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A Tidal Wave of Awakening Is Flooding the World

Ed. Many bemoan the fact that the proverbial ‘man in the street’ is oblivious to the evil going on around him – here is an alternative view!

A historically unprecedented worldwide awakening is happening, where hundreds of millions of people are beginning to see how their governments, media and health organizations are indescribably corrupt, and are lying to them in ways nobody could have ever imagined in their worst nightmares. As a result, innumerable people in every nation no longer blindly submit themselves to the criminal plans of their overlords, but they have begun to rise up and take action to build a better world.

The magnitude of this worldwide awakening is beyond anyone’s comprehension. Nothing like this has ever occurred since the beginning of time.

Still, it is only just starting, and is nothing compared to what the world is about to witness soon. This current awakening will evolve into something we cannot even imagine…


Who could have imagined what we are seeing now already? In past decades, only a minority of medical experts were aware of the dangers of vaccines. And they fought a hard and seemingly impossible war to wake up an uninterested world, that was more engaged in watching stupid movies and silly TV programs, than hearing about the dangers of vaccines.

Now… all of a sudden, hundreds of millions worldwide know how incredibly devastating vaccines can be.

In the most liberal state of the USA – California, over 30% of all law enforcement, firefighters and nurses are standing up against the vaccine mandates. It is estimated that at least half of all physicians in America are refusing the vaccine tyranny. Medical organizations that resist the plan to forcefully inject experimental, untested and highly toxic substances into the entire world population, are being formed in every nation of the world.

In our World Freedom Directory you can find one thousand organizations worldwide that say ‘NO!’ to this criminal tyranny.

One thousand organizations… yet our brand-new directory only shows a fraction of what is happening worldwide. Who could have imagined? And this is only the early beginning of the worldwide resistance…


For the past century the media has had a monopoly on the mind of mankind, determining strictly what the world was allowed to think, believe or do, without anybody having the slightest clue how they were being manipulated by the news.

Today… a rapidly increasing percentage of humanity no longer trusts the media. I see an explosion coming that will be far greater than what we have seen so far. Let the wicked increase the tyranny. Let them put healthy humans in quarantine camps for no reason whatsoever. Let them impose mandates that are so ridiculous that only the very stupid will fall for them. They are digging their own grave. They will fall in the traps they put out for humanity.


The following may pose somewhat of a challenge for some readers. Still, it’s worth mentioning because it’s very encouraging. At the start of the plandemic, I received one specific statement from the Bible several times from different people. That rarely happens and when it does, I know I should pay attention. This is the verse several people – out of the blue – sent me:

‘The ungodly are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. The Lord is known by the judgment which he executes: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.’ (Psalms 9:15-16)

A simplified paraphrase could read: ‘The Lord is well known for the fact that he judges the wicked, by causing them to fall in their own traps.’ In a Dutch Bible translation (I migrated to the USA from The Netherlands) it is even more clear: ‘God became famous for defeating his enemies with their own weapons.’ I thought about it, and suddenly I realized how true it is. Here are a few examples:

Facebook was – believe it or not – created by military intelligence agencies as a tool for spying on and controlling all of humanity.

However, millions used it to spread truth to their friends, and soon hundreds of millions discovered critical truths that the government and criminal agencies desperately wanted to hide from the world. When Facebook saw this, they panicked and began censoring, but… they were too late. A vast portion of humanity had already seen the truth, and is now spreading it far and wide, outside of Facebook.

While Facebook was designed to be a tool to enslave the world, it has been used to open the eyes of humanity.

YouTube is the same story. Tens of thousands of truth revealing videos informed hundreds of millions of formerly ignorant people, before the owners of YouTube realized they had better start censoring. They also were too late. The lid has been blown off and the steam has already filled the room.

Even the Internet itself was created to be a system that would eventually control the world. But… it is being used to liberate mankind. The number of websites revealing truth is innumerable!

Another example: the toxic medical experiments incorrectly called ‘vaccines’ are intended to enslave every soul to a never-ending series of booster shots. Yet they are alerting hundreds of millions – and soon billions – to the criminal nature of governments, health agencies and the pharmaceutical industry.

While the vast majority of the world population has never questioned the integrity of the pharmaceutical industry, they are beginning to see how evil it is, by demanding to inject every child every few months again and again with untested medical experiments that are proving to kill millions and permanently disable hundreds of millions. The documented evidence for this can be seen in our Vaccine Death Report.

Even in the USA, we are seeing how the Biden administration, intended to enslave the American people to communist China, is waking up even large numbers of hard-core liberals, because Biden is pushing things way too far.

Intelligent humans all over the world are waking up to the criminal plan to enslave humanity to the tyranny of an evil elite.


Every scientist they silence wakes up an entire scientific community surrounding that scientist. Every medical doctor they shut down for speaking truth is observed by an entire medical community, which as a result is awakened, because they witness with their own eyes how a sincere and good medical colleague is being silenced.

America’s Frontline Doctors was censored on all social media, and even their website was taken down. As a result of that persecution, they now have almost a million members, and they have become a worldwide movement for liberty and justice.

Censorship tries to silence the voice of scientists and physicians, but it is causing volcanoes of truth to erupt.

In short: every plan these psychopaths are plotting is massively turning against them and will lead to the exact opposite of what they are hoping. Instead of total slavery of all of humanity, it is causing the greatest mass deliverance of all time.

The eyes have been opened and there’s no shutting a truly awakened mind. The veil of deception is being lifted, and nobody will be able to put it back on.

The wicked elites think the world is full of fools, but they forget how many millions of wise, brave, and good people there are, that they will soon wish they’d never messed with. So I want to encourage you…

The awakening is truly only just beginning. We will see things we cannot even imagine. Really. We cannot imagine it.

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Hope for Humanity PMA P.O. Box 271 Poncha Springs, Colorado 81242 United States







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