Charlie Chaplin’s Incestuous Relationship with Paulette Goddard

October 11, 2022

(Chaplin and Goddard in Modern Times, 1936)

Goddard was born in 1910 and bred by a twenty year old Charlie Chaplin after he was signed to the comedic Fred Karno theater company which brought him to America from England. 

Goddard’s conception likely took place during an orgy — a fertility ritual and quarterly event that young Hollywood hopefuls are always encouraged to participate in.  While it is impossible for us to know who her mother was, she was most likely a beautiful starlet.

Knowing full well that Paulette Goddard was his daughter, Charlie Chaplin chose to breed with her and the child they produced was Paul Newman who was born on January 26, 1925.
(Disclaimer – I reserve judgment. )
By Matrix Hacker

According to the official narrative, Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard met for the first time in 1932 when both were invited to a cruise aboard a yacht owned by Joe Schenck, then president and chairman of United Artists.
Already, we have been misled because the truth is that Goddard and Chaplin were brought together for a brief rendezvous eight years earlier, in 1924.
Goddard was born in 1910 and bred by a twenty year old Charlie Chaplin after he was signed to the comedic Fred Karno theater company which brought him to America from England. 
This happened at a time in his life when his talent had already been endorsed but he had not yet gained entry to the big leagues of the entertainment industry.

Breeding a child for the future use of the Cabal was an initiation for Chaplin that could open doors for him which, at that point in time, were firmly closed.
Passing this test would both serve the interests and goals of the Cabal and demonstrate Chaplin’s willingness to be a consenting participant in the predestined course of his life as it would continue to unfold.
chaplin+and+goddard-1879726962.jpgGoddard’s conception likely took place during an orgy — a fertility ritual and quarterly event that young Hollywood hopefuls are always encouraged to participate in.  While it is impossible for us to know who her mother was, she was most likely a beautiful starlet.

In 1914 Chaplin began appearing in silent films and created his famous Tramp persona after his talent was “discovered” by Keystone Studios.
Soon he had a large following of fans, started directing his own films, and by 1918 he achieved world-wide recognition for his work and talent.
To achieve total control of his films, Chaplin co-founded the distribution company United Artists in 1919 and in 1921 he released his first feature length film, The Kid, which he wrote, directed, produced, and starred in.  In 1923 he made his second feature length film, A Woman of Paris, which he also wrote, produced, and directed but did not star in — he only made an appearance in a small and uncredited role.  The Kid was a huge success and the second highest grossing film of 1921 but A Woman Of Paris was not popular with audiences despite being well-received by critics.

In 1924 Chaplin was subjected to another initiation.  The Cabal now wanted him to breed a future movie star with his secret fourteen year old daughter who had been adopted into a wealthy cult family in New York City, and became a child model and Ziegfeld girl at age thirteen.  Passing this test would ensure that his career would continue to receive the backing of powerful and shadowy forces.
A failure to comply would invite the risk of having his support withdrawn which would guarantee his fall into obscurity and a return to the poverty of his childhood.  Knowing full well that Paulette Goddard was his daughter, Charlie Chaplin chose to breed with her and the child they produced was Paul Newman who was born on January 26, 1925.

older-chaplin-god.jpgThe father-daughter sex act would have most certainly been captured on film.
The breeding or sexual activity that goes on behind the scenes of movie making is rumored to be filmed and turned into pornographic movies for the entertainment of high level Satanists.
These underground movies also function as blackmail to prevent celebrities from stepping out of line should they at some point wish to withdraw their consent to going along with Cabal’s plans for their lives.
While the breeding of Paul Newman took place outside the context of using movie making as a cover, the Cabal would have insisted that the event was filmed so that it would be in possession of evidence that could be used as blackmail against both Chaplin and Goddard.

Exoterically, the film industry provides mass entertainment and distraction utilizing and showcasing the latest technologies.  Esoterically, the film industry does two things which are diametrically opposed.
Negatively, movies are made to socially condition the masses to degrade themselves by emulating the behavior of Satanists.
Positively, the dawn of the film age marked a shift into the occult period of Revelation of the Method in which the Cabal would lay bare, in full view of the public, its historical methodology of incestuous breeding for the purposes of mass social control.

Incestuous breeding was the method employed across ages to produce monarchs –pharaohs, emperors, and kings and their bloodlines conferred unto them the divine right to rule over others as demigods and marionettes of an invisible Cabal.  Celebrities are modern day demigods and the Revelation of the Method plan included laying out for the masses veiled clues indicating who bred who in the world of celebrity.  Should they choose to, the masses could harness these clues to wake themselves up to objective social reality.  Doing so would facilitate the impending spiritual evolution of all of humanity for the purpose of empowering individuals to act collectively as co-creators of an altogether new social reality.

newman-p.jpgThis is why the Cabal made sure that the son of Chaplin and Goddard was named Paul.  Paul is a truncated and masculinized version of Paulette and a clue offering as to his true mother.  Another clue came from Paul Newman when he said he was a god, referring to his movie star looks that resulted from incestuous breeding and qualified him to be worshiped by the masses as a demigod.  This was a play on words because, as the son of Goddard, he was indeed a GOD(dard).

When Joe Schenck planned the party aboard his yacht in 1932, he was acting on behalf of the Cabal which had preordained that Paulette Goddard would be inserted into the life of her father Charlie Chaplin a second time.  The plan was to parade them as an official couple before the masses in highly publicized spectacles over an eight year period for all the world to witness.  This was how the Cabal chose to inform us that the two had bred together and that there was a child for us to eventually discover.  Accounts conflict as to whether they married.

The plan also called for them to breed two more children together using movie making as a cover.  Immediately, Chaplin began grooming his daughter to become a muse and future leading lady that suited his tastes.  His first suggestion was for her to dispense with her blonde hair and allow her naturally dark hair to grow out.  Soon they became inseparable and Chaplin applied his creative talents toward developing scripts for movies in which they would star together — Modern Times, released in 1936 and The Great Dictator, released in 1940.

In 1938 a clue to the reality beyond appearance was offered when Goddard divulged to Collier’s Magazine that her stand-in father, Joseph Levy, was not her true father.  Referring to Goddard, the official narrative states that “Chaplin’s sons, Charlie Jr. and Sydney, looked up to her as a big sister and loved to play with her and have her around.”
This clue, which may or may not even be true, contains within it the great Revelation by the Cabal that Chaplin and Goddard were, in fact, father and daughter.

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3 Responses to “Charlie Chaplin’s Incestuous Relationship with Paulette Goddard”

  1. ian says:

    Gosh, I’ve led a boring life. You know those comic dating site meanings, eg Athletic figure, =No Boobs. Cuddly, likes a drink, = Fat Alcoholic. Old fashioned, = Lights out missionary position only. etc etc. I’d be, led sheltered life. =never did anything untoward with family members.

  2. Weaver says:

    I used to like Charlie Chaplin but I have certainly changed my mind now.

  3. Tapestry says:

    The pharaohs of Egypt married their close relatives, sisters, daughters etc. Some historians believe Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ sister/wife. Refer to Ralph Ellis. His (Izas’) grandfather (Persian royalty) was thrown out by the Persians because he had a ‘close’ relationship with his mother. There is nothing new under the sun. They look identical above in the post, although his nose is a bit longer than hers….