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The Attempted Genocide of the European

The bitterest pill to swallow is the realisation that your Government wants to kill you. However, once you grasp that fact, everyhing fits into place and your cognisance is complete, built on the facts of the hard evidence that this is so.


To pick up where I left off yesterday.  I’ll begin with a reminder as to why I began and continue the RogueCast series: the sound of our spoken voices connects us. Vowel sounds, spoken and heard are the root of creation. Each listener becomes connected to the speaker by the action of paying attention to his voice, or tuning in to its frequencies. When an affinity or harmonic frequency is reached, the rapport is established. It is natural and it is the way of the aether in which we move in what is a divine construct,

In the Beginning was the Logos and the Logos was God


Whilst I am acutely aware that this realm is a simulacrum, we are here to play the game and one of its elements is a sense of belonging to a nation. Nationhood remains, above all a spiritual connection – an affinity with land and the people.

There has been much trumpeting of fake-election of the WEF puppet figure Keir Stalin and, as another player in the pantomime,  we should also remind ourselves of Nigel Farage’s performance as the Reform MP for Clacton on Sea. Of course, it’s all bullshit and a limited hangout

Nigel, for all his boisterous observations over the traitors in the Parliament is a privately educated ex-banker. It is the hidden hand of the financial systems that control each and every parliament: the politicians are puppets in a circus designed to appease the people and mislead them into believing that a tick on a ballot slip somehow equates with taking a part in their own oppression or the oppression of others.

Democracy is a sham.

Quite why would anyone trust an ex-financier who operated in a psychopathic form of control, Who would regard an indigenous free man of these lands as an enemy? Why would agencies of the state act to cause me loss and harm that amounts to attempted GENOCIDE? Notably, Farage pussyfoots around the issue of Mass Immigration when it’s childish not to address this particularly obvious aspect of social engineering. And when has one heard him speak out against the deliberate genocide of the indigenous peoples of Europe?

Why are indigenous Northern European cities and towns being subject to mass immigrations of peoples from other places, Nigel?

Is it because there is programme of mass genocide going on, Nigel?

It is often carried out under the faux notion that somehow these cities, towns and fake countries would benefit from more ‘diversity’.

What we are dealing with is, in fact, something altogether more sinister. So sinister in fact, that there will be many who, like the RM, simply could not even entertain the reality that the Northern European is being subjected to a programme of genocide. As the following meme so devastatingly reveals,

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

The proof of this meme’s strength lies in the fact that these programmes are not being engineered in any other country – for instance, no one claims that Nigeria would benefit from being more ethnically diverse.

“Look, there are too many black people in Nigeria – it would benefit from being more diverse. We should open the borders to immigration and encourage millions of white people to emigrate there. And if the people object, then they are racist.”

No one claims China has too many indigenous Chinese and that it needs to open its borders to black people.

No one complains that India is not ‘multicultural’ enough and therefore needs to allow other people to move there en-masse.  Mind you, India did experience a migration from the West via the Aryan peoples.

Thus, the use of the terms ‘diversity’ and ‘multi-culturalism’ are weapons of psychological warfare. They represent nothing less than a social engineering policy that, as fantastic as it may seem, is designed to breed out of existence the white male, to encourage discontent and rumble revolution between the indigenous peoples and the immigrants. Those behind it are the eugenicists who operate their nefarious programmes from behind the facade of such agencies as the Tavistock Institute, MI5, the LSE, the Privy Council and, of course, the agency of genocide known as the National Health Service.

So why are indigenous European countries operating these mass immigration policies? Why are they planting memes like ‘anti-racist’, ‘diversity’ or ‘multiculturalism’?

Some take the view that the European male should take the blame for the enslavement of others and the theft of others’ natural resources but upon close examination, that is a fallacy that also falls apart: it is simply illogical for any individual to take blame and experience some kind of guilt trip over the actions of those Venetian oligarchs and their nefarious associates in the world of the Holy Roman See and those criminal enterprises like the faux Royal Family of Rothschild who committed acts of piracy and plunder the world over.

You see, upon closer examination, the truth is that it was only ever a tiny number of elite controllers who engaged in those antics. They grew fat on the plunder and the likes of David Cameron’s family made hay while the sun never set on the East India Company’s Empire, as was run from out of the Foreign Office.

This is an attempt to examine an issue that many of one’s friends and associates would shy away from. That issue is the genocide of the men of the North – the indigenous peoples of Northern Europe, wherever they may happen to be.

Tim Murdock aka Horus the avenger, a recent interviewee on Radio 314  offers up an uncompromising and unapologetic perspective. He has clearly identified the genocidal attempt to kill off indigenous Europeans (‘white rabbits’). Those wishing to kill off the ‘white rabbit’ are ‘pink rabbits’.

