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Kursk attack changed the Ukraine war. Now what?

BREAKING! 🇷🇺 First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Polyansky — at a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in Ukraine: “In the absence of reserves deployed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kursk region, Russian troops are now liberating the last strongholds that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have consistently strengthened and held since 2014. And this is just the beginning,” the diplomat stressed.  from Military Tube Today on Facebook.

If Russia can close off Ukraine East of the the Dniepro, will the West accept Russia’s peace terms of demilitarising the part of Ukraine to the west of the Dniepro River, denazifying the country, and keeping NATO back?   How could Russia trust NATO after every promise for thirty years has been broken and all positions adopted have proved deceptive?  Polyanskiy is getting the world ready for where this is going.  Unless Trump and RFK can win US elections, the Ukraine war could continue and move further West.

I spotted the below comment suggesting Russia is not defending against a potential NATO attack via Norway?  Is it an invitation to NATO to extend the war?  Russia might see now as the moment to allow the EU and NATO to self destruct, and get their western border secured that way.  Talk is always of the Russian threat to the West.  In reality the threat is entirely the other way around.  RUssia most unwillingly has to fight to save her existence.  NATO so far sees only financial gain by poking the bear.  That gain can very rapidly turn into a big loss..

Russia will want to help Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia .   It’s getting complex.

Well my brother is in the Norwegian army based up near the north Cape.

And he says that starting around May last year the Russians started pulling out their army from the border area until there was almost nothing left other that a few border guards.

TAP – Tell your brother he may receive orders from NATO for Norway to invade Russia.  He’d do better to avoid such a situation if he could.


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3 Responses to “Kursk attack changed the Ukraine war. Now what?”

  1. newensign says:

    It seems to me Tap, Russia is preparing a trap for NATO. The alien controllers of Western governments are hell bent on keeping the Ukraine war going to deplete our arms and manpower!

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Both “sides” are happy to carry on the killing. The hegemon doesn’t know any other way. And the BRICS have gained momentum because of Ukie and Gaza. So they are both set to keep the show going a while longer

      And the globalist bosses are very happy with whites killing whites too, not much doubt about that. So what’s not to love from the Talmudic point of view? It’s win win win for them

  2. Tapestry says:

    It’s not surprising if Russia pulls back her military from NATO borders. NATO can easily invade Russian territory and accuse Russia of opening fire first if Russian troops are located right on the border. If Norway has to advance a hundred miles before getting into a fight, NATO can’t present this as ‘they hit us first’. The borders are political barriers not selected for defensibility. Russia might as well pull back her troops from NATO political borders to defendable positions. The lessons of Kursk? And of WW2.

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