscule”

    Good advice, this can be applied to pretty well everything that they say. So where does that leave the current “wars”?

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