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You Lucky Lucky Bastards

Film. Monty Python, The Life Of Brian. The long term prisoner chained up on the wall looks down and welcomes the new cell mate Brian with, “You lucky lucky bastard!”

We, the UK voters, are just as lucky, aren’t we? We’re not yet up on the wall. We still have a chance.
The Sex Pistols ‘sang’…
And there is no future
In England’s dreaming.

Body piercing makes me go ‘yuk’, let alone a safety pin through a fashionable punk nostril, but the God Save The Queen lyric seems sadly prophetic. It does look bleak. At the next UK general election these two clown world continuum muppet-puppets look to be the choice: Ratty Sanook or Blockhead Kueer Starmer. Both are on record as being confused when asked to define a woman and Kueer, the former Director of Public Prosecutions, even stated that some women do have a penis. I assume both know what a woman is, but they are more concerned about appearing transgender-politically correct than acknowledging the truth or citing the existence of the hermaphrodite human. Which ever of these creatures it might be, Ratty or Blockhead, they represent, not me, not you, not the general populous us, but the WEF, the UN, the Trilateral Commission and the global uniparty.

Rosa Koire, www.rosakoire-bgm.com, described the UN Agenda 21, later renamed Agenda 2030, which includes the term ‘sustainable development’.
“It is the inventory and control plan of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information and all human beings in the world.
This plan was agreed to by 179 nations in 1992; a UN plan called the Agenda for the 21st century. So many think sustainable development sounds so great; isn’t it about recycling and creative reuse and creating energy and food resources for everyone? The answer is no.
It’s about moving populations into concentrated city centres and clearing them out of the rural areas.
It’s constructed of non-governmental organisations, corporations and government in order to dictate and regulate what it is that happens around the world.
Regionalisation is the stepping stone to globalisation and globalisation is the standardisation of all systems; all systems have to be brought into harmony in order to control them all.
The goal of Agenda 21 is one world government and total control from a central unit. The principles are public private partnerships which is fascism and this is how it’s implemented on the ground, through this joining together of corporations, NGOs and governments in order to cut out the actual individual voter; to take that to a level where we cannot penetrate.
This is a corporatocracy, a totalitarian state to be developed right now all over the world. Wile we are moving towards the end game, we are not there and this is the opportunity that all of us have now to stand up, to speak out. We are free and we need to continue to be free and I do believe that we will win, but we have to become aware that there is a fight.”
Rosa can be heard saying this here:

Our WEF ambassadors Ratty or Kueer will promise to steer the good ship UK in an ever successful and prosperous direction just as all their predecessors promised before. Alex Christoforou mentioned at about 22 minutes during this walk & talk video from St. Petersburg, that Russia has become the 5th largest economy in the world:

We must support Ukraine in fighting to the last Ukrainian! The sanctions punishment on Russia by the collective West has really worked, hasn’t it?!

Are the statistics he references up to date and accurate? I did find this from 2015:
It would appear the Russian economy is stable to growing, while the UK sits 10th in the league. Alex’s videos of Moscow and St. Petersburg present cities looking clean, smart, civilised and inviting. Video footage of London, Paris, New York and L.A. do not.

Ned Substack for full post:

I portray both cretins with lude, rude and crude depiction because they will demonstrate net zero respect or courtesy for our freedom and liberty should either gain the opportunity to implement their intended impositions upon us, the mere chattel. Be in no doubt, they will treat us like the proverbial ‘s’ before ‘hit’ hits the fan, should we acquiesce.

As we are thrust further into dystopian jail I wonder if there is already a prisoner up there, chained to the wall to look down upon and remind us that we are lucky, lucky bastards…



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9 Responses to “You Lucky Lucky Bastards”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    “Which ever of these creatures it might be, Ratty or Blockhead, they represent, not me, not you, not the general populous us, but the WEF, the UN, the Trilateral Commission and the global uniparty.”

