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To Kill a Mockingbird

Emmett Till’s Lynching was Faked

by Miles Mathis
First published September 24, 2024

First 4 pages below. Take the link to see the photos and the other 14 pages

I have shown you hundreds of faked deaths, including many more recent white-on-black murders,
including George Floyd, so it isn’t hard to take my method back a few decades and study some earlier
murders. If they can do it now they can have done it then, and for the same reason: Operation Chaos.
Stir the pot. Keep us fighting one another to keep our eyes off the real criminals.

As usual, I will tell you how I got in, so that you can see how my mind works. I got stung by several
wasps this morning while taking out the trash, so I wasn’t feeling 100%. My foot is swollen, red, and
itchy. Rather than get to work on my projects, I decided to look for an old movie to watch to get my
mind off the pain. While searching I tripped across To Kill a Mockingbird, with Gregory Peck. I have
seen it before, but not in many years. So I pulled it up. After a few minutes I got bored and decided to
research the book and movie instead. I have already suggested in passing in previous papers that
Harper Lee may be an agent or committee front, due to being a strange one-hit wonder and to her
relationship to Truman Capote, who was definitely an agent of some sort. But I will have to hit him in
depth another time. Today I was more interested in the film and its producer, Alan Pakula, whose
name I recognized as the director of Sophie’s Choice. That threw up a red flag since it sells the
Holocaust like almost nothing else has, making even Schindler’s List look like a weak brew. As it turns
out, Pakula’s entire list is red flags like that:

All the President’s Men, selling Watergate
The Parallax View selling general fear
Klute selling female paranoia
The Devil’s Own selling the IRA
Love with the Proper Stranger selling Men-are-Pigs and female paranoia
Dream Lover selling female paranoia
Rollover selling panic and rioting

So Pakula was definitely a CIA director, tapped for these Operation Chaos projects. That already
tended to confirm my feeling To Kill a Mockingbird was another one of those.

The question for me then became what Lee or her committee were up to with this novel. That too was
pretty obvious, as I already said. It centers on a black man in Alabama tried for raping a white woman.
Although he is obviously innocent, he is convicted anyway. The attorney played by Peck, Atticus
Finch, is sold as a great hero, and this is fiction, so you may ask why our hero wasn’t able to get justice
here? Just have him get the guy off and you have a lovely ending. You will say it is because Lee is a
realist, not correcting the sins of our past like Tarantino or someone. These things happened and you
need to know that. That sounds plausible and it is what we are told about the book and movie. It is
what I have believed for years. However, realizing the movie was propaganda suggested to me that the
“real-life” events it was based on might be propaganda as well. Everything else we have looked at has
dissolved into mist through our fingers, so why assume the famous lynchings were real? Rather than
waste any more time with this fictional story, I switched to an allegedly real one: Emmett Till.

Before we get started, I should admit that I am among the first to suggest this event was fake. I found
nothing on a search on that. And you can see why: the very idea can be seen as incendiary. Nobody
wants to go there since it will be too easy for black people to mistake my intentions here. So just let
me state my intentions from the beginning: I want to know the truth. I am on the side of the little guy,
always, as my readers know. I am on the side of the dispossessed, the downtrodden, the ignored, the
scorned, and the lied to, because I am one of them in my own peculiar way. Yes, I am a white guy and
have never been dirt poor, so I know very little of the experience of the truly wretched. But I have
been existing in the margins of society since college as a starving artist, getting poorer as I get older.
More importantly, I have been ignored as the “wrong kind” of artist since the beginning. Not being a
Modern I was not allowed to advance, despite being among the most talented. Also as the wrong kind
of writer, the wrong kind of physicist, the wrong kind of poet, the wrong kind of everything. So
although my skin is the color of the majority, everything else about me is of the tiniest, most
dispossessed minority. The liberals hate me as a conservative and the conservatives hate me as a
liberal. The modern critics hate me as an atavism. I am not supposed to paint people or nudes, I am
not supposed to be interested in beauty. Mainstream science hates me as an interloper, and it is the
same in art, history, poetry, everything else I do. So I understand very well what it feels like to be on
the outside. I don’t mean to whine, because honestly I deal with it pretty well. In many ways I chose
my isolation and my path and am content with it. But this path has given me a solidarity with all others
who are marginalized for any reason. It also makes me an ally of all the others who hate the ruling
class. That ruling class has committed many heinous crimes, I just don’t happen to believe this Emmett
Till story is one of them. And that is because I know one of the worst crimes this ruling class has
committed is a grand falsification of history, the better to control us through our emotions.

