Mon 9:50 am +00:00, 30 Dec 2024Joshua
‘A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such people, deprived of the power to think and judge, are, without knowing or willing it, completely subject to the rule of lies. With such people, you can do whatever you want.’Hannah Arendt (1906-1975)
CONSENT is being manufactured for diverting taxpayers’ money away from domestic spending to the so-called ‘defence’ budget. It’s what Starmer calls: ‘making the difficult decisions’. It’s transparently nefarious.
The new Dutch minister of health, Fleur Agema, admitted in the Dutch Parliament on October 24 that “covid health policies” were dictated by NATO under “treaty obligations”, and executed through the Dutch intelligence services NCTV. It’s official: covid was a U.S. military operation that had nothing whatsoever to do with healthcare.
Former pharmaceutical research executive Sasha Latypova explained two years ago that the pharmaceutical industry’s main role in the pandemic project was to provide cover for a military bioterrorism programme. Pfizer and Moderna were effectively paid for their brand names, so that people would think they were getting a pharmaceutical product, when in fact the injectibles were under military control, and categorised as ‘prototypes’ or ‘counter-measures’. Hence the immunity shield for the pharmaceutical companies. I reported Sasha Latypova’s findings in issue 34 of The Light.
Whistle-blower Brook Jackson was hired by a Texan research group, Ventavia, that had been contracted by Pfizer to conduct notional clinical trials of ‘covid-19
vaccines’. She was a regional director, and reported fraudulent practices she observed with the trials to the U.S. drug regulator (FDA), who chose to ignore them.
So she sued Ventavia and Pfizer under the False Claims Act, but Pfizer had the suit dismissed on the basis it was not subject to clinical trial regulations, or federal laws, regarding its vaccine development and marketing, because they weren’t vaccines but ‘counter-measures’, transacted with the U.S. Department of Defense under military contract.
Further, according to Latypova, there is no legal requirement for ‘counter-measures’ to correspond to what the label says.
NATO’s purpose is to wage covert war on the populations of its member states, and overt war on countries that threaten U.S. world dominance. It is not a defence
alliance but a warmongering organisation. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote in an article on Global Research on 26th November: ‘The insanity of the West is so extreme as
to be incomprehensible. Not satisfied with taking the U.S. and Europe to war with Russia by firing missiles into Russia, the NATO military committee is openly
discussing pre-emptive missile strikes on Russia. This is extraordinary. At the present momen, it is only Putin’s patience that stands between life and death on Earth.’
Greed, whether for money or power, is a disease of insatiable appetite, as one can never get enough of what one does not need. But greed ultimately destroys itself.
And just as Emperor Nero set fire to Rome in AD64, our leaders are behaving similarly.
Former NATO Soldier’s EMERGENCY WARNING: https://tinyurl.com/vpn4hrxm
Dutch Minister of Health Acknowledges that The Pandemic Policy is a ilitary Operation: https://tinyurl.com/ycy6tvpc
The “old” poisoning tech found in the mRNA vials: https://tinyurl.com/3v4jszbx
SOURCE: www.thelight paper.co.uk – ISSUE 52 Monthly: https://thelightpaper.co.uk/assets/pdf/Light-52-Dec-24-Web-Final.pdf