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Hampstead described

Move on, move on, nothing to see here.

Let’s take the HAMPSTEAD COVER-UP – which is now universally called the ‘Hampstead Hoax’ by the mainstream media…

This is the true story of an ancient satanic sex-cult importing babies for ritual sacrifice using courier firms to various schools where Social Workers, Teachers, Police and anyone with enough cash could pay around £60 to ritually bugger the children of rich people who were fed blood and feces….

The teachers had tattoos on their genitals, the School Matron injected babies with anesthetic and the kids’ father – a failed Hollywood acolyte – would make fresh ‘baby stew’ – oh yes, it’s all true BUT ALSO A BIG LIE according to the BBC, Channel4, YouTube and many other media channels which have DELETED and CENSORED many of the clips concerning the so called ‘Hampstead Hoax’…

Just another horrid CONSPIRACY THEORY that you idiots believe – as if someone dressed with FANGS and calling themselves a DEMON would be invited to the MICHELE OBAMA LIBRARY!

So WHAT is real? Is any of it TRUE?

Well, footage arose of a gang of menacing police officers with NO WARRANT and NO GROUNDS FOR ENTRY harassing the mother of the whistleblower children that first exposed the cult…

A Special Police Constable called DAVID BADIEL had just a few months previously been employed at a nearby police station and had been handed a sentence for ‘manufacturing the most sordid and heinous child pornography’ the judge had ever seen [manufactured in the actual police station where the Hampstead whistleblower children were sent for interrogation]…

And also, what is true, is that just up the road from this case, in Hemel Hempstead, the Police themselves ran a Pagan Association and invited rock bands singing about Witches, Pentacles, Pan, Sacrifice and such-not at special Police ‘Balls’…


But, of course, who are we to question the inscrutable whiter-then-white credentials of the BBC who say that the Hampstead satanic cult never existed – even though there was indeed a curious website run by two men fingered by the children which was promoting the use of HUMAN LEATHER! Oops! That one slipped through the net…

But what, perhaps is the most curious aspect, is how this ancient Satanic sex cult, operating in London’s richest borough, which never supposedly existed, is now being MONETISED and made into a mini-TVseries and sold worldwide by the mainstream media!

Why not make a night of it and watch THE RUSSIAN ILLUMINATI – that’s another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ which is supposedly never ever to have happened – this one killed SIXTY MILLION PEOPLE!!!!

Watch BEYOND P!zzag@†e 2024 and decide for yourselves – this is the first of a two hour report – not just covering Hampstead, but giving you golden moments from our vast archive of video reports – all of which have now been CENSORED and DELETED from Social Media – but NOT from the Enigma Channel…


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One Response to “Hampstead described”

  1. Belyi says:

    I followed this case back in the day and it’s obvious that the children could never have made up the things they were talking about.

    When the case came to court, Judge Pauffley disallowed most of the evidence so that she could whitewash the father. There is no doubt at all in my mind that this really happened.

    And, by the way, Hemel Hempsgtead is not just up the road from Hampstead! I come from the area so I do a bit about it.