I am on the side of the blacks in the story, excepting those that manufactured it. As I have said
before, one of things I hope my research on topics like this does is help blacks—and everyone else—to
better understand their own history. We have to know the truth in order to move wisely into the future.
In my opinion, discovering this event is faked doesn’t absolve the white people involved of anything. If
anything, the crime becomes even larger, since it is no longer the lynching of one innocent black boy.
It is the gaslighting of us all, black, white, and other, via the destruction of neighborliness, trust, and
community. After WWII blacks and whites were finally starting to come together, even in the South.
Blacks had distinguished themselves in WWII (see the Tuskegee Airmen, the 761 Tank Battalion, etc.)
and Truman had desegregated the military in 1948. Blacks and whites fought side by side in the
Korean War, and full integration in the armed forces soon followed. Which is precisely why they had
to run these dividing events in the 1950s, after the Korean War. We saw the same thing more recently,
when blacks and whites moved together even more after the Obama Presidency. The past began to
fade somewhat, but that didn’t suit those running the country, who manufactured the Black Lives
Matter movement out of nowhere and began another round of these fake events. As I have shown you,
that wasn’t because they hated blacks. Nor was it because they loved justice and wished to promote
blacks. It was because they needed to create division to keep our eyes off their own crimes. They
couldn’t have blacks and whites allying against them. Any more than they could have men and women
allying, or gays and straights, or anyone else. They need us all fighting eachother so that we are not
tossing them out on their asses. It is pretty obvious if you can find a calm moment to consider it, which
is why they are so desperate to make sure you don’t have a calm moment. That is why the news is a
constant mayhem. A manufactured mayhem.

So let’s get to it. How did I know this was fake in the first five minutes?

That’s how. From the photos. That blob in the foreground is supposed to be the head of a 14-year-old
boy. No one wants to look closely at that, for obvious reasons, but I recommend you do, now that you
know it is not what you were told. Yes, he was allegedly underwater for a while, but still. That looks
nothing like a human head. That is some sort of bad sculpture. I remind you we have seen a similar
thing with John Dillinger, where they sold a bad sculpture as an actual life-cast. Same thing here, but
far worse.

Do you think water melts a human skull? No, water wouldn’t affect the skull at all, so the head should
retain the original shape. The body makes no sense either, since that coat looks about ten sizes too big
and yet has no elevation to it. Was his body three inches deep? Again, water doesn’t melt your
skeleton. It would affect your skin only.

If the water or fishes had stripped the skin off the body, we would see a ghastly skull, not a big blob
like that. And if that were the case, they would never have an open casket or allow this picture to be
broadcast across the nation. It is absurd. Plus, I guess that photo is supposed to be from the
embalming room, but there is no way they would take a picture like that with the corpse in the
embalming room. It is strictly Hollywood, for effect.

As it turns out, he was only in the water for three days. Freshwater. Three days in freshwater wouldn’t
be enough to deform a head like that. Actually nothing would. And get this: according to the FBI
report (pp. 80-81) no doctor ever examined the body. Not only was there no autopsy, no doctor
examined the body at all, even for the trial. It is beyond belief they would have a murder trial without a
doctor examining the body and writing up a report of some kind.


Source: https://mileswmathis.com/till.pdf

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