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Marianne Faithfull & the Rolling Stones – A bit of light relief

Those of a certain age will remember that Marianne, who passed recently, was a girlfriend of a few of the Rolling Stones

She was famous for being arrested during a drug bust on the Stones back in the day

Naked except for being wrapped in a rug

She had intense media coverage at times and recently made headlines again after her death

Prompted by a comment that I read on a forum then, I had a quick look at her background

Here a are a few revealing facts about her background, all from Wiki at these links:


Marianne’s mother:

Her mothers Wiki is revealing:

Her mother was a Baroness in the Austro Hungarian Empire!

Eva von Sacher-Masoch, Baroness Erisso (4 December 1912 – 22 May 1991)[1] was an Austrian aristocrat, great-niece of utopian humanist author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836–1895) whose father Leopold Johann Nepomuk Ritter von Sacher (“Ritter” meaning knight, a title of nobility), combined his own with the von Masoch Slovak aristocratic title of his wife (last in that line) when his loyal services as Commissioner of the Imperial Police Forces in Lemberg (in present-day Ukraine) were rewarded with a new title, Sacher-Masoch (disambiguation, in German), by the Austrian Emperor”

Her mother’s mother, Marianne’s grandmother, was Jewish, meaning Marianne was Jewish by matrilineal!

“Born Eva Hermine von Sacher-Masoch, Freiin Erisso,[2] she was the grand-niece of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, author of Venus in Furs, and was the mother of Marianne Faithfull……. Her mother was Jewish.[4][5]

Her Jewish mother lived in German occupied Vienna during WW2 but skated the “Holocaust” because of her connections!

“Despite their Jewish ancestry, Sacher-Masoch and her mother were afforded a degree of protection from the Nazis due to Artur’s World War I military record and his status as a well-regarded Austrian writer (under the pseudonym Michael Zorn).”

[Classic understatement by Wiki, a “degree of protection”, which meant that she didn’t die in the camps like all the others that we are told about!]

Marianne’s father was a British spy!

“When the British arrived to occupy part of the liberated city, Sacher-Masoch fell in love with Major Robert Glynn Faithfull, a British Army officer and spy”

So Marianne was an aristocratic, Jewish, daughter of a British spy, who consorted with the British Rock band, the Rolling Stones

And we already know that the Rolling Stones came out of the London School of Economics which is the Fabian Society

Move along now, nothing to see here

Marianne Faithfull and the Rolling Stones are exactly who we’ve been told that they are







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2 Responses to “Marianne Faithfull & the Rolling Stones – A bit of light relief”

  1. Belyi says:

    I mean, who really cares about Marianne Faithfull’s background. I knew I wouldn’t have to scroll down far before I read the word ‘Jewish’. She and the Stones are yesterday.

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