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The New Ensign No. 180 August 2024

Dear Readers,
Before Its Too Late!

The distractions continue apace with the
attempted assassination of Trump, clearly all
theatre, with the blood bag in his ear, to give him
an advantage in the forthcoming elections. Then
we have the farce of the UK election, where
Labour gets into “power” to become the new
puppets of the real government hidden away in
the City of London.

However, one must remain optimistic. On the
ground (as opposed to the insulated unreality of
the political class) and throughout the western
nations, people are drawing a line in the sand
and refusing to comply with the tyranny that has
been so prevalent over the last four years, in

The Bible, is the book of our white Adamic race,
78% which is about Law as reflected in our
Common Law.

Many are familiar with the story of Jonah and
the wale and Yahweh’s pending Judgment on
Nineveh. Jonah went to the leaders of that city
and warned them, that if they did not repent and
return to the law of God, terrible judgment would
come upon them, but they heeded the warning
and were spared. They did not all become pious
and go to church and pray – but kept the divine
Law! There is a lesson for us today here!

The good news is, that there are groups all over
Great Britain springing up educating and helping
people deal with lawless authority. Some also
have their own enforcement agents.

This needs to be expanded, so eventually power
will be brought back down to Parish level, where
it used to be in the days of Merry England or the
dark ages to the usurers, who were not able to
practice their art! Why don’t you find your
nearest group and together with Yahweh on our
side we will remove tyranny from our land –
Praise Yahweh!!

Editors (editor@newensign.com)
This magazine is for private subscription
only and is not in any way connected to The
Ensign Message Magazine

Contents Page
Yahweh Is The Holy One of Israel (Part 8) Pastor – Eli James page 3
OT “Word for Word” Exodus Part 32 Chap. 38 – Pastor Steven H. Anderson page 8
Why I Left Scofieldism – W. E. Cox page 11
Programming The Masses Through Music – T. Sayers page 13
Harold Stough Notes – St. Asaph, Cathedral Village page 14
Great Tartaria Its History and Destruction (Part 8) – James W Lee page 15
Can Electricity be heard? – Arthur Firstenburg page 19
King Arthur and Falsification of British History (Part 3) page 22
King Pelayo: A Symbol of Resistance and Inspiration – Andrew Torba page 23
Letters And Views page 24
The Tribe page 28
Do Not Through Away Your Avocado Seeds page 31
Our American Identity – Dr Stanley Barnes page 33
St. Patrick’s Chapel Heysham, Lancastershire – Clint Collier page 37
The Warning to Bobby Kennedy Following His Closure of The AZO page 38


Source: https://newensign.com/

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