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Is the Pact for the Future a Treaty?

Is the Pact for the Future a Treaty?

The UN has been very cagey about using ordinary terminology to describe it.

Examining 3 examples of the UN’s linguistic somersaults, and I speculate on the next two weeks at the UN General Assembly


As I said to a commenter earlier today, I think this Pact is intended to be a puzzle piece in a mosaic of treaties and other documents that together the globalists will claim impose commitments of many types. That is not very clear, and because the legal implications of the Pact (and its two annexes, one of which I wrote about earlier) is a hugely important question, I will explain what I mean below.

Professor Francis Boyle notes that the term “Pact” can certainly denote a UN treaty. (In the WHO Constitution, the terminology for what treaties can be named is limited, and pact was not included. But the UN is different.)

Listen to how the event is described by one of many UN agencies. All are careful not to specify what the Pact actually is, but we can read between the lines after looking at how different agencies characterize it, particularly since they refer to multiple other treaties:


What is the Summit of the Future?

Experience the Summit of the Future: A Gathering of Global Leaders Shaping Tomorrow

The Summit of the Future is a pivotal gathering uniting leaders from across the globe to redefine our path towards a brighter present and a more secure tomorrow.

This unparalleled occasion presents an opportunity to rebuild trust and showcase the power of international collaboration in addressing both current and emerging challenges.

Building upon established frameworks such as the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Summit of the Future delves into the practical strategies for achieving our shared aspirations.

Join us as we explore the “how” of enhanced cooperation, ensuring our ability to meet present demands while effectively preparing for the future’s uncertainties.

Note the wording “actionable document” to “be negotiated and endorsed,” in very small print.

From another UN agency, UNESCO:

The Summit aims to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments – including to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the United Nations Charter – and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system that can effectively tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow for the sake of humanity. An action-oriented outcome document, the Pact for the Future, is currently being negotiated by Member States through a detailed intergovernmental process.

From the Council of Europe:

As an outcome from the Summit, the UN Member States will agree on an action-oriented outcome document called Pact for the Future, which will unite the global community around an international system that is better prepared to manage current and future challenges.

Bearing in mind that the current and future global challenges can only be addressed by harnessing the power of local and regional governments as the level closest to citizens, the Congress calls on member States of the Council of Europe to support the role or local and regional authorities in delivering the global agendas for sustainable development, including the Pact for the Future, and invites the relevant parties involved in the above process to take note of this recommendation

Take note that 2 agencies used the same terminology: “action-oriented outcome document,” and the third used the nearly identical phrase “actionable document.”

That tells us they were instructed to use this phraseinstead of providing a clear statement regarding the actual legal nature of the document. This is an important example of how the UN attempts to deceive. UN officials intend to use this document like a treaty, to tighten UN demands on nations, but choose to dance around it, possibly to confuse the plebeians who dare try to decipher their abstruse meanderings.

Last September, the UN General Assembly was asked to give consensus to a document that supported the WHO’s agenda. Eleven countries refused to go along.

The UN then pretended there was general agreement, and the document was signed by the President of the General Assembly. He was only representing himself, but the publicity (both the WHO and UN used the document to generate support for the 2 WHO treaties) implied general agreement.

Below I theorize about what might happen.

  • Knowing how the UN handled the lack of consensus last year, by covering it up;
  • Knowing how Tedros flew to Slovakia to influence its leader and stop him from breaking consensus at the WHO;
  • Knowing how the same leader was shot and nearly died several days later;
  • Knowing how the WHO outright lied about what was in its 2 treaties;
  • Seeing the double-talk and sophistry of the 3d Pact for the Future draft:

I anticipate that some countries will refuse to go along next week, while I further anticipate that the UN will pretend it has achieved consensus. And continue moving forward with its agenda.

I think the main effort of this meeting is to put pressure on nations to comply with earlier agreements like the Paris and Kyoto accords, to claim agreement for speeding up the reduction of emissions and takeover of land, to get a bare bones Biosecurity Agenda agreed, and if they can swing it, get agreement for a new financial architecture (which I wrote about a year ago, see the Our Common Agenda Policy documents) and an emergency platform. I think lots of countries will refuse these last two, but you never know.

