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Pork Or Pizza, Cabbage Dave?

What do you do with failure? Reward and promote it of course!

Lord Cameron and John Podesta have both been recalled the fore. One helped destroy Libya and lost the vote on Brexit while the other helped steer Hillary’s loss to Trump.

Lord Cameron was born in a cabbage patch. Whether he will attend the next Collectors Club Spring Event, Friday 03 May, is unconfirmed, but the price tag of $100.00 should not be a deterrence to the former UK PM and current Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs.
Allegedly, Lord Cabbage underwent the Squeak Piggy Squeak challenge as part of his Bullydon Club membership imitation. Therefore, The Putin, Hamas or Iran will be a mere walk in the park for Dave.

Even better, as the earth boils because of gaseous cow expulsions, John Podesta has been appointed Climate Envoy by Sniffer Joe Bidenopoulos, Greece’s favourite son as frequently mentioned by The Duran’s Alex Christoforou.

The rumours about Podesta, whether babies for breakfast or being a member of the club that uses urban street slang such as pizza and chicken, have long been put to rest. John does have a much admired art collection, but whether it has been partly curated by Marina Abramović is unconfirmed. Podesta replaces Ketchup King John ‘Kohn’ Kerry because the job requires you to be called John.

Eventually we will all be required to give up all meat, dairy and any food grown in a field since the whole farming addiction issue must be addressed to combat climate change. The answer is quite simple: laboratory grown protein, insect fodder and solar panels in Costa del England.

We remain thankful to Lord Rothschild of the wonderful banking dynasty that not only gifted us the cheesemakers of Israel, but helped illegalise natural raw milk which has been contributing to our bad habits for millennia:

For what we are about to receive, may Lord Cabbage make us truly thankful.

Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış : Peace At Home, Peace İn The World… if only.

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