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Bill C-63: “Like Something Out of a Science-Fiction Horror Fantasy”

2 min read

Renegade Editor’s Note: Calling the bill “fascism” and quoting Ezra Levant makes me cringe, but I am posting this article to make you aware of the bill.

By John C. A. Manley

Justin Trudeau is trying to pass Bill C-63 into law — which would make it illegal to “express hate on the internet.”

First, let’s look up the word “hate” in the Oxford Dictionary to keep us somewhat rooted in reality:

“Hate: intense or passionate dislike”

So the Liberals are trying to make it illegal to express an intense dislike for somebody or something.

It gets even more fantastically fascist:

“The proposals contained in Bill C-63 are so bizarre and outrageous that most would dismiss them outright,” says host Bob Metz, in last week’s episode of Just Right. “Like something out of a science-fiction horror fantasy, the bill allows the government to convict, fine, and imprison ‘for life’ people who have not committed any speech offence, but who may do so in the future.”

Yes, you could go to jail if there are reasonable grounds to suspect you might leave a comment after a YouTube video about how much you dislike something (such as this Orwellian law) or somebody (such as our Orwellian prime minister).

“Hate is obviously a human emotion,” says Ezra Levant in the same episode of Just Right. “We all know that. Sometimes we feel love, sometimes we feel hate, sometimes we feel contempt, sometimes we feel respect. That’s a normal, human personality. And you could no more ban hate than you could pass the ‘Love Each Other Act’… You cannot eradicate hate from the human heart. The essence of this Bill C-63 is it turns that feeling into a crime. It’s not even a thought crime… It’s a feelings crime.”

I guess we are all going to jail.

By coincidence, in my forthcoming novella, All the Humans Are Sleeping, expressions of sadness, rather than hate, are made not only illegal, but impossible (inside a virtual reality environment where most of the human race is living full-time).


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