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LSB Films: London BBC 28 Oct 2023

The UK government is implementing an Online Harms Bill to project children and I’m the Queen of Sheba. The government want to censor free speech and the dissemination of information.

The excuse and justification for censorship is protecting children. As if.
‘A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the regulation by OFCOM of certain internet services; for and in connection with communications offences; and for connected purposes’
Child and human trafficking is apparently a £multi-billion global industry. The government do not address the issue because it involves vested interests and perpetrators have long been protected. Jeffrey Epstein is dead and Ghislaine Maxwell in prison, yet few perpetrators from their ring of collaborators have been arrested. I guess you could point to Harvey Weinstein. This chap, not Whitney Webb, I refer to as the go-to for Epstein research. One of his tools is creating maps: Ryan Dawson Epstein Crime Map:

LSB Film Productions have published this short promo for 28 October when concerned members of the public will gather in London to highlight the infiltration of child grooming in schools and society as apparently supported by county councils.

This is a longer film of members of the public voicing their concerns:

The gathering is due to congregate at BBC HQ, London, Saturday 28 October 2023 where a statue above the front porch of BBC HQ portrays a man and child, sculpted by Eric Gill, a man who allegedly had sexual relations with his daughter and family dog.

This is another superb video of citizen journalism by LSB Film Productions capturing the closing down of a West Suffolk Council public meeting. I wonder if this kind of citizen journalism is the real target of the UK Govt. Online Harms Bill?

I wonder if BBC Bunny Marijuanna Spring and BBC Verify will be covering the event 28 October to ascertain if the information is or is not verifiable?

The footage by LSB Productions is significant. It revealed the council have no intention of debating whether there is or is not a climate emergency. They are merely following orders and implementing a policy that threatens the welfare of constituents. The ludicrous net zero policy will result in constituents going hungry, cold and risk death. There is NO climate emergency that we humans beings can control. King Cnut knew this as did…
David Bellamy: CO₂ Is The World’s Best Friend

That council meeting also gave rise to the existence of a sex education curriculum within Suffolk county schools whereby primary school children are ‘taught’ masturbation. I assume this curriculum is being rolled out throughout England.

Andrew Bridgen MP has just Tweeted on X:
‘Dr. Mark Trozzi cites shocking sex education curriculum topics from the WHO’s Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe document for school-aged children, including “early childhood masturbation” for children aged 0-4.’

These are those sanctioning this in Suffolk, the Chief of Suffolk and West Suffolk councils being paid approximately £200K/year by the UK taxpayer…
Nicola Beach, chief executive of Suffolk County Council:
Ian Gallin, West Suffolk Council Chief Executive… I can’t find Ian Gallin, but he is the head honcho here:
An article on council boss’ salaries:
Councillor Roger Dicker, Chair of West Suffolk Council:
This is Councillor Cliff Waterman who pushes through climate emergency policy when there is no climate emergency;
This is Tim Passmore, Police and Crime Commissioner for Suffolk. He and the police allow these policies to be inflicted upon constituents he is supposed to help protect:
Let’s not forget local Bury Free press editor Barry Peters who like the BBC, fails to do what LSB Films do, real on the ground journalism. He is pictured here:

These people are implementing policy whereby I can’t buy proper coal from local coal merchants. They are pushing the false ‘green’ net carbon zero agenda. On top of this, they are pushing a sex education curriculum for primary school children. When we have Matthew Hancock MP being paid £300K to eat animal penis in a jungle, I suppose none of this should be a surprise. This is not a Conservative shoe-in West Suffolk constituency. This is cultural Marxism from top to bottom.

Thank goodness for the likes of LSB Film Productions doing what the BBC and local newspapers such as the Bury Free Press should be doing; journalism! Good luck and best wishes to all those attending BBC HQ Saturday 28 October 2023.

Ned Substack:

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2 Responses to “LSB Films: London BBC 28 Oct 2023”

  1. ian says:

    An excellent post Ned.

  2. NPP says:

    Thank you.