Church Double Standards
Sat 7:16 pm +01:00, 3 Aug 2024 3We have all seen the recent double policing standards in the media, on TV and on YouTube. It appears now though that the double standards have spread to the church.
From the Daily mail:
A priest at Sunderland Minster has slammed yobs who rioted in the city last night after they attempted to smash a headstone in order to use the debris as missiles.
The Reverend Jacqui Tyson said a colleague had reported seeing youths in the graveyard of the minster ‘trying to break up one of the graves’.
Has there been any condemnation of the breaking up of headstones when a Christian church was being turned in to a mosque? Answers on a postcard please.
“Today we visit the site which was ST JOHNS church in hanley stoke on trent but is now the DARUL FALAH MOSQUE. We visit to expose the lies that have been spread on other social sites and deliver the truth on whats going on here.”
Starting to look a lot like “a psy-op”. Let’s say for example, Who TF would smash headstones for ammo, then, stabsville Arizona. young children, girls in particular are maximum outrage material, eg the Manchester bullshit psy-op which Richard D Hall is being crushed for questioning. You see what they say is real ok, and don’t forget it. Even the Cop booting the Muslim guy which, I was attacking, could have been arranged. Ever see a film fight scene, looks real. In reality, we should join with the Muslim community and Fuck them all.
Well John it is certainly a psy-op, to make the Muslims appear oppressed when in fact they are agents used by the enemy to destroy the indigenous Christians of this country. This has always been the case. working together to bring down the Byzantine Empire and Spain – I certainly wouldn’t join them for as the saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”!
Oh well keep on fighting them N’, that’s what the big guys want.