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A Who’s-Who List of Anti-White Jewish ‘Pseudo-Intellectual’ Quackery

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think this was an organized conspiracy. Although they don’t hold a complete monopoly on two faced racial agit-prop, Jewish pseudo-intellectuals are a noticeable presence. And unlike “privileged whites,” pseudo-intellectuals are constantly handed the megaphone to make absurd assertions. The following is just a representative list. There are many more.  #EverySingleTime #Getarealjob.

“Fellow white people” is a widespread read-off-a-script scam that Jewish anti-white activists are running with all over on social media. They use this to promote their guilt shaming agenda and narcissistic high-horse preaching. It’s easy to identify them on social media, as their neurotic supremacist tendencies brings out pontificating that usually reveals their ethnicity.

Hat tip to “Fellow White Person” @FellowWhites. Of course ultimately he was banned from Twitter. Thankfully we salvaged his work beforehand.

Winter Watch Advisory: Absolutely do not harass or even communicate with these individuals. It’s exactly what they want, and it will backfire. Don’t be juvenile like Daily Stormer. Don’t even get drawn into their pilpuling. – The Use of Jewish Pilpul to Cloud and Obscure Issues and Discussions.  Ignore them, and instead use your energies to spread awareness far and wide among the sleeping pajama people.

A Twitterstorm on Jewish Advocates for Migration, Multiculturalism and White Guilt

Par for the course noticer Fellow White Person (@FellowWhites) X account has been long banned for “hate speech”, but I have preserved some snippets.

[See link forb details]

Zionist neocon talking head and pseudo-intellectual Bill Kristol proposing replacement of white working class with south of the border immigrants. Notice as he’s discussing the complacency, laziness and fetid nature of the white working class, the buttons of his shirt are about to explode.

A little Wikipedia while you weren’t looking touch up of Jeffrey Epstein

[See link for details]

Chosenite supremacist sing along “I’m Not White, I’m Jewish.”

Source: https://www.winterwatch.net/2024/10/a-whos-who-list-of-anti-white-jewish-pseudo-intellectual-quackery/

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