If the UN succeeds with any of a) the emergency platform and giving the S-G unprecedented powers, b) the new financial architecture, or c) its bare bones agreement for the biosecurity agenda, I expect the globalists will feel like they hit a home run. If not, they will just keep chipping away, until the 193 member states finally have had enough and leave these captured organizations.


Morphing UN Charter Unacceptable Without Senate Approval



For Immediate Release
September 15, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Globalists, fresh from their success conferring ominous new, supranational “emergency” powers on the World Health Organization’s Director General in June, are poised to do the same for another Marxist: Former president of Socialist International and current United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. From 11 a.m.-1 p.m. ET on Monday, September 16th, the Sovereignty Coalition’s third Sovereignty Summit will expose and decry what is in the works next week with strong support from the Biden-Harris administration.

The plan is to use the “Summit of the Future” on September 22-23 effectively to amend the UN’s Charter in order to fundamentally transform the organization from an entity designed to foster cooperation and – where deemed desirable by member nations – collaborative action into an institution of full-on world government.

The Summiteers seek to advance “global governance” by securing approval for an effectively irreversible “process” to that end. Guterres laid out the goal of this process in his Policy Brief #2  issued in March 2023: “I propose that the General Assembly provide the Secretary-General and the United Nations system with a standing authority to convene and operationalize automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach. “ (Emphasis in the original.)

That Brief reveals that Guterres deems “Possible Future Complex Global Shocks” as including: a) large-scale climatic or environmental events; b) future pandemics; c) high-impact events involving a biological agent; d) disruptions to global flows of goods, people or finance; e) disruptive activity in cyberspace or disruptions to global digital connectivity; f) major event in outer space; and g) “black swan” events.

Last week, the House of Representatives adopted in a bipartisan vote H.R. 1425, the “The No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Consent” Act. It establishes that the Senate must be afforded the opportunity to advise and dissent on what amounts to a treaty approved by the World Health Assembly on June 1st that amends in a number of ominous ways the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations (IHRs). Changes that will give the WHO’s Director-General unprecedented powers include the following:

·      The IHR Treaty requires every WHO member nation to appoint a “National IHR Authority” with the power to implement the WHO’s pandemic regulations as domestic law.

·      The IHR treaty commits the world’s nations to institute what amount to surveillance state apparatuses, ostensibly for the purpose of monitoring actual or potential “public health emergencies of international concern” (PHEICs).

·      The IHR treaty also obliges member states to “address” misinformation and disinformation. The predictable effect would be to mandate the censoring and sanctioning of speech and other actions that are at odds with the WHO Director General’s declarations and prescriptions in response to PHEICs.

·      The IHR treaty entails unspecified and open-ended commitments of money to the WHO and its activities.

Among those headlining Monday’s Sovereignty Summit are influential freedom fighters like: Congressman Ralph Norman, Sovereignty Coalition co-founders Frank Gaffney and Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. James Lindsay, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Kat Lindley, Lara Logan, Alex Newman, Pastor Jim Garlow, Pastor Mario Bramnick and Philipp Kruse, Esq. Register here to attend this virtual event.

The Summit will also amplify important insights from a recent, powerful emergency briefing with Dr. James Lindsay and Alex Newman about these and related efforts to institute world government.

The following day, members of the Sovereignty Coalition will join Reps. Norman, Bob Good and Tom Tiffany (the lead sponsor on H.R. 1425) in an important press conference on Capitol Hill opposing these stealthy assaults on American sovereignty and freedoms.

The Sovereignty Coalition encourages those who cherish our Constitution and the limited, representative and accountable form of government it guarantees to engage directly via an AlignAct campaign urging their congressional representatives to oppose conferring on the UN Secretary-General similar anti-constitutional emergency powers to those now being entrusted to the WHO’s Director General.

For more information about these topics, the work of the Sovereignty Coalition and how you can help, join us at SovereigntyCoalition.org and on Substack.



To interview representatives of the Sovereignty Coalition, contact Matthew Franklin at MFranklin@SecureFreedom.org.

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