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Climate warfare. Democide and menticide.

Hurricane Helene Was Climate Warfare. Now What?

Where Do We Go from Here, Knowing Our Government Unleashes Disasters on Its Own People?

I’ve struggled with writing about Hurricane Helene because I’ve discussed these topics extensively in the past. However, I recognize that not everyone may be familiar with this information.

If you’ve been following Unorthodoxy for the past couple of years—thank you to those who’ve been with me since my inception—you’ve seen my work on climate change and geoengineering. But I understand that some people are new here, so I’m revisiting this topic.

The purpose of this article is to convey two key points and for everyone reading to understand them:

  1. Helene is an example of climate warfare; we really need to grasp this.
  2. We need to understand the concept of the rulers versus the ruled.

Climate warfare is a phenomenon that has existed for decades now. At the core of this issue is the understanding that democracy and freedom are illusions crafted by those in power. There is no democracy; there is no freedom. There is simply the rulers and the ruled and the ‘freedom’ the rulers decide for you to have.

When we understand these principles — and it’s critical to view the world in principles — we can address the following question: “Now what? Where do we go from here?”

To explore these ideas, let’s first define some key terminology.

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The Principles And Definitions

First, let’s define climate warfare. From ChatGPT:

Climate warfare refers to the deliberate use of weather modification techniques or the manipulation of natural environmental processes to disrupt or damage an enemy’s resources, infrastructure, or capabilities. This form of warfare could involve controlling aspects of the climate such as rainfall, storms, or droughts, with the intent of achieving strategic military or political objectives.

Examples of climate warfare in theory could include inducing floods, droughts, or hurricanes to weaken enemy forces, destroy crops, or cause widespread social and economic instability.

Let’s keep going. Has climate warfare ever been used in battle?

Yes, climate warfare was indeed used during the Vietnam War as part of Operation Popeye (1967–1972). This secret U.S. military project aimed to modify the weather in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to disrupt enemy movements and supply lines along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The operation involved cloud seeding, a process that used silver iodide or other substances to increase rainfall in targeted areas.

The primary goal of Operation Popeye was to create heavy rains to make the Ho Chi Minh Trail muddy and impassable, thereby slowing down the transportation of supplies by the North Vietnamese forces. The slogan of the operation was “Make mud, not war,” and the operation reportedly extended the monsoon season in the region by 30 to 45 days each year. The increased rainfall damaged roads, bridges, and supply routes, making it harder for the North Vietnamese troops to move resources.

Perfect. So, climate warfare does exist; it is real and has been used in warfare in the past. Got it. Now that we’ve established this, let’s explore two more critical concepts: democide and menticide.

From my earlier article on Democide and Menticide, here are the definitions:

Democide refers to “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” What’s interesting about the term is that it can cover a wide range of deaths, such as forced labor or extrajudicial summary killings, but it can also be mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect.

Menticide refers to “the systematic effort to undermine and destroy a person’s or group’s mental or intellectual faculties, often through propaganda, manipulation or coercion.” Menticide, or brainwashing, is a process that can alter or control the human mind using certain psychological techniques. It can reduce a person’s ability to think critically or independently, allowing for the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as changing their attitudes, values, and beliefs.

My subscribers know this. So let’s keep going. Can democide and menticide be used together?

In the context of democide, a government could potentially use menticide to manipulate its population’s perception of reality, making them unaware of the atrocities being committed. This could be done through propaganda, censorship, misinformation, or other forms of psychological manipulation.

Together, these concepts help us understand how governments may manipulate the minds of their populations while simultaneously engaging in mass atrocities, keeping the public unaware through propaganda, censorship, and misinformation.

Now that we have a solid understanding of these definitions, let’s move forward and dive deeper into the work on climate warfare

Establishing Climate Warfare

Below are the following articles that I have written on climate change:

  1. How COVID-19 has set the stage for climate change (February 2022). Robert Malone recently discussed utilitarianism, which means “for the greater good.” If you have to sacrifice for the greater good, that means you’re out to destroy the minority. COVID-19 told us to take the vaccine because everyone else needs to survive. COVID set the stage for climate change—you have to realize that.
  2. Why Climate Change Is Wrong, Dangerous, and Anti-Human (Jan 2023). The goal of climate change is to modify the very earth that we, as humans, have been blessed with by destroying the element of carbon. Carbon has been known as the element of “life,” and from Google, we read, “Life on earth would not be possible without carbon.”
  3. The Dangers of Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (April 2023). During COVID-19, we had governors who stood up to mandates, but when it comes to stratospheric aerosol injections, no one has challenged this. You cannot get a religious exemption for this, and you cannot not wear a mask for this. The air is under Federal Jurisdiction, and we need to understand this.
  4. The Hidden Profits of Climate Change (June 2023)There are also profits behind climate change, as we saw last year with the events in Maui, Hawaii. This is what climate warfare is.

Note: I archive my articles after three months, making them accessible only to my paying subscribers.

Hurricane Helene Was Climate Warfare. Now What? (substack.com)

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