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‘When The Devil Becomes Obvious, It’s Not His Best Card. It’s His Last Card’

Destroying the white race is only part of what is going on. The Jews are a part but not the whole problem. I don’t get why so many people are missing this. There are many levels to what is happening.


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5 Responses to “‘When The Devil Becomes Obvious, It’s Not His Best Card. It’s His Last Card’”

  1. ian says:

    An exceptional post John, thanks.

  2. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    It’s not just the Jews, it’s the Zionists, many of whom are not Jewish. It’s a multi millennial Talmudic Satanist Masonic project that is coming to a head now it seems….

    Quite a lot of recognisable “independent” faces on that montage of New Establishment Narrative Gatekeepers too. Strictly “independent” or “alternative” of course, not on anybody’s payroll at all. At least not on a visible payroll that is…

    Best actor in the worldwide shit show, Biden? Ha ha ha! Which one? But they have all got an IMDB page though! At least the ones I’ve checked have, Obama, Biden, Bill and Killary Clinton, Jimmy Carter. They all say “actor”. In your face or what

    The Trump revival just shows what we are up against. It’s less than 4 years since “warp speed” but even lots of “awake” folk seem to have forgotten about that. They’ve been very effective in their dumbing down, short attention span, State “education”

    That’s a good list of who the enemy is towards the end too. But it’s nothing like comprehensive as he says

    Btw, according to Douglas Reed then, the Talmudists were the first to come up with Big Bang, that is a Talmudist theory. Makes sense to me. In essence something out of nothing and no Creator. Which is utterly impossible of course but entirely fits with their MO

  3. John says:

    The devil and his followers are being revealed. All we need to do is stay calm, sit back and watch them panic. We may get some shocks as to who is on which side but we must remain neutral whatever happens. Neutrality is the key in my opinion. Left or right feeds the beast. Neutrality starves it.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Totally agreed John. Don’t jump on any bandwagon, stay neutral, stay detached, starve the beast

      Easier said than done sometimes of course

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