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We are men.

I am not a churchgoer, but still I join my family in prayer, and have witnessed and participated in the driving out of a demon from our house, which had caused many paranormal events throughout our childhood and adulthood.  This was all successfully done (peace has reigned in the house ever since) in the name of Jesus.  I am OK in using the name Jesus in prayer as a result of  that, after seeing the power and goodness of his name in the spirit world (check out youtube videos showing driving out of demons from people, exorcisms).

I also realise that his life was used by the Romans to create a religion to suppress the Gentiles after his physical time on earth, covering over his true identity.

Jesus stands strong without Christianity, a religion he had never heard of.

That statement will puzzle many, but there is no denying that Jesus was an Essene in the Nazarene sect, not a Christian.

The problem I have with prayer addressed to Jesus or through the agency of Jesus, is not the Jesus name at all, but the final word of all prayer –  Amen.

What does Amen mean?

The best I can do in tracking down the origin of the term Amen is that it is the name of the pharoah who according to historian Ralph Ellis, founded the religion known today as Judaeism.  You need to read his books to get his understanding – but he claims that Tut Ankh Amun and Nefertiti were the pair behind the creation of this religion designed for the people who lived in Lower Egypt, alongside the Ebro (The Nile).   And Amen is the pharoah stamping his royal authority on his manufactured religion.

Given my scepticism of all given historical communication, I find I need to reject the term Amen, as it could well be ascribing spiritual authority not to Jesus, but to a super powerful, rich and brutal Egyptian pharoah bent on suppressing his people.  I cannot skip the term Amen entirely ( I pray with children)  – so I add the word ‘we’ in front of the words ‘are men’.  ‘In the name of Jesus, we are men’, is the ending I like to use.

I feel much happier not praying to an Egyptian royal, but to the actual spiritual power that delivers meaning and hope.

Roger Spurr might be interested in discussing this matter.  (620) Mudfossil University – YouTube

Ralph Ellis’ research at Edfu Books | Books by Ralph Ellis (edfu-books.uk)



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2 Responses to “We are men.”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Excellent! That makes a lot of sense to me. I clearly remember your autobiography covering the the driving out of the demon from your centuries old family home. Made a big impression on my at the time…

    Recently, I’ve read a couple of books which are relevant

    “The Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed, an excellent journalist from the early 20thC. Written in the early 1950’s, he shows very clearly in this book how Jesus challenged the power of the the Pharisees, [who were previously Levites, who became the Talmudists, who became the modern Zionists.] Their creed was always destruction, it’s in all their texts, including the Old Testament and the Talmud. And it’s still happening in Lebanon and Gaza today as I write these words

    Jesus, whoever he was, destroyed the Pharisees philosophy with simple powerful true words. They killed him because of it

    “The Kingdom of God is within you” by Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy explains how the subsequent “religions” utterly twisted the words of Jesus to mean almost the exact opposite of what he actually said. Being a Russian then, his main target was Christian Orthodoxy. But what he says clearly applies to the Talmudists/Zionists in spades

  2. Tapestry says:

    One thing I noticed reading Ellis was that Jesus drove the money-changers out of the temple – i.e. bankers. Less often mentioned is that he also drove the animals out of the temple. He was clearly against the grisly process of animal (and therefore human) sacrifice. In the gospels he is made to say (by the Roman paid authors) ‘Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s’ meaning ‘pay your taxes’. This is all no doubt fabricated. There is no word to oppose war or slavery either in the Christian bible, the business of empires. In The Book Of Thomas which quotes actual sayings and words of Jesus, not included by the Romans in the bible, says ‘ the earth is a corpse’ . Once you understand that, you are able to stand up against the evils of the empires (I paraphrase). Better explained by Roger Spurr of Mudfossil University than by me. Thanks for your references, Pete – always well read and well informed.

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