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Obomba, Oops!? ‘X’traordinary Times.

Tucker Carlson appears to have gone full loose cannon. A new meme is bound to follow: Tucker Didn’t Kill Himself!

I bought a book c.2009 titled ‘Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?’ by Larry Sinclair:

I had followed the 2008 US presidential election and really, really wanted Ron Paul to be the Republican nomination, but of course, he was too honest and potentially beneficial for Americans to the point the political establishment saw to his withdrawal. Obomba became US President. ‘Yes we can!’ was his ‘change’ mantra. It seems he did anything and anyone he fancied and indeed, he could without recrimination.

Sinclair did a series of interviews with Jeff Rense.

The story faded. Indeed, I thought Sinclair was dead. Then, the other day Tucker Carlson mentioned in an interview on the Adam Carolla Show, ‘In 2008, it became really clear that Barack Obama had been having sex with men and smoking crack.’
It’s in the Daily Fail!
Then, this morning, boom! Sinclair is not only alive, but has conducted an interview with Tucker Carlson to be aired later on ‘X’ at 6pm ET.

Again, the Daily Fail are reporting on it, though, of course, they describe Sinclair as a ‘con man’, unlike Obomba who is regarded as a genuine, authentic statesman and orator of the highest calibre!

I painted a portrait of Colonel Gadhafi c.2002 for a Turkish construction company to gift to Gadhafi to commemorate a 30 year working relationship with Libya.

Blair went to meet and greet Gadhafi and later Obomba and Hillary Clinton over saw the invasion of Libya and over throw and murder of Gadhafi by bayonet up the bum without trial or jury. She loved it…

Under Obama’s watch, a slave market manifested in Libya.
‘The footage released by CNN appears to show youths from Niger and other sub-Saharan countries being sold to buyers for about $400 (£300) at undisclosed locations in Libya.’

This same Obama says 97% of scientists agree on the climate emergency. This is a lie repeated over and over again on the BBC and throughout the legacy media. It is fake news. Obomba appears to be a fake character. His fakeness may extend even beyond my suspicions. Obomba just about sums up the collective West’s approach to freedom and democracy; lie, lie and lie again, then add some killing by bayonet, drone and or simply full on land and air attack.

These artworks were inspired by commentary during Patrick Henningsen’s Sunday Wire show.

Obomba was awarded a Nobel peace Prize. In clown world continuum, what else would we do for such a divisive war monger? Since being ousted by FOX News, called by Elon Musk and invited to use ‘X’ as a broadcasting platform, Tucker Carlson seems to be a man unleashed. Imagine, should the story hold credence, the reaction of the BBC et al. Imagine further if Michelle really is a woman with a penis. Surely not. I look forward to the Carlson Sinclair interview. It should appear here:

From 2018..

9.09am UK time.Ep. 22 Larry Sinclair says he had a night of crack cocaine-fueled sex with Barack Obama, and that Obama came back for more the next day. Assess for yourself. Here’s our interview.

Further, later edit. More:
Beau Biden, then Attorney General for Delaware, had Sinclair arrested 2008.

P.S. Yet more:

Ned Substack:

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16 Responses to “Obomba, Oops!? ‘X’traordinary Times.”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    “Obomba appears to be a fake character. His fakeness may extend even beyond my suspicions. Obomba just about sums up the collective West’s approach to freedom and democracy; lie, lie and lie again, then add some killing by bayonet, drone and or simply full on land and air attack.”

    Yes exactly Ned, he’s as fake as a 9 bob note. Everything about him, including his missus, and his kids too. I could drone on and on but I will spare you that. It’s hard to believe if you haven’t been steeped in modern deceptions like I have. But there is plenty of evidence, plenty

    Obomba is a good nickname too, 7 wars started under his “administration”. I used to call him Obummer which alluded to his Chicago days, when he was know colloquially as “Bath-house Barry” -))

    Joan Rivers called him the “first gay President”. She also said that Michelle was the “first transgender First Lady”. She died a mafia death a few days later, of a throat op that went wrong, clear symbolism

  2. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Here is a recent snippet for those that are interested enough

    Obama’s Grandads’s floating hand


    The debate in the comments cover some of the points I mentioned above too

  3. Gordon says:

    A few years ago I was asked by a black manager of an American corporation visiting the UK who admired Obama what I thought of Obama. I replied that Obama is a compulsive liar. In his election manifesto, he promised Americans “Change, Peace and Jobs.” Not five minutes into the job he awarded himself the Nobel Peace Prize and tripled the American national debt to pay for the previous Bush-Israeli administration’s Middle East wars and exported all the promised jobs to China. And you think you got a good president.

    • Belyi says:

      I would love to hear what the reaction of this man was to your comment.

  4. NPP says:

    Theories & stories are properly examined as they are shown to the ‘sunshine’.
    ‘X’ & Tucker are pouring sunshine onto matters.
    ‘X’ may be imperfect, indeed, collecting bio-data on participants?…. but, let’s take the wins as they come.
    Tucker? He’s better than many. Enjoy his interviews as they come.
    Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells us why the Ukraine war must end now.

    • Gordon says:

      Excellent video Ned thanks. I do like Colonel MacGregor’s talks, he talks sense and I find myself nodding and smiling in agreement with what he has to say. Sad that the Yanks can’t see their inevitable fall coming due to their pride.

      • NPP says:

        MacGregor. Don’t you wish his type were at the helm.
        Interestingly, he actually speaks well of Trump.

  5. Tapestry says:

    The Gods of our galaxy choose our governments not the electorate or the media. Humans are not required here. We’ve fulfilled our role building the world’s infrastructure (we are the free masons) and the reptilians now want to move us on. The giants were eliminated after making the earth fertile with their dead bodies – turned to stone in the flood. Geology is biology. We humans turned this biology into economy and infrastructure. Our reward is to be eliminated by the gods who bred us and placed us here, in favour of their own blood. We can call on the creator god of the universe to come to our help. Why not?

    • NPP says:

      As you wish… I’m still going to watch Tucker.
      Arsenal 3 Man Utd 1. It’s great when you win.

  6. Tapestry says:

    Totally agree Ned. Play the game. Live life. Know your friends. And know your enemy.

    • NPP says:

      Friends? Few & far between.
      I had a good clear out during covid1984.

      Even my team are a bunch of knee-taking anal sex promoting Nazis, but I am a Gooner through & through; men Gooners. I don’t follow pussy football. What a nonsense the Spanish kiss thing is. Why concern yourself with international child trafficking when you can vent your spleen over the ethics of women’s football? Assuming they are women.
      Song coming.

      • Tapestry says:

        Will you record your song or play it live at Teds’ conference in October….

        • NPP says:

          Record? Funny.
          You will receive a private ‘phone’ demo. Step at a time.
          Like you, whether images, words or tunes, I am an IT bimbo.
          Aiming for Thursday/Friday.

  7. NPP says:

    It’s posted here & within the post.

    Ep. 22 Larry Sinclair says he had a night of crack cocaine-fueled sex with Barack Obama, and that Obama came back for more the next day. Assess for yourself. Here’s our interview.