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Is It Cobra or Cob-Ra?

Who Do They Serve Really?

It’s becoming pretty obvious now to anyone with a brain that our “leaders” do not serve us. The truth is always in the language. Is Cobra the word for a snake or is it actually Cob-Ra? Servants or serpents of Ra. Cob or Keb being serpent or servant and Ra being some type of “god”.

Whatever is coming is getting pretty close and allegiance lines are being drawn. The public are being terrorized and as with all terrorists at some point they will issue their demands.

What demands does the WEF have for the UK?

Be it Kier Starmer, Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden, Tony Blair, Jeremy Hunt, John Major, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Nouri al Maliki, Hosni Mubarak or Benjamin Netanyahu et al. They are slaves to a higher power. A deceitful and deceptive higher power who is lying to them. It won’t end well.

Tony Benn’s Hardest Question: How Do We Get Rid of You?

Like him or not Tony Benn understood politics and he understood how power could be abused, corrupted and kept by traitors and dictators alike. His five questions, which he believed should always be asked of those with economic, social and political power are as valid and important today as they ever were.

What power have you got?
Where did you get it from?
In whose interests do you use it?
To whom are you accountable?
How do we get rid of you?

In truth corruption and misuse of power has always happened but today things are more under scrutiny and easier seen and shared. I think what has shocked a lot of people even loyal Labour voters is how quickly British and WEF Prime Minister Keir Starmer has gone from the man expected to deliver something new and better for the people to evil dictator Palpatine with a droid army of British police being turned on the very people they share these lands with. In the coming weeks loyalty and cultural empathy will very much be tested.

So What Do We Do?

That is the question everyone will be asking but for definite the solution is not violence. It doesn’t work. It never works. It can’t work.

The first thing that needs to change is anyone in politics or public life must be forbidden from joining secret societies or being members of groups like the WEF. You cannot have two masters. If we had a real army, police force or security service Keir Starmer and many others would have been arrested and removed from office. It is simply not possibly that our security forces don’t know they have sworn allegiance to a foreign power. That makes them complicit.

As great men in history have pointed out peaceful non compliance is the only tool the masses really have available to them. It’s time for all people of good heart and character to see what’s going on, reject it, take personal responsibility and demand and offer something better.

The police are not on our side. That’s obvious. If they can’t see what is going on, reject immoral and illegal orders and side with and protect the people no matter what the cost to themselves then they are in the wrong job. They promised to serve and protect. They took an oath. Oaths are not just words. They carry weight in the spiritual world. The choices the police make now and their actions that follow will ripple throughout eternity.

The police, army and RAF. It’s the same for all. Step up or step down. Following orders and taking the money is not good enough. Stay a kapo and you will go the same way as the kapos of history.

We must take our power back in every way possible. The beast requires our acquiescence. Withdraw. Don’t comply. Don’t vote for these traitors. Stop paying for them. Take back power. Starve the beast.

The coming times may bring things we have never seen before or never expected to see in our lifetimes. Whatever happens we must have strength, courage love in our hearts and care for our fellow man.

Fight the good fight but fight it peacefully.

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2 Responses to “Is It Cobra or Cob-Ra?”

  1. ian says:

    I 100% agree that this is the only way. All the media sources are using material designed to stir hatred, and whilst some resentment/hatred is obviously felt by many, it has been deliberately fomented by police, government, and media actions. I feel sure that peaceful non-compliance will be the best option.

  2. Belyi says:

    If you’re in a hurry, the last thing you’re going to do is stop and think about someone else, camera or not.

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