Dump, Grab and Roll.
Tue 12:39 am +00:00, 25 Feb 2025Danny Haiphong and Ben Norton give the US strategy some longer term perspective. The US hopes to recruit Russia and isolate China, breaking up the closeness of the Russia/China pair.
Ukraine is of no concern to Trump (a lost cause he can blame on his predecessor), but China is.
Ukraine is a proxy war between Russia and NATO led by the USA. It’s not working.
The west now wants to impose economic colonialism over Ukraine, and get control over everything in Ukraine, and reparations for the lost war.
Russia meanwhile is advancing quickly to recover as much of the Russian part of Ukraine as possible.
This is mafia behaviour. The terms for UKraine are worse than Versailles in WW1 forcing Germany into political collapse. The state of Ukraine will be pitiful in this Trump planned peace.
Why trust the US? Russia will not trust Trump seeing the attempt to grab Ukraine’s finances and resources. Dump & Grab.
Trump overestimates US power.
He thinks the US can make war and win against China.
It’s a strategy of Dump, Grab and Roll..onto the next war.
Why would Russia want to be embraced by the US?
Trump’s rhetoric is notorious. He constantly builds illusions to bamboozle people. His intentions are not peaceful. Aggressive US policies are expected by all the other players. The US is preparing for conflict with China. Trump’s world view is colonialist. Trump is no exception to BIden, Obama, Bush – all are war criminals. Look at his actions – not his words. His rhetoric is different. Democrats talked of human rights and democracy – all bogus to cover up the true story. Trump no longer bothers to hide the true agenda – the manifest destiny. Expand the territory of the US.
He sees China as a threat to US hegemony. Trump is not about peace. He praised McKinley for expanding the territory of the US. He wants to expand the US empire physically. He doesn’t want Jordans that slavishly obey the US. Mckinley took over territories of the US empire. Trump wants to reduce the war with Russia, engage with China and bully small countries that can’t fight back, and grab them and their resources. He wants more Philippines, and he’ll roll the wars to where he can get control of territory. Russia and CHina can fight back so he wants to hold them back while he expands the US.
TAP – The phrase ‘Dump. Grab. Roll’ sums it up. He’s dumping Europe which the US has successfully turned into an EU basketcase – the Tower of Babel even being built where the European countries can confuse each other endlessly and never achieve anything. While Europe is emasculated, the US wants to pump testosterone and grab. You’re either being dumped, grabbed or rolled. Or a combination like Ukraine being dumped and grabbed together. Russia is being rolled and tempted to break the relationship with China. Being incapable of building relationships of trust and cooperation, the US and Trump can’t work out how these other countries perform so well in trade and war. The western model of war and debt subdued the world for centuries and that’s the only game the west knows. The Eastern way of building cooperative relationships in the end is far more powerful and effective. The East has had enough of Trumps and McKinleys. Being Rolled, Grabbed and Dumped. Europe can’t fathom how the US is playing them to the side of the show, and carries on as the carcass of the western colonial and corporate culture, invaded by enemies who will obliterate them.
There is more hope in countries like Russia that never fell for all the sales pitches and narratives coming out of the US and London. Somehow RUssia’s culture survived the invasion of western money and communism with its culture and religion intact a hundred years later. That’s a key problem in Ukraine for Russia that Zelensky wants the RUssian Orthodox Church destroyed. The Satanists know well their targets – the spiritual goodness and strength of the peoples they try to eliminate.