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The overwhelming evidence Israel involved in the assassination of JFK.



I hope I’m not off topic here but I recently did a search on Wikipedia of Steve Kirsch, and it came up saying he was American, a further search said he was of German ancestry, not satisfied I dug a little deeper finding out that it is Ashkenazi or Yiddish. My point is that Wikipedia and others must have some kind of deal, also ancestry.com to hide these Jewish names as they claim so as not to be persecuted, I was aware of Jack Rubinstein (Ruby). I classify them as a criminal enterprise hiding their ancestry so as to get away with crimes including murder.

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4 Responses to “The overwhelming evidence Israel involved in the assassination of JFK.”

  1. newensign says:

    A very good point Gordon, but one has to remember that “Israel” is a fiefdom of the Rothschilds who started buying up land in Palestine in the early 1800’s and the Israeli Parliament was built by them, so in reality it was a City of London operation to keep control of their American colony!

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Agreed newensign

      The City/Israel security/intelligence services are integrated too I expect

      The City is effectively head office isn’t it, not Washington or Tel Aviv…

      • newensign says:

        Yes, that’s what I think Pete, but I always wonder if there has been some fallout amongst the thieves It was rather obvious at the funeral of ERII, when Biden was seated at the back of the Abbey with the 3rd world countries!

    • Gordon says:

      World, and Rothschilds financial HQ, City of London. Their gods and mascot, Gog and Magag. Is someone trying to tell us something here?

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