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I resign from the NHS

With permission to use the author’s name, we publish a letter of resignation from the National Health Service by an experienced nurse in Scotland.


Pharmacy and Medicines Unit
Woodend Hospital

15 August 2022


Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as Medicines Management Specialist Nurse in NHS Grampian.

In accordance with my terms and conditions, I am giving you advance notice, which encompasses my three months’ notice as stated in my contract, and my last working day will be Thursday 15 December 2022.

Although I have been in post as a nurse with NHS Grampian since 2004, I now feel that I can no longer continue to work for the NHS with its current allopathic model of medicine. Over the later decade of my nursing career, I have watched as the NHS has turned into a service that condones and promotes a ‘pill for every ill’. I have watched as countless good nurses, myself included, have struggled to look after patients in a holistic way—providing them with much needed care, time and support—due to increasing service demands, staffing pressures and misguided management.

Since early 2020, I have become more and more disillusioned with the NHS following its response to Covid-19, whereby evidence-based, existing, effectual, cheap and widely available medicines were not used as treatment. However, multi-million-pound-making novel genetic therapies were, that were given rushed approval under the guise of being vaccines and having supposedly completed efficacious trials.

Now I am witness to unprecedented rates of hospital occupancy during the months of the year when ordinarily our hospitals are quieter. Colleagues profess that the usual summer lull just hasn’t come for 2022. All the while, they ignore the elephant in the room and employ immense cognitive dissonance to deny the fact that the Covid “vaccines” are causing great illness, injury and death.

My decision to leave both the NHS and the nursing profession has not been easy, but neither has it been impulsive or unconsidered. Since mid-2021, I have struggled greatly to apply myself to my role, and my standard of work had declined, reflecting this struggle. My desire to continue on in my post has merely been driven by a sense of loyalty, both to you as my line manager and to some of my colleagues. I no longer enjoy any aspect of my role and have no desire at all to return to clinical nursing, nor to be a part of the NHS in future, no matter how small.

All of these factors have had a significant impact on my health, over the last six months in particular. It is for this reason primarily, coupled with my desire to move forward in my life and to be involved in a non-allopathic, more holistic model of care of individuals, that I sadly tend my resignation.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support as my line manager over the last four years. I have both valued and appreciated your consistent management style and your approachability. Additionally, I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks for all the opportunities and experiences that I have had in my role, through which I have grown as both a professional and as an individual. The abundance of skills that I have honed over the years in post will serve me well going forward. I have but one regret in leaving the NHS, and that is leaving behind some incredible colleagues with whom I have had the pleasure to work with during the course of my nearly seven years in post.

I would like to do anything I can to help with the transition, including wrapping up my responsibilities and training other team members. If I can be of any other assistance during this time, please let me know.

I wish you well in all your future endeavours, and I look forward to remaining in touch with you.


Yours sincerely,
Frances Adamson.


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8 Responses to “I resign from the NHS”

  1. ian says:

    Drama queen resignations. A street sweeper should be able to see what’s happened. Genuinely no disrespect to street sweepers, good job guys, but little respect for drama queen resignations that should have happened long ago. I trusted these retards in the past, but now they can foxtrot oscar. Great post Weaver, and kindest regards to you. These folks think they are so great. Too effin’ late.

    • pete fairhurst says:

      Far too late Ian. Why wait this long? Only just realised? Do me a favour, that’s pathetic. Drama queen indeed

    • nixon scraypes says:

      Well bully for you Mr Wonderful.

      • ian says:

        Hi nixon, not quite sure of your point here, but, my point is that it’s taken all this time to realise it was so wrong, when it should have been glaringly obvious. My drama queen comment was regarding the public posting of the resignation letter. As you point out, there are some good people, but that doesn’t excuse the rest.

  2. Tapestry says:

    NHS employees have been brainwashed with propaganda telling them they are special. The opposite is the truth. They are mostly arrogant, greedy, unable to see the obvious truths that everyone else can see. They have lived privileged lives while they run the government’s depopulation agenda. They mourn their loss of status, not the loss of life they have inflicted. Apologies to those who have no idea they are involved in a campaign of population reduction. There are many innocents who work hard for this totally corrupted organisation.

  3. nixon scraypes says:

    That sounds like the management and specialists to me, and I’d agree. My partner had a severe stroke and I’ve witnessed the nhs at close hand. There’s a lot of good people lower down the pecking order, doubtless you’ve never come across them.

    • pete fairhurst says:

      There are good people in every organisation nixon. But these folk should be more aware than anyone else just how corrupted their organisation is. Tap is correct in his assessment

      Even so, there is no excuse for their brainwashed ignorance, the reality is in front of their eyes every single day

  4. Weaver says:

    We just met someone tonight who has worked for the NHS for 42 years the response was total disillusionment and said they are looking forward to retirement. They said it was about reaching targets and not caring for patients. God help us all at this time as we are graded for our ability to stay alive according to the NHS. We need to start looking after each other it would be much better.

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