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17 Responses to “Get Fauci”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Pdf states:

    “Despite these serious findings, former President Biden issued a sweeping full and unconditional pardon for Dr. Fauci for “any offenses which he may have committed or
    taken part in during the period of time from January 1, 2014 through the date” of the

    Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever from Biden. How can you pardon an offence that has not yet been identified? Is that legally possible? I doubt it

    Suppose Fauci is subsequently found to have DIRECTLY killed someone by shooting them in the head. Are we supposed to believe that an unspecific Presidential pardon will stop him being prosecuted? I’m not buying it, and these Congressional people must know that, most of them are lawyers aren’t they?

    Or am I missing something?

  2. Tapestry says:

    No parliament or president can tie the hands of a subsequent office holder or parliament. If the media turns against Fauci and Congress too, Trump will find a way to satisfy the baying dogs, and Kennedy will be leading the pack. Only thing is doubles can be found and who knows if the original actually ends up in jail. Hitler hid away in Patagonia, while his double’s body was found above the bunker in Berlin. It hardly matters. The enemy has to be defeated in the mind, and the evil has to be driven out from our realm. People must awake, and the resistance must grow. In Satanic circles the number of humans you kill gives you your status. Fauci is at the very top of that particular tree, the biggest mass murderer in history – sadly – and still most people seem not to realise – he committed the perfect crime.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      All good points Tap, thanks

      • Tapestry says:

        Seems like danceaway has danced away. She did a good job. Just her copy and pastes were not too great. But otherwise kept the blog ticking a long time.

        • pete fairhurst 2 says:

          Seems so Tap

          It’s a shame that she wouldn’t adapt appropriately. She posted a lot of good stuff and she’s a good person from my limited, purely online, experience

          It is however very interesting to see that page views have skyrocketed since the posts have been a bit more considered, and with a posters summary, and less copy and paste

          Previous recent average 8 to 10k views per day
          Increased to past few days average of ~32k !!
          Admittedly only over a few days, but still….

          Sometimes less is more

          Rather proves the point wouldn’t you say?

        • ian says:

          There was nothing to stop either you or Pete posting what you wanted Henry. You also haven’t put much of a description in the title. However, your shout.

          • pete fairhurst 2 says:

            There was nothing to stop danceaway, or anybody else, either was there? So I’m not getting your point Ian? I’m hoping that you aren’t asking me to self censor…..

            I’ve no idea why danceaway danced away, she disappeared without a word. I twice asked her to comment, but silence from her

            Hey ho, life goes on and meanwhile page views have tripled based on WP dodgy stats [see Tap below] on the dashboard, as you can see for yourself. Isn’t that the whole point?

            • ian says:

              Hi Pete, no I’m not asking you to self censor. I just meant that anything you’re posting now could still have been posted while D’was was posting. I’d expect that the number of views on individual posts would reflect “audience”, preferences. I know that you’re not a fan of UK Column, but D’ had met Iain R Crane and knew John off this Site and AV fame and Brian Gerrish personally, which would of course colour her opinions. I didn’t mind the video she posted, but you had the choice to comment on them or ignore them.

              • pete fairhurst 2 says:

                I’m still missing your point Ian? What has changed other than danceaway disappeared without a word? There is nothing stopping her continuing to post as far as I know

                So what is your/her problem, is it simply hurt feelings and emotion? Or is there something more substantive?

                • ian says:

                  “So what is your/her problem, is it simply hurt feelings and emotion? Or is there something more substantive?”

                  I don’t know about D’s issues Pete, but the way you worded the above, would suggest that you feel that it’s ok to be hurtful. You said that the page views had rocketed up since you and Henry were posting most of the material, which was why I said that the ability to post that material was always there
                  I can’t speak for D’, I just felt that her disappearance seemed to coincide with her in my view being picked on. She may be back, who knows, and my feelings aren’t hurt, and what I say is only my opinion.

                • pete fairhurst 2 says:

                  I didn’t say that it’s ok to be hurtful Ian

                  Anyhow, who was being hurtful/picked on? I already told you that as far as I was concerned that what was said was fair comment. And suggested that we are all adults and should consider an appropriate substantive response to comments. No need for anyone to spit their dummy out

                  Using emotions and feelings as tools is a weapon of the bad guys isn’t it? We should rise above that

            • ian says:

              I apologise Henry, My bad, I misunderstood. Sorry.

              • Tapestry says:

                She did a good job Ian and can return if she wishes as far as I know. I don’t own the blog these days as I’m sure you know. It’s copying and pasting videos without giving even a comment which was getting tiresome. If she would give her own opinion then great. If you want to watch the other channels they are easy to find.

  3. Tapestry says:

    I used a technique to see if the stats of the blog are roughly correct. When I set up another blog which had minimal traffic at the start, but which had lovely graphics compared to wordpress, I forwarded readers from a post to the other blog to view a particular graphic. I forget the details. The traffic count on Tap was about 20 on the post after an hour but the new blog received well over 100 click throughs at that moment. I concluded after doing this three times the traffic count on Tap is about twenty times greater than it appears. When a post goes viral it can get very high views but we won’t know it – the whistleblwer kids post sent 30 million click throughs to my google plus in a day – of readers wanting to see who ran the blog. The post went worldwide viral – maybe 100-200 million views. The post count indicated only 20,000.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Blimey! So page views numbers are pretty meaningless then. Not really surprising, sounds typical of todays Borg…

      • Tapestry says:

        That is the view of most people who try to analyse stats. You literally have no idea how many hits are coming. You need to be forwarding clicks to a site where stats are not controlled, which means a new very small site which has yet not been identified as a politically significant site, or of other significance. VIdeos claiming 100 hits might have had 1 million or more on youtube. Videos claiming millions might only have a few hundred. It’s all fake.

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