    Yup, nail on the head there Ned. Excellent cartoon as usual too

    “This is a corporatocracy, a totalitarian state to be developed right now all over the world. Wile we are moving towards the end game, we are not there and this is the opportunity that all of us have now to stand up, to speak out. We are free and we need to continue to be free and I do believe that we will win, but we have to become aware that there is a fight.”

    Yup. Just say NO!

    The chances of educating all the NPC’s are slim though. Awareness has to come from within. We can facilitate knowledge when asked, but it’s very rare to be able to be a real agent in folks change of this sort of thinking

    I’ve plugged away in my wider family for 15+ years now with some success, particularly with my 2 daughters who are 45 and 43 this year. The eldest one told me recently that she’d seen the photos of Megan Markle’s prosthetic baby bump and it’s hilarious misfunction. So she’s clearly been down some deepish burrows now :-))

    But some abject failures too, certainly in the leftist elements like my bro. His whole persona is wrapped up in leftist, pc, woke shite, thinking. He has that personality type too, dogmatic and closed minded. He realises Kueer is a wrong ‘un now. But I told him about the Uniparty a decade or more ago. But he only recently conceded that to me. Anything further and he gets abusive, so I don’t bother anymore

    • Tapestry says:

      The problem is they cancelled extreme poverty and allowed most people into universities to wear black gowns and freemasonic mortar boards – They were given status without the need for intellect. These geniuses have gone through life thinking they knew it all before they even started.

      • NPP says:

        Both Thetford Bob & my BBC Bunny Marijuanna Spring were featured on UKC News today.

        Bob & co.’s activism in Thetford appears to be having some success challenging the carbon zero policy.

        Optimistic steps.

        I’m writing to https://coalmerchants.co.uk/ urging them to resist & defy the ban.

        • Tapestry says:

          A coal merchant near us recently committed suicide…

          • NPP says:

            I called https://coalmerchants.co.uk/ since our regular merchant is no longer delivering local ‘proper’ coal. They are offering more expensive ‘smokeless’ crap. It’s just not the same. The chap the other end was very open & appreciative of my stance. We must organise ourselves in challenging the ban.

            Is there a legal angle to challenge the ban?

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        Yes Tap, that’s it

        I wore the gown at uni too, at formal dinners. I graduated in summer ’71 aa a, wet behind the ears 20 year old, Physics BSC. But I didn’t ever don the mortar board [mortar? in your face hey]

        After my experience at the Isle of Wight the previous summer then, I knew just one thing about my future: that I was NEVER EVER going to work for “the man”, ie. a corporation

        And I never ever did too, I always worked for private limited companies, 3 in total. And in each one I had an equity stake. So I was always working for myself and my family in my mind

        I had no idea about the masonic question either. I just knew in my bones that the mortar board was “the man” somehow. So I skipped my graduation ceremony, much to my parents chagrin

        I was working on a building site at the time to get some dough, as I called it then, to fund a trip round Europe that summer. I slept rough for 6 whole weeks in France, Swiss, Italy, Germany, Belgium. My first bed was in Amsterdam, hippy heaven, for a few days before home in late August. This was my last hurrah as a student, knowing that reality was going to bite that September

        I was smart and very, very, lucky. I started selling washing machines for a local retail company with 3 shops. Within 3 years I was a director, 5 years a shareholder and 8 years managing director. Still don’t know how I managed that, must have been helped by a higher natural power :-))

  2. Tapestry says:

    I prefer Sunak to be referred to as The Sunake. He looks highly Reptilian in the cartoon above. How about Rattie Sunake and Queer Stalker?

  3. Belyi says:

    The videos Alex is posting from Russia are so fascinating. Clean cities, no graffiti, nobody seemingly camped out on the street.

    I have suggested that he visit more of Russia, going to other centres of high population so that we can see what life is like there.

    • NPP says:

      Yes. Is he showing us a view through ‘rose tinted specs’?
      I visited Thetford this morning. There was a street food activity happening, festival?
      Just about every word over heard was foreign. Polish? Ukraine?