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2024 UK General Election: 141 Fabians Elected—What Is Fabianism? – UK Column News (Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Image)



Full news and all the source links: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-19th-july-2024
– Author Documentaries (YouTube): George Bernard Shaw documentary
– National Portrait Gallery: Explore our Collection
– Wikipedia: The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells
– A-Z Quotes: Bertrand Russell quote
“I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology […] Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda.”
– Fabian Society: The future of the left since 1884
– Patheos (2017): Enter the Fabian Society: A Small Meditation About What Democratic Socialism Actually Means (Image of a turtle with the words ‘When I strike I strike Hard’)
– Wikipedia: Fabian Society coat of arms (wolves in sheep’s clothing)
– The Fabian Society (on X): The Fabian Society’s post
“141 Fabians elected!
From every corner of the country, brilliant Fabians will be shaping the future of the left in parliament. We can’t wait to work with you all!
To all Fabians who stood yesterday, whether elected or not, you are the backbone of our movement. Your commitment to our shared values makes us stronger.”
– Fabian Society: Priorities
– The Guardian (2003): Full text: Blair’s Fabian speech (part 1) | Public services policy
– Plant Based News: Ecotricity Founder Dale Vince Slams Animal Agriculture In Nature March Speech
– Food, Farming and Countryside Commission: Food: An Unstoppable Movement for Change
– Daily Mail (2013): The man who hated Britain: Red Ed’s pledge to bring back socialism is a homage to his Marxist father. So what did Miliband Snr really believe in? The answer should disturb everyone who loves this country
– Tortoise Media: The Responsible AI Forum at Waddesdon

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11 Responses to “2024 UK General Election: 141 Fabians Elected—What Is Fabianism? – UK Column News (Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Image)”

  1. ian says:

    An excellent post D’. Ben does great work on exposing secrets of the Fabian society.

    • ian says:

      Esp’ the George Bernard Shaw video, what an arrogant old bugger.

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        George Bernard Shaw

        • pete fairhurst 2 says:


          “So why do I hate Shaw so much? Because I can see the Fabian Society for what it was: another
          offshoot of the Theosophy Project, which I have hit elsewhere. They pretty much admit that. The
          Fabian Society was a splinter off the Fellowship of the New Life, founded by Scotsman Thomas
          Davidson. Davidson was like their Henry Steel Olcott across the pond: a cloaked agent and fascist
          posing as an intellectual and progressive. In fact, Davidson was in the US by 1867, landing first in
          Boston. Always a red flag. That is precisely the time Olcott was working his magic. Davidson spent a
          couple of years in St. Louis in the late 1860s, but was back in Cambridge (Boston) in 1875, just in time
          for the kick-off of Theosophy. ”


          “We also see this with Fabianism, which got its shallow and corrupted philosophy straight from
          Davidson and the dungeons of Intelligence.
          The Fabian Society’s basis was to promote the transfer of land and capital to the State, equality of
          citizenship of men and women, and having public authority instead of private for the education and
          support of children.
          That may have sounded noble to some naive persons at the time, but we now see what it really meant:
          transferring all your capital to the bankers, outlawing the idea and very words of gender, and allowing
          the bankers to educate your children in their own image. It is right from today’s headlines, as the
          Governors tell parents they have no say in what is taught to their children, and that if they complain
          they will be tagged as terrorists and stalked by the FBI and Justice Department. Parents pushing back
          against schoolboards that have been infiltrated and packed by agents of Pfizer and Bill Gates are being
          violently arrested. So that is what Shaw’s “public authority” has become in practice, right in front of
          your eyes. You think the Fabians would have learned that after the failures of Communism in Russia
          and China back in the 1920s, 30s and 40s, with tyrants taking over and crushing their own populations.
          You would think the world would have learned about the Fabians at least. But no. They are still at it,
          and most people don’t even know it.
          So that’s why I hate Shaw and the rest of these cloaked agents


          “While I am here I should expose the other first Fabians Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb. Beatrice was
          born Martha Beatrice Potter, also a Heyworth, also from great wealth. The house she was born in,
          Standish House, was so large it is now a hospital. The Potter in It’s a Wonderful Life was patterned on
          these people, since Beatrice’s father was Chairman of the Great Western Railway. These Potters hit the
          big time in the peerage when they joined up with the millionaire Palmers of York in 1808. They also
          linked up with the Kennedys at the same time. A bit later they also married the Stuarts. The
          Heyworths were also wealthy merchants, descended recently from the Spencer-Churchills through the
          Marjoribanks. Sidney Webb is one of the most scrubbed persons I have run across, and if you are a
          reader of mine you may already know why: he was related to the current Queen, who is a Webb in her
          Cavendish line. Wikipedia tells us nothing of his parents, which is strange for a recent Baron and
          founder of the London School of Economics.
          Yes, the Fabians founded the LSE, which is reason enough to hate it, them, and anyone linked to it,
          including the Rolling Stones.”

          • ian says:

            Hi Pete, yes so much about Fabianism. I’ll be honest, and it’ll come at no surprise to most, that though I’d heard of Fabianism, and was there not a 50’s singer called Fabian, I wasn’t aware of it’s political implications or really what it was about until today. Ben’s showing of the G’B’ Shaw speech really opened my eyes. You were obviously up on it mate, makes me feel even more retarded.

            • pete fairhurst 2 says:

              Behave Ian! I was fooled by them for most of my life too. But I woke up to them when my son’s uni mate went to the LSE after Uni

              The lad was very well connected into old left Labour. His old man having once worked for Tony Benn. So I did some research and I opened up Pandoras box. Helped by MM too. What a bunch of frauds!

              The lad went on to become a barrister after studying at the Inner Temple in the City. That’s a whole other cesspit of iniquity, that I won’t bore you with now

              Btw, funny story about Tony Benn. Back in the day I knew this Trotskyist in Liverpool, who was involved with Socialist Workers Party, or something similar, cant remember exactly. He’s dead now, so I can’t ask him either. He was very active, including joining companies to work and then fomenting strikes and the like. An agitator Trotskyist provocateur

              [The misguided fool, Trotsky was the Money Powers man in Communist Russia! That is why Stalin offed him. Mate didn’t know that, and nor did I until recently]

              Anyhow old mate once met Tony Benn at some function or other. Had a very amicable discussion with him too

              Benn told him, “I’ve got a tip for you lad”

              Mate says “What’s that then?”

              Benn says “Never trust a man with shiny shoes” 🙂

  2. danceaway says:

    Yes, even Mike was visibly taken aback by it……unbelievable…..

  3. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    The Fabians have been change agents since the 1884. They were big players in the founding of the Labour Party in 1900. All of them rooted in the rich capitalists too, the sons and daughters of the rich

    The Fabians original logo was literally a wolf in a sheepskin, but that was too obvious, so they changed to a turtle. They have been a major part in the slow march through the institutions. They’ve captured them all now, government, medicine, education, local government, police etc etc. All of them woke and all of them working against the common interest in some way

  4. danceaway says:

    And now there are 141 of them in Parliament, and Ben pointed many of them out……they are very proud of it, it would seem…..

    • danceaway says:

      Ed Miliband – Mike hinted recently that he may be coming after wet wipes, so we should take note and stock up; they are so very useful for household chores!!

  5. danceaway says:

    Ben has excellent. well-honed presentation skills, and cogent analysis, which is always done with a smile and good humour.

    These skills and his sense of conviction and determination will be of great value when our generation is no longer around, which is what the PTSB are doing their best to accelerate. I feel we should be grateful to see people like Ben coming forward and speaking out.

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