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Are Crazy Women Destroying the West?

“Women are three times more likely to experience mental health problems than men and they are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression than men.”
The Illuminati realized that women are the Achille’s Heel of Western Civilization.
They used feminism to alienate them from marriage and family, resulting in many modern women seeking power instead of love, becoming mutants, neither male nor female.  
“The number of women in full-time work has increased by over 50%. Similarly the amount of women who are unmarried and single over the age of 30 has increased from 18% to a whopping 54% in the last 30 years and it is estimated that almost half of all women aged between 25 and 44 will be single by 2030.”
by Amy Gallagher
We are forever reading headlines about the mental health crisis in the west. We’re told that we’re becoming more and more unhappy and more and more crazy. In many Western countries, mental illness is now the leading cause of disability and responsible for 30 to 40% of chronic sick leave costing us around 4 to 5 %in GDP. 
But who are all these sad and mad people? Well mostly they’re women. Women are three times more likely to experience mental health problems than men and they are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression than men and this situation isn’t improving. It’s getting worse. Rates of self-harm among females have tripled in the last 30 years and suicide rates have doubled.
But hang on. I thought we had so much more mental health awareness now. The well-being industry is booming; this is the era of emotions and self-care. Aren’t we all opening up about how we feel going to therapy and working on ourselves. 
Well yes but that may be part of the problem 70 to 80% of psychologists and therapists are also women. Given that one in three women will take anti-depressants in their lifetime, how many of these female therapists are also depressed and anxious?
 So we likely have many depressed women seeking treatment from depressed women therapists and surprisingly women’s mental health is getting worse. 
So why are women so mentally unwell in the first place? As Jordan Peterson and others rightly point out, women are temperamentally higher in trait neuroticism than men. They’re more prone to negative thinking and then more emotional. Okay okay I know I’m stating the obvious but why else why are they becoming more mentally unwell and what’s been happening in the Western World in say the last 50 years or so well.
For a start, the number of women in full-time work has increased by over 50%. Similarly the amount of women who are unmarried and single over the age of 30 has increased from 18% to a whopping 54% in the last 30 years and it is estimated that almost half of all women aged between 25 and 44 will be single by 2030.
So women are working more and they’re marrying and having a family less and they’re becoming more depressed. This isn’t only bad for women, it’s bad for everyone. This is because all the gains made by extra productivity in the economy of things becoming quicker more efficient and cheaper have been swallowed up by women entering the workplace. 
Now that there’s two salaries, asset prices have gone up which means that all the extra money earned goes on rent and mortgages and there’s no lifestyle improvement. All there is, is greater difficulty in raising a family and maintaining a work-life balance. 
Alongside this, more and more women entering the workplace has brought about freedom-destroying equal pay laws. For example, the UK’s equal pay laws …mean that men and women receive equal pay for equal work that is work that is similar equivalent or of equal value.
But who decides what work is of equal value? Well it seems that it’s all down to how the judge interprets the law. So for example, we have the shocking story of Birmingham city council where female dinner ladies argued that they should have been paid the same salary as Dustbin men who had been earning more. The judge agreed with them and the council had to pay out around 100 million pounds leaving the council bankrupt.
Or more recently there’s been the case of retail giant next. After a six-year legal battle in which female shop workers argued that it was not fair that they weren’t being as paid as much as warehouse workers. The High Street brand was ordered to pay out 30 million pounds…
So we now have a situation where judges are telling employers how much they should pray their workers instead of the market deciding and this is all happening in increasingly feminized legal system that focuses on emotions subjective interpretations, hate speech, hate laws, non-crime hate incidents.


That leads us to our final manifestation of toxic crazy femininity woke since the mid 2000s, young women have becoming more and more left-wing. The growing ideological gap between men who are more likely to lean conservative and women who are more likely to lean left isn’t really being caused by men becoming rightwing. 
It’s actually because young women are increasingly adopting radical far-left positions perhaps given that more of them are entering full-time work which they struggle with because of their mental health. 
Woke ideas such as harm reduction focusing on emotions, caring for victim groups and a critique of meritocratic capitalism appeals to them if men can work long hours and work their way up the hierarchy quicker than women can, it’s easier to call this patriarchy rather than accepting that men and women are just different and that women cannot compete with men.
Diversity equity and inclusion (DEI), safe spaces, therapeutic spaces, bringing your whole self to work, the tyranny of HR harm reduction psychological safety, emotionality, Conformity, an aversion to conflict and disagreement, perverse misplaced compassion, perverse misplaced empathy.
This is the new academic environment this is the new workplace; this is the new economy; this is the new legal system. This is the west and it is being destroyed by toxic femininity and mentally unstable women.
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