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Balanced Intelligence and Knowledge

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2 Responses to “Balanced Intelligence and Knowledge”

  1. Tapestry says:

    My son was criticised for not knowing who the prime minister is. When challenged at school, he replied ‘Boris Johnson’! In a way he was probably nearer the source of power than if he had replied Queer Stammer. Having no TV at home or access to main media, he is perceptive about his world to the point that teachers feel unnerved. They want children to be stressed and keen to jump when the fake pm says so, not someone who doesn’t give a toss which fake is currently filling tv screens! I would give him high marks for blanking the fake system – not the way of schooling obviously.

  2. danceaway says:

    That is a lovely account, Tap! So good to hear your son is unnerving the system; more power to him!

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