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Science v the US Air Force

My Opposition on the Solar Cycle Question
labyrinths of lubricity

by Miles Mathis
First published September 22, 2024

From page final para 2:

“And of course there is a second greater question begged here by this search: How can there be no
mainstream response to my Solar Cycle theory since 2014? That year was just my initial effort on the
question, and I admitted I was still working on it. I soon predicted in an update to that first paper that
minimum would be 2018, rather than 2020 as the mainstream was predicting, and I was right about
that. Even Geryl at Solen.info joined me on that, before he was shut down and told to get onboard with
the mainstream prediction. But my huge paper on this subject didn’t arrive until February 2020, when I
posted a full prediction of Cycle 25, including all the biggest planetary alignments and monthlies. I
also published sine waves of all the planetary charge conjunctions. I have hit those like clockwork for
the past four years, giving the mainstream huge fits, but no response has been posted since 2014, even
on forums full of trolls? How can that be? How can there be absolutely nothing for me to respond to?
Did these people all kill themselves? Are they all in therapy? Did they quit the field and go into

My guess is that when the Air Force rode in and took over reporting on sunspots in 2021, they ordered everyone else to go mute. The famous Glomar response. Or Nomar response. Best not to engage me, they can only lose in the exchange. They always had and didn’t see any way around it. At that point, it was no longer a question of science, it was a question of power. Air Force would drown me by sheer force. They would fake the numbers and control the media, leaving reality in the dust. They did that, but it still didn’t work. Why? Because those in the field still knew the truth. You can order people to keep quiet, but you can’t order them not to read, not to think, and not to judge. These scientists may be afraid to access my sites at work, but they also have computers at home and private phones, and Air Force can’t control what they do on their own time. Yes, many in the field are like the toadies at cloudynights.com, protecting their own little pile and therefore hostile to any real science or progress. But many remain with some scruples and some ability to weigh evidence and argument: they are not so easy to cow, especially over the long term. After four years of being gagged, they tend to grow restless. They don’t like seeing me discovering something they should have seen, but they like being lorded over by Air Force even less. They start to weigh their options, coming to the correct conclusion that I am far less dangerous to them than Air Force or some other military bureaucracy.

Like the best of them, I just want to know the truth. As someone with good ideas, I am the best friend
of real science, since I will lead to its honest expansion. The current path leads only to its continued
strangulation and death.

Science has long been on the same arc as art, and modern science is quickly becoming Modern Art. It is the inversion of science being sold as science, so that the field can be used for money laundering and treasury dipping. As art was stripped down to critical theory and performance in the 20th century, taken over by a cast of poseurs from the rich families, so were all the sciences. That has become blindingly obvious in the past 40 years, as science—and especially physics—has deconstructed itself down to illusion, mentation, and observerism.

Most of theoretical physics is now no more than a magician’s trick, not even as convincing as a bird being pulled from a pie. But this isn’t what most scientists signed up for back in the day when they came into the field as bright-eyed boys and girls. Those at NASA or NOAA aren’t interested in that, for the most part, especially those in the trenches or at the midlevels. Engineers have no interest in seeing themselves as Modern Artists, selling some flimflam in the glossy magazines.

That’s why Air Force’s takeover here didn’t stick in the longterm. I smell a silent revolution in science, the same silent revolution we can feel society-wide and worldwide. We are moving toward Mordor and none of us signed up for that when we squeezed through the birth canal, much less when we paid thousands for a PhD or other degree. We wanted to do science, not be herded by a bunch of billionaire crooks and their military gestapo.

I have told you that I think Air Force quit this project earlier this year, writing it off as a lost cause. So
the question is, what will these mainstream scientists do now? They have watched me beat Air Force
by myself, not—I admit—so much with my words, as by being right. Cycle 25 is about double what
was predicted, so there was no saving it. I predicted all of the big peaks on the upside, and Air Force
couldn’t hide that fact. So what will the rank and file at NASA, NOAA, and the other agencies learn
from that? Hopefully they will learn how things really stand, not only regarding who I am, but who
they are.”


More here: https://milesmathis.com/slunk.pdf

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