As he makes clear, when one is under psychological warfare, certain memes need to be flipped and that this is easily done. We never hear other countries being accused of being too yellow, brown or that there are too many Chinese in China or Africans in Africa and that they need more ‘diversity’. Yet this is exactly what is repeatedly stated about European countries. When does anyone ever suggest that non-European countries are racist because they are not ethnically diverse? Could it be that the term racist is only used agains those who are ‘white’?  It thus follows that,

anti-racism is a code word for anti-white.

Anyone who wants to kill you off is your enemy.

That is the bottom line.

Do not waste one’s time fighting those who are not trying to genocide one. Traitors are those who perpetrate genocide against their fellow men.

The reader is encouraged to ask, why would the system be seeking to eradicate the indigenous man?


The white European male is under attack and he has been for centuries: if the ritualistic slaughter of millions of young indigenous men in the bankster wars of the twentieth century failed to wipe him out, the oestrogen in water, poisoning through plastics have led to large increases in female population has sought to achieve the same.

The last thing the Statists want is free-thinking, action-orientated-tribal-men-with-balls who challenge the bogus laws, phony governance and all the bullshit that flows from the corridors of ‘power’.

If you have an affinity with the people and with the land, and/or were born here then you are indigenous.

The real enemy is not the Pole, Romany or Asian.

It is anyone who is trying to kill you off. Period.

The judge who rules an indigenous man should be evicted from his home is that man’s enemy because he wants you killed. He is a statist operating in a satanic psychopathic oligarchy of vested interests.

Prior to the criminal eviction he experienced, RM’s muslim neighbours did not seek to wipe him out – not once did they seek to cause him loss and harm.

Yet a man called Richard Inglis, acting as a county court judge did seek to do so.

Knowingly and deliberately making a man homeless over a debt that can never be validated is an unconscionable act that amounts to attempted genocide.  And that is what ‘Dickie’ engaged in. His desire to accomplish this was so powerful that he misrepresented the facts to a succession of men working out of the police force of Nottinghamshire and the bovine bailiffs, led by the criminal, David Caress ( a traitor) operating out of the same court, each of whom bought into his lie that RM’s claim had “no merit”.

This, he now realises, was PATHOLOGICAL attempt to GENOCIDE the RM, committed by all those ‘pink rabbits’ against a man who they deemed as being difficult to control. The lie of fake debt had to be kept spinning – at all costs. This attitude is no more manifest than in the perjuries committed by a cadre of Bankster Molls operating out of two firms, SHOOSMITHS OF NORTHAMPTON and WALKER MORRIS of LEEDS.

Operating out of this nest of vipers, Louise Power and Rebecca Courtney are two highly paid whores solicitors, who will, if the money is sufficient, commit any act of depravity perjury by submitting third party witness statements into the County Courts in favour of their masters when, as a matter of accounting fact, no debt is owed: I state this having seen the latest such from Louise Power from April 2014. She constructed a fraudulent witness statement on behalf of the CEO of the Bradford & Bingley which was replete with lies and deliberate omissions. This perjury by a third party interloper was ignored by the Court and the valid claim this man and his family had against the B&B was struck out as a consequence of those lies. It is a fact that liars like Louise and Rebecca are all too dominant in what is laughingly referred to as the British Judicial System. Their traitorous actions of these ‘pink rabbits’ result in great loss and harm being caused to many families up and down these lands.

For them, men like you and me need to be wiped out. Why? Because they do not want the truth to be heard. The lie must be covered up at all costs and any man who is attempting to reveal it must be stamped down, when the other forms of genocide are not working. Well, the news is that none of it has worked:

We are still here and we are in fine fettle –  wrongs are there to be put right…




The enemy within is the hidden hand behind the genocide: the Crown House of Rothschild.

The problem is genocide. These fuckers wish us dead.

The reaction is one of righteous indignation.

The solution is the formation of Grand Juries – For the people and by the people


Source: https://roguemale.org/2024/09/16/the-attempted-genocide-of-the-european-part-2/

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One Response to “The Attempted Genocide of the European”

  1. Chris x says:

    Farage is not without problems, with his negative views on China and Iran being examples. But, he was a big player in getting Brexit which was not supported by the globalist bankers. Jacob Rothschild wrote a column in The Times before the referendum telling people to vote against it. They also tried to take him out when they loosened the wheel nuts on his car when he was driving back to the UK on the motorway. Staged or true?

    Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote about this flood of migrants into Europe in the 1920s.

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